Zen Horde is looking for


We’ve now filled both these roles. But you’re still more than welcome to join us!

We’re Zen Horde, a group of friendly players that like to PvE, but are a little reluctant to get involved with PUGs and such due to elitism/hostility. So we made our own place!

We’ve been doing super well over the last year, we run low to high mythics and even have an established raid team now… which is where this post comes in!

To accommodate for the high interest we’ve had, we’re building a second raid team. But we’re missing a couple of key ingredients…

Main Tank and/or Raid Leader

Experience would be cool, but it isn’t needed. If you’re completely new to these roles but keen to get stuck in, we’re happy to welcome you in and train you up in a relaxed, judge-free environment with patient people.

With us, people come first, progression is second.

If you’re interested in either of these roles (or both, go you!) feel free to add me - Danny#25265 and we’ll have a chilled chat about stuff.



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