Zereth Mortis Alts Questions

I am currently leveling an alt and I have a few questions regarding ZM so I don’t regret later.

I am currently on day with everything on my main, all the campaigns, reps.

Is double legendary unlock on revered account wide? So for example if I skip the zm campaign and then hit revered next week on main, will I be able to take the double lego on alt? Or do I need to do the remaining campaign chapters?

It is account wide, yes. Both the belt and the memory.

Once you complete chapter 7, the belt becomes available for every character, you can buy it from the Enlightened vendor for 500 flux.

Once you reach revered (on top of completing chapter 7), you’ll be able to buy the memory too, which - like all legendary memories - is account wide once learned. So you just go to the Runecarver, learn it, and any and all alts will be able to craft it, even if they just dinged 60 and don’t have ZM unlocked at all yet.

So on alts, you do not need to do any ZM at all. Not the campaign, not the rep grind, no nothing. You can if you want to, but it is 100% optional.


What about the conduits booster from friendly with the enlightened. Is that account wide?

nope it isn’t.

Thank you for that incredibly well written explanation! I read alot on wowhead and on other sites aswell, yet I still didn’t know that the belt as your 2nd legendary, will actually be account bound with completing the campaign on only 1 character.

Huge thanks!

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No, but if you do the first 3-4 chapters of the quest chain, you hit Friendly pretty quickly and can ignore the rest thereafter.

yea sure and good luck find any group with 226ilvl green gear and 200 ilvl conduits…

Now imagine if…

a) The conduits 226ilvl upgrade were BoA and could be send to alts

and most important

b) imagine your cypher console was account wide and your alt started with 6/6 cypher console, getting 252 ilvl rewards to help him catch up and join groups for M+

with 226ilvl the only group you ll be able to find with your alts, is Ymbarra’s boosting groups. Be ready to spend on tokens though.


you do ZM daily for weeks until you get your rep and cypher at atleast 5/6 and be able to catch up on gear to have a small chance get invited in groups, if by the time you are around ~245 ilvl others are still at ~255 and feel generous


More Account-wide Progression

Alts and account-wide progression is another recurring pain point that the Game Director is looking to address, as having to repeat long quest chains in order to re-earn rewards on another character isn’t satisfying. Like Korthia in Patch 9.1, an [account wide skip was added to Zereth Mortis to allow alts to avoid replaying the introductory elements of the new zone.

Ion Hazzikostas, via GamesBeat said:

The core character base progression is power progression. It’s getting gear, just getting stronger, that central RPG experience that’s part of what we think players are often looking for when they make a new character. They’ve reached a plateau. They’re done with their goals on one character. They want to experience the journey again with another. If you’re not feeling rewarded by running dungeons and getting item upgrades because you already have it all, that feels like it takes out a big piece of that repeat experience.

If you have to do some content to unlock quests in this area or unlock access to this dungeon or unlock the ability to fly, re-earning those things doesn’t feel like a reward when we ask you to do it the second or third time. It just feels like a penalty we inflict, and that’s not what rewards should feel like.

Thay make old vendor in old zone account wide becosue alot of people ask about this thay add ability to skip quests for alts but most people do this quests in new zone just to get secend legendary but this option for player to buy this on alt when he already did 100 quests on 1 character is not account wide and should be day 1 thay did mistake 1 time and thay know about this many people ask devs to make something like this account wide day 1 but for some reason thay 1st time gate content in order to make it account wide later

Another example on this this wonderful system is that thay uncap valor at the end of 9.1 so people can gear alts faster but when we enter 9.2 thay take from us 5-8% power and thay add valor cap agine when at same item if you have 252 items with gem socket you are not getting any upgrades becosue item like this is better than 270 without socket and right now with valor cap in order to upgrade new weapon that you get and you wish that you can have it on 270ilvl you need to wait 2 weeks just to upgrade 1 item i know that there is a raid and weekly vault but this whole idea that in the middle of xpac we are loseing so much and when new patch is live we get close to nothing when secend legendary should be give to a player in order to replace shards thay still time gate this

all these are good talking but he is the worst hypocrite I have ever seen… So what he did about this? Why Cypher console on my alts are 1/6? Why did I lost 2k reputation plus lot of cyphers when I skipped campaign on my alt? This guy is such a liar and hypocrite and I stop there cause if I say more I may get banned.

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You don’t need ZM to get better gear and better conduits. Heck, ZM is terrible for getting gear higher than 233, and even that is slow and very RNG. I can literally get better gear by going into a +2. Conduits likewise.

I had no problem getting into groups on my alt, who has not stepped foot in ZM at all. I first ran my own key, on +2/+5, got better gear faster than what ZM drops, and conduits higher than friendly allows. In about 3 days I got to a stage where ZM has nothing to offer for my alt.

For the sake of the experience, the alt was not linked to my main, and I ran as non-meta DPS (feral druid on alliance, so not even the horde advantage), and didn’t ask friends to help me, either. It wasn’t hard. If you have a couple of friends, or a helpful guild, it’s even easier. If you don’t, start building a network of them, makes the game a whole lot more fun.

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