ZG, HP Venoxis

Hello forum, I’m trying to work out if this is a ‘me’ problem or not. Venoxis in ZG, his Effusion spell that leaves the maze trail of green pools that do big damage, I can barely see them, they’re almost invisible?

I usually play with my graphics pretty low to maximise framerate because that’s more important to me than shiny graphics - so I turned everything up a bit, ground clutter on 5 whereas I usually have it on 2-3. I can see it a bit more, but its still barely there.

I found this old video from actual cata where it’s suuuuper obvious (remove the extra slashes)

I always thought that important stuff that might kill you was always visible regardless of graphics settings anyway? I have my dungeons and raids profile set to have everything basically lowest possible, and I don’t have this issue anywhere else.


Hi. Did you angle your camera from the top to see “better”?

I died to the same problem, cause the poison turned invisible for some reason, when i angled my camera from the top.

Some people i ran with, had the same issue. I doubt it is intended, more like a graphical or texture Bug. Cause i remember it clearly visible, from back in OG Cataclysm, as in the video you’ve shared.

I figured if you look at your character from a “3rd Person” view, you are having a much easier time to spot the poison web.


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I never had a problem seeing it, but I heard from others that they seem to disappear at different camera angles. Really annoiyng bug, you should experiment with different camera angles as Sakrileg said.

Really experiment though. For myself, the things aren’t visible AT ALL when looking from the top, barely when in classic 3rd person view and are perfectly visible when I bring the camera down to the ground.
Ridiculous, but…well, what can we do…

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They are not that visible, but not to the point that you cant see them at all.

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Glad to see I’m not the only one perplexed by this. I thought something was off on this boss when I started doing ZG again. I couldn’t recall ever having trouble seeing the maze on my screen back in the days. That video you linked is night and day to what I see on my screen in Cata classic, and I play the game with the highest possible graphic settings.

It never got me killed yet, but not far away from it since the maze is barely visible to me.

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