Zoning into BWL impossible

So, Blizzard made us move to a mega server and now as a Horde the Alliance is actively camping and griefing the horde all night trying to get into BWL. Legitimately, this is not world PVP. This is 2-5 Alliance raids sitting on the BWL orb, bonus points of druids stacking on it with bear form, and just murdering every horde coming close. For literal hours. They aren’t even raiding themselves. They are just sitting on the orb and killing or mind controlling people all night long. You can get in during the event time with the rezz debuff making you untargetable for a while and using the interact key function in the controls menu, but if you have late comers or don’t wanna start your raid on an even hour you’re out of luck as horde on Living Flame. I like world pvp, don’t get me wrong, but they don’t even move or do anything, they just sit on the orb spamming AOE abilities killing everyone in under 1 second.

I can understand the frustration about this, i truly can. But this is what its like playing on a pvp server.

But what do you want blizzard to do about this? Let there be guards in the corridor to the orb? I am down for a discussion about this, but fixing this (from blizzards side) isnt gonna be easy.

If you dont want to experience this, then you should go to a pve server.

There are good sides to pvp servers, and there are bad sides to pvp servers.

We did not get the choice to transfer to a PVE server during the merge. If we had, we would have. On a lower pop PVP this would never have been an issue. I’m not paying money on all my character or expect my entire guild to pay to actually play the game. You can’t serious defend this as PVP, as they are literally standing still spamming one button for hours. That’s actively griefing and nothing else. The fix? I mean they already fixed it once when the event was a problem. Just give us the 15 seconds debuff that makes us untargetable and pacified in Blackrock Mountain. It’s a hub for dungeons and not a battleground. Then you can still have a PVP fight over mobs, or kill people once, but you can’t corpsecamp them to prevent them from entering a raid. It’s really not rocket science.

Yeah, that sucks. You should be allowed to transfer from a pvp server to pve, but not the other way around imo.

Just curious, why not try to fight back? Im sure there are other horde guilds out there who experience the same.
I saw the same when we were about to enter thunderaan raid. Alliance had a group of 20 ish people, but 2 full horde raid gruops just refused to fight them. CLEARLY out-manning them 2-1.
I dont understand this mentality, thast all.

Its not fun being on the receiving end, no. But its still technically pvp. The “losing” side just seem to refuse to fight back, they just wanna get in. Even if they have to corpse run for 10 mins.

Like i said, i understand your frustration. But its a pvp server, its where player vs player happening constantly. Whether you enjoy it or not, thats just the way a pvp server works.
Sometimes you come out on top, sometimes you dont.

Just curious, why not try to fight back? Im sure there are other horde guilds out there who experience the same.
I saw the same when we were about to enter thunderaan raid. Alliance had a group of 20 ish people, but 2 full horde raid gruops just refused to fight them. CLEARLY out-manning them 2-1.
I dont understand this mentality, thast all.

Well, they were multiple raids and there was at best two horde raids in total, but since we get instantly one shot when we rezz, we would somehow have to co-ordinate with everyone else to take rezz sick, wait 10 minutes, and then try to fight them and maybe lose and still be out of luck. I don’t think you understand, when you pressed the rezz button, you didn’t even see your character alive. It immediately went to release spirit, because they were spamming so much aoe everywhere.

Its not fun being on the receiving end, no. But its still technically pvp. The “losing” side just seem to refuse to fight back, they just wanna get in. Even if they have to corpse run for 10 mins.

That’s not true, a) we didn’t corpse run in for 10 minutes, people tried for 45 minutes and we then cancelled the raid, because we could not get everyone in and b) it’s not like we refused to fight, we got killed once and then it was impossible to salvage the situation and c) even if my entire guilds raid decided to fight back we would still have been easily outnumbered 1-3 and attacking is much more difficult there than defending, because we have to run out there through a tunnel, which is a massive choke point littered with slow traps. It can’t be a requirement to create a discord to co-ordinate several horde guilds to try and wipe griefers. They are actively trying one thing only, which is to prevent horde from entering the raid.

Like i said, i understand your frustration. But its a pvp server, its where player vs player happening constantly. Whether you enjoy it or not, thats just the way a pvp server works.
Sometimes you come out on top, sometimes you dont.

If that’s true, then why did Blizzard add the debuff that makes you untargetable and pacified during the Blackrock event? Oh, yeah because people were griefing people from entering UBRS, BRD and Molten Core by corpse camping them during the event for increased honor. Now that they do it without the honor buff it’s suddenly okay and normal PVP? If that’s the case they should remove the debuff entirely and call it a day, because between 20:00 and 20:59 you can simply die once, resurrect, you’re untargetable, you press the interact button, you enter the raid. But if anyone wants to zone in earlier or later than that, well tough luck you aren’t raiding tonight. It also wouldn’t be fun to do that to the alliance, it is something you only do if you have some sort of damage. If you enjoy PVP you can’t tell me your motivation for PVP is standing still and spamming trap launcher at the same spot for 2h. Even you must understand that that’s not actual PVP but straight griefing.

Yeah, okay maybe that situation is different. But i see it far to often, people complaining they have no choice but to die. And sometimes thats just a lie, they are just lazy and cba doing any effort at all.

Okay, so it would have been worth a shot then to either, A) take ress and rendezvouz outside somewhere to fight back. Or B) corpserun out and try that way.

Instead of fighting back, people gave up.

But you didnt try to rendezvouz outside? everyone just ran in 1 by 1, dying solo basically.

Yeah, its not a fair fight in there. For sure.

I can guarantee you that the alliance raids didnt have a common discord they used either. They didnt have to, obviously.

But why not just run through UBRS? There used to be a portal to BWL, right after rend/before beast. The orb is just a shortcut.
Unless they removed the raid entrance in there?

They did the same during the ST event. And its to give people a chance to gather somewhere, get full hp etc.

If that was the ONLY reason, we wouldnt have the same “buff/debuff” in stv. Its a pvp event, where the sole purpose is to get honor kills. If they didnt have that buff nobody would be alive after the first “clash”.

You have an HOUR to get in during that debuff though. If you raid at 20.00, then you get in at 20.01 or whatever. You either fix the raid-schedule then, or just dont raid at all.
This is NOT an issue at all. The event lasts an hour, every 2 hours. 50% of the time, that buff is active.

Then you and i are different. I have no problems wiping alliance raids on my way to a raid.
And maybe thats why you are on the receiving end of the gank. Because you feel like its “beneath” you to gank others.

Thats fine, you do you. But enjoy being ganked forever then, hope you feel superior when you corpserun for the umpth time:)

It honestly depends on how good the honor/hour is. I sometimes miss the OLD av’s. Where you would fight on the bridge to alliance, basically just aoeing for hours. Boring to be a melee, but somewhat fun to be a ranged:P

I wouldnt do this every night, but occasionally i dont mind.

Its “player vs player”, its literally what it is. You can call it unfair, or dumb, but its still technically pvp.

You have a choice though, you can reroll to a pve server and NEVER(!) have to think about griefing or wpvp ever again. Or you can fight back. Or, just simply wait and hope they get bored and leave.

You say you dont wanna pay to migrate, and i understand that. But sounds like the 20 euro (or whatever how much it is) is worth the annoyance and discomfort you have on a pvp server.

I havent read the ToS, so no idea what blizz defines as griefing in this case.

Dont worrie about it. Its pvp.
In 6 months u will look back and smile :wink:

Okay, so it would have been worth a shot then to either, A) take ress and rendezvouz outside somewhere to fight back. Or B) corpserun out and try that way.
Instead of fighting back, people gave up.

Well, again. My guild is 20 people. We tried twice to fight back and died before we even got half way down the tunnel. The entire tunnel is spammed with slow traps, explosive traps and there is a bunch of raids actively attacking us on top. It’s not possible once they have snatched the room to do any damage to them with a single raid.

But you didnt try to rendezvouz outside? everyone just ran in 1 by 1, dying solo basically.

As I stated above that’s not true, that’s what you made up in your mind to justify the griefing.

I can guarantee you that the alliance raids didnt have a common discord they used either. They didnt have to, obviously.

Well, I don’t think sitting on an orb and spamming 1 button requires co-ordination.

But why not just run through UBRS? There used to be a portal to BWL, right after rend/before beast. The orb is just a shortcut.

It’s already a problem to even get to UBRS without being overwhelmed, at least it was when we were playing and you can only zone in with 10 people at a time and we did not clear the UBRS before hand, so we would have had to start clearing it with 10 people, while the other 10 are afking and then keep 1 person in UBRS to shuttle the rest in. That would have cut out at least 45 min of our raid time as well.

They did the same during the ST event. And its to give people a chance to gather somewhere, get full hp etc.

Yes? But they did not initially put it into Blackrock, they did that after people started griefing there massively and the way you describe that debuff is quite literally what I am asking for. What’s the harm in adding it?

You have an HOUR to get in during that debuff though. If you raid at 20.00, then you get in at 20.01 or whatever. You either fix the raid-schedule then, or just dont raid at all.

Idk about your guild, but my guild has peopel with jobs and children and we can’t willy nilly change our raid schedule to fit the whims of Blizzards terrible design choices. Starting earlier is usually not an option and starting later means the raid time gets cut short, because people have to get up and go to work.

I have no problems wiping alliance raids on my way to a raid.

Sure, link me a video of you wiping while being outnumbered 3 to 1 trying to get up a tunnel to BWL entrance.

And maybe thats why you are on the receiving end of the gank. Because you feel like its “beneath” you to gank others.

Again, you make up things nobody has said. By the time I even zoned into BRM they were already sitting in the room and we had no chance to do anything to them.

But enjoy being ganked forever then, hope you feel superior when you corpserun for the umpth time:)

What a mature and problem solving oriented take that has literally nothing to do with the stated problem. Even if my entire guild was only pvp fiends, we still wouldn’t have been able to do literally anything about it. Again, when you pressed the rezz button, you didn’t even see your character alive because of so much spam. When you walked into that tunnel, you were dead before you could even get a single ability off, because there was 60ish people constantly spamming AOE.

It honestly depends on how good the honor/hour is. I sometimes miss the OLD av’s. Where you would fight on the bridge to alliance, basically just aoeing for hours. Boring to be a melee, but somewhat fun to be a ranged:P

Yes, in a battle ground. Not outside of a PVE raid instance.

I havent read the ToS, so no idea what blizz defines as griefing in this case.

Don’t worry, I will do it for you:

  1. Harassment, “griefing,” abusive behavior or chat, conduct intended to unreasonably undermine or disrupt the Game experiences of others, deliberate inactivity or disconnecting, and/or any other activity which violates Blizzard’s Codes of Conduct or In-Game Policies.

Emphasis mine, ofc.

Yeah, its difficult. Ill give you that.

I’ve seen this far to often for it to be excused as “griefing”. To many times do people give up, the minute they face difficulties.

My point was that none of the teams require coordination, in that situation.

No, if they are camping the orb you “only” gotta die once to get inside the ubrs entrance.

It takes 15-20 mins at most to clear to beast. 10 raid-ready chars steaming through ubrs, its not even a breeze.

Instead of getting to the raid, you refused to take the longer route. Its COMPLETELY manageable to go the dungeon way. It requires little to no effort, to manage which group enters when its “clear”.

Ill easily admit its not the ideal way, but it sure beats NOT raiding.

I have a job too, as i assume the majority of the playerbase has. But are you raiding EXACTLY 19.30? (or 21.30 for that matter)
Because thats what we are talking about, 30 mins. Since the event last an hour, you have an hour to get in.

Some people have a very busy life, and they should obviously focus on irl. But i refuse to believe everyone have it like that. So, if someone is completely unable to logg on before 19.15, then those who can should either log on and prepare to summon inside for instance(or clear the ubrs for that matter)

My point is that there are ways to circumvent this, and it doesnt require to much effort to do so. But people refuse, they got comfortable having it somewhat easy, and now they want a blizz fix (again).

This was the same when the first raids released(camped outside mc/world bosses), then it dwindled down rapidly into somewhat rarely happening. The same will happen now, it will get camped in the beginning, then dwindle down. Gathering 20-40 people several days a week, to camp a raid, becomes dull quickly.

I never said i wiped a 3-1 raid.
It was simply a reply to you claiming to be “better” than the other team. You said you dont enjoy ganking alliance raids. And i say i have no personal problem ganking the alliance raids

Wait, a minute. I have actually given multiple takes to a solution to this. You just refuse to do it ANY OTHER WAY. You want to raid at that exact time, you want to go in and push the orb. Anything else is just to much!

I dont care where it is.

Depends how you interpret it but, pvp servers should be disabled, pvp events should be cancelled, BGs should be deleted, ranks equally so.

This is why we have PVE servers, btw. People who chose pvp servers, should enjoy pvp in all its flaws and glory, otherwise they wouldnt chose a pvp server. No?

I dont think blizzard considers wpvp as griefing, if i remember correctly they’ve said that corpsecamping isnt against ToS. Couldnt find the source, so i could be wrong on the last thing there.

I feel you on this one, we were all prepared and on time to raid but got delayed about ± an hour by this. Ended up just doing UBRS and going via there… Then jed/rend RP was a bit long but yeah…

No idea why normal humans play on these servers, I certainly would not pay to play the game you are describing.

Sucks you have put so much time and effort into your character and this has happened

PvP seems to bring out the best in humanity

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Easy solution for everyone use the interact on click option, assign it to a key, and you can go in easily,

So many people complain about PvP servers but still play on PvP servers because they are afraid to not end up on a dead PvE server. Well, you are doing this by yourself.

Raid night means you go together with your buddies towards the entrance and kill everything in your path. Have some fun, kill or die, that is world PvP sincer ever.

Again, PvE servers exist and could be populated if people would stop thinking they will end up on a dead server. There are so many people on forum or reddit that complain about this and they could have filled an entire server and played this game exactly how they wanted + some flagged PvP

So uhh… just kill 'em?

Only when the even is on, otherwise you are dead before you even see your character rezz. If it was even remotely possible like that we wouldn’t have had to cancel raid. But maybe yesterday was exceptionally bad.

Set the raid time when the event is on then u get like a 18 sec immune and invisible when you ress after you have died inside the mountain would take you max 2 deaths lol

let me guess, seal team six?

Indeed, they are doing it again today :slight_smile:



Da real chad in sod

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