As only Sargeras got abilty to destroy Azeroth in half. Maybe ? What do u think bout this idea ?
If we are to go by the whole Nathrezim plotline, then Sargeras has simply been played as a fool by Zooval.
Zovaal has through the Nathrezim manipulated Sargeras to cause conflict within the Titan Pantheon.
Sargeras’ motivation has been twisted from pursuing Order to having paranoia about the Void Lords and thinking that he needs to claim or kill all the World Souls, subjugate his fellow Titans, and wipe out all of creation before the evil boogeymen arrive.
And Zovaal has simply waited, planting his Lich King within The Burning Legion, and possibly anticipated the defeat of Argus as being the trigger of his plan (that red light that shuts down The Arbiter).
And now that Sargeras has been imprisoned by his own brethren, Zovaal doesn’t have to worry so much about interference from the Titans. He can simply go to Azeroth, collect Sargeras’ sword – which I’m sure he wants – and continue with his plan to claim the World Soul and end all of reality.
That’s how I see it anyway.
I somewhat think that the Jailer wants to be the master of both life and death. Control all sides of the coin and you rule the universe and everything in it.
This does mean we wil have to probably use that unseen 7th force, that is mentioned and everyone thinks is time to stop him.
Remember if you control time you can also control everything as well as you can undo actions in the past and stop actions from occuring in the future. The downside of course are the consquences for tinkering with time.
Not helped much to Aman’Thul tho’
More so, HE decided which one will be the Main (sacred? Thx Loki) Time Line and whatever happens in it will and must happen and later tasked the Bronze flight to be his ‘Time police’
And we ended up Here
Either it was ment to happen all along, like this, part of the Grand Design/Divine Plan… Or he made a very sloppy job…
Why would he?
Yes he is a discount Sargeras, but even worse.
Sargeras hoped life will find a way after he destroyed everything.
Zovaal want’s to create a new reality and all of his creation to serve him. God complex 101.
That or even only by Denathrius.
Absolutely not.
That would imply that the writers would have to deal with: Sargerars, Illidan and the Pantheon.
They don’t want that, their arc is concluded and adding more meat to the fire will make things even more ridicolous.
Zovaal is going to reshape Reality in such case, that he will DOMINATE everyone, icluding Sargeras.
While Zovaal played Sargeras through the Nathrezim I don’t think he would want to free the one guy who rivals his own power. Zovaal is titan ++ level and Sargeras was able to easily defeat the whole pantheon by himself which would probably make him titan ++ aswell.
Which makes it all the more ridiculous when we eventually fight and beat him.
It is because controling time and actualy existing as an entity that is above it is very different.If you are above time there is no future,past, present, for you everything just is there not separated and you can travel at any point.
got a feeling we se sargeras realy soon, becuse if he knows what Zovaal has done, he will stike a deal whit the titans, and be set free, Sargeras will have a grudge against Zovaal for sure now, assuming he knows what is going on even, what he should realy.
So, he is basically WoW Thanos?
More like Morgoth Bauglir, I think.
To me it seems Blizzard have found more inspiration in Tolkien than Marvel.
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