Zulaman dungeon (amani war bear) enter dont work

HI. I went ghostlands for zulaman dungeon. I set it heroic.
I was trying to enter it solo. Later i took someone to party.
Both times “you dont meet requirments”. Why?
How enter there?

ZG/ZA dungeons are not out yet.
And pretty sure Zul’Aman raid is removed by now.

They will come in a month or so i believe. Can’t remember exact dates.

Zul Gurub and Zul Aman are not available in Cata as in their original form when they were released. For Cata they have been revamped into heroic dungeons but they are not open yet. They will be released within this month.

ah so they are 85 lvls? i thought its only 60 lvl and solo clear

They do indeed become lvl85 heroic (only) dungeons.

Zulaman was never a lvl 60 instance, how could it be, it’s in Ghostlands, that zone didn’t even exist before TBC…

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