🎭 GD Chat Room (Part 1)

Good Morning

Hope everyone had a lovely weekend. It’s been rather hot in the UK but the heatwave finally broke and we’re having more reasonable temps :sun_with_face:

How was yours?


I left the UK to go live in Norway with my future husband, we had reasonable weather this weekend but we didnt do much due to having to travel to Oslo english embassy to swear an affidavit.

I spent my weekend baking cakes, I made a sunday roast with home made yorkies and we just chilled as our trip was expensive.

Temps were reasonable, it looks abit more miserable today but today is me doing housework and looking after the little one.


Almost melted after a week of ~30 degrees here in the netherlands. Happy it is only ~25 today and we should get a thunderstorm. But it is monday and at work. My oppinion about mondays is similar to Garfields. Should make lasagna.


I’m always amazed when baking how much sugar is involved :laughing: but it tastes so good!!! Glad to see you’re bringing Yorkshire Puddings to Norway! I’ve never known anyone dislike them.

It’s been similar here. It’s been so hard to sleep at night.

I went out to eat on Saturday which was lovely and then helped my Son move into Halls for University on Sunday. So today I mostly ache but it’s slightly cooler which is much more pleasant.


Yorkie puds make the best gravy mops haha, im quite impressed on how much better I’ve gotten at making them, if I can find some nice sausages I might make my spouse toad in the hole.


A friend moved to Canada and she carries on with her traditional British meals too. Her Canadian Husband loves them.


I worked most of it whilst hiding from the heat and praying for rain :dracthyr_hehe_animated:


I hope you were out there doing your rain dance!

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The last couple days were

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My cats have been really funny with the fans I’ve had on around the house. To start with it was like WHAT ARE THESE NOISY OSCILLATING BEASTS, then became, oh let me lay in front of these heavenly breezes.


last few days were nice … if you ask me personally

was once boiled alive for 85 minutes and barely broke a sweat … :slight_smile:

This is important. Spreading the excellence of toad in the hole to the rest of Europe is an important mission!

My weekend? It was my town’s heritage day which I normally love … but it was so hot I had to go home after a very short time and collapse in a slightly lukewarm bath :cry:


Was a normal monday morning: got to work at 7, “started” work at 07:30, took a break to 10, worked 2 hours to be done with everything, went home and still get paid for full day.


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Was more of a reference to how was your weekend.

Glad to hear you are having an efficient day :slight_smile:

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Today we discovered that I am apparently illiterate. Had a good weekend.

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I think we can firmly blame this on Monday!!!

Or my other favourite cause, not enough coffee!

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Played a DnD session on saturday with friends; fun as always.
Played some Lorcana matches on sunday with other friends. Also fun.

Still warm over here. Waiting for the thunder storms that’ll hit tonight.
The doggy is a little anxious.

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It’s around 25 here which is so much better than the 30+ from last week/weekend.

Poor doggo, mine used to jump on the bed during thunder, and be on high alert.

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Tahra (the dog) is pretty sensitive to sounds. I’ve managed to make her comfortable with several of them; but thunder and fireworks and such is a big nono.

Sometimes she still surprises me - just two days ago I had ordered some food and was walking back into the house with my order and she ran off, scared of the sound the cardboard box with the sliding ‘chicken popcorn’ inside of it made. :person_shrugging:t4:

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Spreading what in the what???

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