Perdon el doble post.
El npc es Grand Anchorite Almonen →
esta un poco oculto llegar, ya te digo, cuando te envian a hablar con el clan de los ogros, te desvias en direccion al antiguo asentamiento botani(ahora vacio).
In accordance with my divine calling, I must share these revealed truths to all who would hear.
It has been made known to me that inside each of us, the Light resides…
…that it is a gift, given freely to all naturally born beings.
It manifests itself as a feeling, small at first and easily ignored, that confirms truths and subtly prods one to do good.
Simple kindnesses, charitable deeds, service to those in need. These are all fruits of the Light.
It rewards those who heed its promptings with blessings, both seen and unseen.
Personal reservoirs of hope and faith are strengthened, and one’s capacity for greater good increases.
Over the course of time, through obedience to the Light’s guidance, one becomes more sensitive to its voice… and its power.
Great is the healing and blessing power of the Light’s most diligent followers.
Sadly, there are those who wander through mortality in defiance of the Light.
From these the Light withdraws, until only darkness remains.
Where there is no Light, despair, loathing, and rage thrive.
We are born into a perilous age, where the forces of darkness are determined to bring about our destruction.
These are the times to find yourselves in unison with the Light.
Hear my words, and let the Light inside of you confirm the truth of them.
Embrace the Light that is in you, my friends! Deny yourself all darkness…
We must endure these trying times faithfully, and one day we will find ourselves victorious.
It falls upon us to usher in an age of peace, where the Light will reign.
By the naaru, may it be so.
Y te digo, el anacoreta esta alli, y llegan varios orcos (desde el campamento de Grom), andando, se sientan en la hoguera, el draenei esta alli, da el discurso, se gira, 2 orcos se levantan y se van (direccion salida de la zona) con el y 2 vuelven al campamento, y tu como jugador horda no puedes atacar al draenei ni a los “rebeldes”.
Y Yrel dice “The orcs are choking the life from this world… Dooming the land to desiccation.” refiriendose a que Gorgrond y otras zonas se ha convertido en un ERIAL, seco, sin vida…
Como ves, la gesta orca tiene 2 reversos, como una moneda… La version Horda y la version Draenei.
Quien empezo? es como lo del y la
, mi conclusion? se la estan metiendo doblada a los 2 lideres… Y tirandome un triple, diria que algun señor del terror.