El Templo de Gnomesaron MEGA THREAD OFFTOPIC (9° version) (parte 1)

La nueva montura de 6 meses es un modelo de la nueva zona.

No pongo la imagen directa por respeto al que no quiera verla


si, pero eso siempre pasa, tambien han visto osos como el de la blizzcon hd que dieron pero de animal para tamear xd


Quizas esto despierte tu interes

Looks like infinite Dragonflight in Uldaman

Tiene sentido lo que dices, pero…

es horrenda.

Yo hiba a comprarme esos 6 meses y los descarte nada mas ver la montura.

Lo de que seria un dragon para este pack de 6 meses era evidente, pero lo que todos queremos son modelos de Drakonacos aterradores y super sesis… no una vermis de mana.

Yo al verla llore del cringe

Aunque respeto plenamente a que haya gente que le guste.

Sobre que será algo que veremos en DF, era mas o menos predecible.

Es evidente que el vuelo infinito iba a estar, vamos, de cajón. Y posiblemente haya parche+ banda de ellos

Murozond final boss de la expansion, vas a ver

3 «Me gusta»

Pues sinceramente no me gusta el Dractyr.

Osea, tiene un cristo de utilidad que quiero en el grupo, pero la parte de hacer dañito me parece muy mala, copiada de otras clases e incluso de otros juegos.
El healer en cambio me interesa, solo con lo visto ya sabemos que es mucho mejor que disci y monk healer (tampoco es que fuera dificil esto).

1 «Me gusta»

Interesante, los furbolgs vienen de los elementos tambien, como los dragones

Dragonflight Testing Timeframe

You are targeting the Dragonflight release date for end of 2022. How comfortable are you feeling with that target window right now? Do you think that’s going to give you enough time to do all the testing and iteration needed?

I think we’re feeling comfortable. We wouldn’t have announced that if that wasn’t the case, especially after the delay of Shadowlands a couple years ago. I definitely heard and seen concerns in the community of “oh is it too soon, is it going to be rough?” and I understand solely looking Alpha and Beta timelines how that might seem to be the case. But I think if you take a step back and think “is 2 years after the last expansion too soon for the next?” Well no, that’s in line with historical precedence. I think certainly our players are ready to move on by later this year from Shadowlands to the next thing.

Dragonflight has been in development since before Shadowlands shipped, and has had the full development cycle that any WoW expansion had in the past. A difference this time around is we have consciously decided to have a more-focused public test period. Whereas in the past I think we’d start our Alpha with the game in less of a state of readiness, and then slowly trickly content online over the course of multiple months. I forget the exact date, but for Shadowlands it was like mid-April when Alpha started and it wasn’t until sometime in the middle of June where even the last leveling zone was available. BFA was again a three month gap between Alpha launching and Stormsong being available for testing.

This time around, all of our zones are ready for testing, and we’re going to be rolling them out over the course of successive alpha builds in the coming weeks in rapid succession with focused feedback. After this week our plan is to shut down Azure Span, and point people at the next thing. And then we’ll shut that down and point people at the next tting. We want a focused experience that concentrates feedback, that’s better and a more-accurate testing experience for the people playing an Alpha, where the zone is actually full of other players because that’s where everyone’s attention is currently focused. And so we’re going to have a lot of excitement over the next month and a half as we roll out our zones, the rest of the talent trees, dungeons, everything else. And then as soon as it’s all there, we’ll move onto Beta.

He mirado los talentos de chamán así rápido, parece que nos añaden unos cuantos defensivos en DF.

Y parece también que mantendremos la cosecha en cadena.

A ver si sale pronto el del monk

  • Punishment: Execute is now usable on targets who are above 80% health or below 20% health.

  • Spear of Bastion: Throw a spear at the target location, dealing (110% of Attack power) Physical damage instantly and an additional (120% of Attack power) damage over 4 sec. Deals reduced damage beyond 5 targets. Enemies hit are chained to the spear’s location for the duration. Generates 25 Rage.

    • Piercing Verdict: Spear of Bastion’s instant damage and Rage generation are increased by 50%.


  • Astral Shift Shift partially into the elemental planes, taking 40% less damage for 8 sec.
    Cooldown changed from 1.5 min cooldown to 2 min cooldown

Efisima xD

1 «Me gusta»

Cadence of Fujieda: Bloodthirst increases your Haste by 1% for 12 sec, stacking up to 5 times.

Improved Rampage: Rampage causes you to become Enraged and Rampage damage increased by 20%.

Juggernaut: Execute increases damage dealt by Execute by 3% for 8 sec, stacking up to 99 times.

/dance x2

Ehhh ese juggernaut era del arma artefacto, y estaba roto en fase de execute

1 «Me gusta»

Ahora habra que ver donde anda cada cosa en el arbol y ya veremos si me enfado y no respiro o no


1 «Me gusta»

Mi estrago divino sigue, algo bueno.

Habeis visto la pregunta de la entrevista sobre si saldra este año la exp?

Parecen muy seguros con los tiempos