I completely agree with Blizzard’s intentions. I appreciate the game and respect the people who play the seasons from the first to the last day, tackling fortresses, pylons, secondary dungeons, and everything the game offers. It’s useless to get carried for three days and then leave. First, because those who get carried don’t know how to play; second, because they are just passing tourists who don’t appreciate the game or seek improvements.
I chose the Spiritist and, for consistency and in agreement with Blizzard, I created a build that does not exploit bugs. Months ago, they rightly banned those who exploited bugs, as stated in the Blizzard license, which must be respected regardless of civil law. Now, with a scale of Spiritists at 100:20, they will likely not be too harsh, but this may change in the next season. I can receive criticisms, insults, etc., but I don’t give a damn.