Botters and Bans

Good morning it’s the 4th day i keep reporting botters, but them are still there everytime I log in for some minutes of farm.

I was wondering what’s the clue in reporting botters if they don’t get banned? I tried also to open a ticket, but still i’ve no answer and that’s getting frustrating. I mean I saw some people getting banned because someone known as a gold trader bought something in the AH and none cares about botters?

Does anyone know a way to report them since the /report player for cheating isn’t working (or at least i hope it’s not working) and i can’t belive that a game i actually pay does nothing for his costumers.

Sorry for the bad english,
Have a great day.

This is the Italian forum and we use Italian language here.

Maybe you were looking for the english forums?

Convintissimo fosse quello inglese! Grazie mille!

Comunque i ban che io sappia sono a ondate, i reportati vengono verificati e poi bannati dopo X tempo.

Guardate la situazione Bot in Classic è ormai a livelli intollerabili. I bot bannati sono una goccia in un mare, nel ds del mio server esiste una sezione apposita con decine e decine di bot segnalati più volte e mai bannati da mesi.
Se una Società non contrasta seriamente un fenomeno illegale che porta ad un profitto economico è sacrosanto cominciare a pensare che ci sia dell’interesse. O no?