Nei recentissimi articoli di Wowhead vengono trattati i dialoghi della prossima patch 8.2 e leggendoli ho trovato alcuni riferimenti al diario di Ogmot ed i sussurri di Il’gynoth.
Purtroppo il vecchio post di Broken è rimasto nel vecchio forum perciò perchè non ripartire da qui?
Intanto riprendiamo i sussurri in lingua originale:
- Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator
- To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars
- The king of diamonds has been made pawn
- The lord of ravens will turn the key
- The boy-king serves the master’s table. Three lies he will offer you
- Her heart is a crater, and we have filled it
- Five keys to open the way. Five torches to light our path
- At the hour of her third death, she will usher us in
- From the earth, he draws our strength. Our earth, our strength
Flesh is his gift. He is your true creator
Vediamo ora quelli su cui c’è qualche nuovo sviluppo sicuro o potenziale.
Già dal primo della lista, che si supponeva (e magari lo si fa ancora) che riguardasse la maledizione della carne, ora potrebbe essere riferito invece alla quest di Xal’atath dove a tutti gli effetti N’zoth da un corpo alla daga più simpatica di sempre.
To find him, drown yourself in the circle of stars
Nei dialoghi scoperti della 8.2 pare ci sia proprio Azshara che pronuncia le parole “come, heroes. Prove yourselves worthy. Find me… in the circle of stars.”
Probabile quindi che ci sia effettivamente un luogo che fa o farà da ponte e sarà da attraversare.
The king of diamonds has been made pawn
Come previsto si parla di Magni. Anche qui è Azshara stessa a dire “Such delicious irony… the diamond king has been made a pawn”
Five keys to open the way. Five torches to light our path
Anche qui confermato che si parli dei pilastri della creazione già visti in Legion.
The boy-king serves the master’s table. Three lies he will offer you
C’è una frase che Sylvanas dice durante la quest di Xal’atath: “Fools. The boy-king has lied to himself and his people. He hasn’t the faintest inkling of what he’s truly up against”
Non viene infatti specificato che il soggetto menta con cognizione. La prima bugia potrebbe essere quella riguardante Bolvar, in quanto nemmeno lui sa della situazione.
Passiamo quindi al diario di Ogmot:
- Page 1: I was a mere boy fighting at the war camp when the masters first blessed me with their visions. I have come to Silithus, to the site of the great gound, seeking wonders beyond imagining. Make me your vessel, Masters!
- Page 2: Last night I dreamt of two great armadas clashing upon an ocean of blood. Shadows writhing beneath them, rising. Rising. I smiled in my sleep. Why did the skittering insects have to stir me? Damn those bugs! No matter. We will finish what they began.
- Page 3: Life returns to this dead place. First the bugs came. Now Goblins skulk about. It is the blood they crave… I am sure of it. Bah, Let them have these drippings! Soon there will be enough seas to sate every thirst.
- Page 4: Today the smoke rose from my campfire and took form. A shepherd, cloacked in the shadows of her past, beloved by a flock of blind sheep. She guided them over a cliff. Even as they crashed upon the rocks, they never doubted her. The crows grew fat upon sheep flesh. Her laughter echoed all around.
- Page 5: The blade’s eye watches all. Why do you not see? The first of the lies has been offered. Bound by a Throne? No… boundless. The next will come soon.
- Page 6: A band of cultists arrived. Do they comprehend my blessing? My greatness? They speak of Argus. Of the one who was awakened. Of the victory that went unnoticed. I shared my vision, but the skinny one just laughed. I do not like her.
- Page7: Many days have passed without a vision. Have I displeased you, Masters? I will leave you a sacrifice.Remember me!
- Page 8: The star peers down. I must hide from its glare. The dagger spoke true. It has been too long since I was drowned.Do not forsake me, Masters!
- Page 9: The bones were picked clean, yet still I am granted no insight. The others scoff. They question my devotion. But I am the chosen vessel. I will not lose faith! Another sacrifice. Yes. One more of them will not be missed.
- Page 10: Roused by her screams. Stirred by her whispers. A blessing from the Masters. At last I understand! A door. A path. Ours. Ours. Fool! The circle has awakened us all.
Page 5
L’occhio della lama potrebbe benissimo essere la spada di Sargeras così come Xal’atath stessa. Sull’essere legata/o al trono, potrebbe parlare sia di Anduin (e qui c’è il riferimento anche alle bugie che il ragazzo-re dovrebbe offrire) cosi come a Sylvanas che a conti fatti si appropria di Xal’atath e potrebbe venire slegata dal trono di Warchief. C’è anche la possibilità che si tratti di Bolvar ovviamente legando quindi la prima bugia di Anduin al fatto che Syvanas potrebbe prenderne il posto.