🐛 Баги (и не баги) патча 29.6.X + [FAQ]

В теории для него не надо теперь существо 200 хп делать?

Да, в один ход не надо.
Но с патчем только поправят.

Лайков: 1

Слава богам, соболезную кто делал это за 1 ход.

Лайков: 1

Патч 22.2:

  • [Updated] Updated Friends List rank and mode display. Your Battlegrounds medal will always be shown while in the Battlegrounds game mode now, and your Hearthstone rank for the selected format will display when in the Hearthstone game mode. While in any other mode, the friends list will display your best rank between these modes, based on a rough calculation of relative rankings.

Известные баги нового патча:

Лайков: 1

Проблемы патча. Кратко:
:speech_balloon: Традиционно задержки патча на мобилки
:speech_balloon: Игроки, которые еще не обновились до патча 22.2, не смогут увидеть новую потасовку на этой неделе, пока не обновятся до патча 22.2.
:speech_balloon: Кельтас, Сайлас и Навилла отключены в полях, из-за ошибок
:speech_balloon: Недвижимый объект Кариэль(достижение) не работает, не смогли исправить. Исправление в разработке в будущем патче
:speech_balloon: Проблемы с магазином
:speech_balloon: Пропажа портретов за 1000 побед

Лайков: 1

Ээ. В БГ вражеский демон ударил по моему существу, когда у меня на столе стояло 2 таунта. Это как?

Это новый патч (а с ним и баги еще). Скорее всего и для вашего кейса.

Лайков: 1

Список багов на 25.01:

  • If Google Play users cannot see the update when it becomes available on other mobile devices (expected to be around 1 p.m. PT today), we recommend the same workaround as with the prior updates that did not immediately appear on Google Play: open your profile icon in the top right → open “Manage apps & device” → select “Updates available” → select “Update All.” That should cause the update to appear on your devices once available.
  • Players who have not yet updated to the 22.2 Patch will not be able to see this week’s new Tavern Brawl until after they update to Patch 22.2.
  • As documented in the 22.2 Patch Notes , the patch will be launching with Kael’thas, Silas Darkmoon, and Chenvaala temporarily deactivated in Battlegrounds while we work on an issue found in testing.
  • The Immovable Object remains… unmoved. Unfortunately, we were not able to fix the bug with the “You Are Not Worthy” achievement in Patch 22.2. The fix is being worked on and planned for a future update.
  • We are aware that the Heavy Armor treasure is not currently working as intended. We expect the issue to be resolved in a hotfix we are putting together for later today.
  • [Updated 1/25] We are aware that some Mercenaries’ Equipment are shown as unlocking at Task 1 and 6, instead of Task 2 and 7. That appears to be a visual bug only, with the Equipment actually unlocking at the intended Tasks like before. The solution to this visual bug is planned for Patch 22.4.
  • We are tracking reports of issues with the Shop.
  • [Updated 1/25] We are aware of a bug that made 1000-win portraits no longer available after the patch launched. We’ve identified the problem and are working on a how to resolve it in a future update.
  • We are investigating issues with the Battlegrounds leaderboard not locking at the end of last season and with some players’ ability to properly roll into this next Battlegrounds season.
  • [Partially resolved 1/25] We’re aware that the first time you add Attack to your hero after playing Wildheart Guff, that Attack gain does not count for progressing Lost in the Park (the Druid Questline). We are resolving this issue in Ranked Standard with a hotfix update tonight and plan to resolve the issue fully in a hotfix within the next day or two.
  • [Added 1/25] There is a bug where if you don’t own a Mercenary, but do have enough Coins to craft the Mercenary, the game will offer you the option to put that Mercenary into the Training Grounds. But since you don’t own the Mercenary, the server rejects that selection and nothing happens. We’re investigating this bug. In the meantime, you can restart your client to remove the Mercenary you don’t own from your Training Grounds slot and put a proper selection in there.
  • [Resolved 1/25] We are aware of an edge-case bug where selecting the Mysterious Stranger during a Bounty can cause a client crash. This issue will be fixed in a hotfix going out today.
  • [Added 1/25] We are investigating an issue involving players getting stuck when finishing a Heroic Duels run that they started in an older patch.
  • [Added 1/25] We are aware that Elemental Chaos in Duels is being improperly treated as a Battlecry effect. The team is looking into correcting this issue soon.
  • [Added 1/25] We are tracking an issue where Duels runs are setting players to the wrong life totals based on how far they are into that run. We are investigating the cause of this issue and the solution to it.

1/25 Update: The team is smoothing out a few launch issues, so the 22.2 mobile release has been slightly delayed. We know how excited our mobile players are, so we’re trying to get the release out as soon as possible.

1/25 Update 2: The mobile patch has started rolling out on storefronts and should be available on all devices soon.

1/25 Update 3: Patch 22.2 is now available in the Google Play store. You may need to use the workaround listed above to make the update show up. The patch is now available on all devices.

1/25 Hotfixes: We rolled out a small hotfix earlier today resolved the Heavy Armor bug mentioned above. We are now in the process of rolling out another hotfix that 1) fixes the Mysterious Stranger bug mentioned above; and 2) partially resolves the Guff Questline bug mentioned above. The Guff-Questline fix in this hotfix will fix the bug in Ranked Standard only. We are planning another hotfix to fix the bug in all other modes and formats; we are hoping to release that hotfix tomorrow.

Лайков: 1

У меня не работает Достижение на победы Дрек’тара в дуэлях. Кто-то сталкивался с такой проблемой?

:woozy_face: Дьябло пост сдал, новые герои пост приняли :upside_down_face:

Да, счётчик не сработал на Willow (Чернокнижник), тоже 12 сделал утром. Написал в тему Баг Репорт, тоже закинь туда инфу, может быстрее починят. Заново впадлу делать.


Они Дьябло не починили, не дали 6 сокровище и удалили героя, я бы не надеялся.

Лайков: 1

Наше дело - написать, а там пусть уже сами разбираются)

Диабло не работал с момента появления, но счетчики на других героев работали, проверено. А тут поломали счётчик на всех и именно с ласт обновой с новыми недоделанными персами.

Каждый раз ломается, Кариэль вон 2 месяца не могут достижение починить, всё что нужно знать о их борьбе с багами.

Лайков: 1


1/27 Hotfix: We are in the process of rolling out a hotfix that will: 1) allow players who placed a Merc they don’t own in the Training Grounds to exit to the main menu or restart their client in order to reset the Training Grounds; and 2) re-instate the full Dust refund period for eligible cards that were changed in Patch 22.2. Please confirm dust values before disenchanting any cards, to make sure that the hotfix has been rolled out in your region.

Earlier today, in a separate update, we also addressed the missing 1000-win Portraits. That update should be completing soon.

26.01.22 вечер прошел 12-0 Дуэль Героя новые Вандер , не дали достижение для 12 побед и без поражений.

Лайков: 1

в хс у меня на днях рейтинг бг обнулился) это как так?)

Так бывает, когда не читаешь пачноуты!

  • Текущий сезон на полях сражений закончится 25 января. Как и положено в начале нового сезона, все рейтинги будут обнулены.

Играю против шамана: он морозит весь стол елемом, потом снова морозит елемом и тут внезапно оказалось что зморожен только первый елем, а весь остальной стол разморозился.

Лайков: 1