🐛 Баги (и не баги) патча 30.0.X + [FAQ]

ааа, вон оно как… знач наша локализация тупанула, спасибо

Так он и делает!
Следи за ловкостью рук:

Мало того маговские и паловские секреты при срабатывании тоже будут бафать твой лук!

2 лайка

Баг с Реликвиеведом Рено, когда оппонент разыгрывает эту карту и срабатывает боевой клич, то экран улетает в увеличенную текстуру, спасает ситуацию только перезаход.


Лайков: 1

Известные баги патча 24.6

• [Resolved] The team is aware that some Amazon users are having issues installing and updating to 24.6, this is currently being investigated.
• [Update, 11/2] A hotfix is being deployed to fix the Reaper’s Toll Battlegrounds Strike issue, in addition to adding general server stability. Reaper’s Toll will become available again once this update has deployed to all platforms.
• [Update, 11/2] One Battlegrounds Minion, Faceless Disciple, has been temporarily disabled due to it causing crashes in the 24.6 update.
• The team is aware that the back button from the Shop has a slightly smaller responsive area than intended, and is too close to the products, leading to players sometimes missing the button. This will be resolved in a future patch.
• [Resolved] The Reaper’s Toll Battlegrounds Strike has been temporarily disabled, as it is causing disconnections when eliminating a player. It can still be marked as your favorite, but the effect will not trigger in-game. It will be reenabled once the issue is resolved.
• The team is investigating reports that a small number of Mercenaries players got “stuck” in a Bounty if they started that Bounty with a Mystery Node before the 24.6 patch and then attempted to complete the Bounty after the patch. Players should be able to Retire the run to “unstick” themselves.
• [Added 11/7] We are temporarily disabling The Golden Hammer and Kidnap Sack Quest Rewards due to a gameplay issue they can cause in certain circumstances. We will reenable them in a future patch.
• [Added 11/8] The team is aware that some players are unable to claim the Hero Skin at the end of the Rewards Track. The issue is expected to be fixed in Patch 25.0, when players will be prompted to make their Hero Skin selection upon login. All other rewards can be claimed normally and will be automatically granted with Rewards Track swap if not claimed by that time.
• [Resolved] We are tracking reports that Arena Discover and random generation pools have not been functioning after Patch 24.6.2. The team is investigating this issue and hopes to have more information soon.

11/11 Hotfix [Updated]:
We are currently in the process of rolling out a server-side hotfix patch that will fix the Arena discover bug and re-open the Arena! All runs will resume where they were prior to the Arena closing. Players who played any Arena matches in the short period when the bug was live have been compensated with a free Arena ticket. This patch also includes two additional updates:

  1. [Arena] The Demon Hunter Legacy Set has been added to the Arena pool.
  2. [Battlegrounds] Khadgar will no longer summon copies of Evil Twins.

Сегодня нарвался на некликабельность карт в руке на бг во время одного хода. На следующий уже все норм было. Но все равно обидно за, считай, пропущенный ход.

ЗЫ: с телефона щас вообще не запускается, пишет про “шаловливых бесов”.

Лайков: 1

Это из-за эволюционера, если апаешь карту, а потом “трогаешь” её (даже не нужно покупать), то пока не пороллишь или не перезайдешь рука остается мертвой.

Лайков: 1

ППЦ, на мобиле так и не запускается… Весь рабочий день псу под хвост!

Лайков: 1

Я удалил и поставил все заново - у меня заработало.

Да видимо и на пк вечером проблемы начались, опять “Вы не в сети” и прочее.

У меня немного иное, почти после каждого матча на мобилке, сразу после матча, зависает на экране победы/поражения. И только перезаходом лечится.

4 лайка

Такая же проблема, грешила на свой интернет, а тут вот оно что. :frowning:

Такая же фигня, но на ПК. При этом на телефоне ни разу такой баг не появлялся.


• [Update, 11/2] The team is aware that some Amazon users are having issues installing and updating to 24.6, this is currently being investigated.
• [Update, 11/2] A hotfix is being deployed to fix the Reaper’s Toll Battlegrounds Strike issue, in addition to adding general server stability. Reaper’s Toll will become available again once this update has deployed to all platforms.
• [Update, 11/2] One Battlegrounds Minion, Faceless Disciple, has been temporarily disabled due to it causing crashes in the 24.6 update.

в наемниках вылет из игры 1-2 раза за поручение. Раньше тоже было такое, но намного реже.

Было такое вчера на ПК, перезапуск ничего не давал, прошло само по себе)…когда то этот баг уже был раньше…

Купил набор «Боевой разнос» — «Тыквовин». Не работает эффект нанесения урона, причём если выбрать другие эффекты урона - они работают, помогите, что делать ?

Надеюсь, какие-то баги исправит.

У меня перестало зависать.

Вышел серверный хотфикс: балансы БГ, исправление багов.

Battlegrounds Balance Changes:

  • Tavish and Flurgl now have less Armor (moved to Armor Tier 2).
  • The following Quest Rewards are now harder to earn: The Smoking Gun, Victim’s Specter
  • The following Quest Rewards are now easier to earn: Hidden Treasure Vault, Ethereal Evidence, Blood Goblet
  • Karl is no longer the Jailer’s buddy.
  • Kidnap Sack banned from Shudderwock.
  • Atramedes has returned to the minion pool.

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements:

  • [Standard] Fixed an issue where Sinfueled Golem was getting extra stats if infused while in deck.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed an issue where Patient Scout could discover itself during recruit phase.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed an issue where Faceless Disciple was causing crashes. This Minion has been reenabled.
  • Fixed an issue with Battlegrounds Strike Reaper’s Toll that would cause the game to crash when doing lethal damage to an opponent.

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