Год Грифона! + "Закаленные Степями. Новый режим — «Наемники Hearthstone»

Рекап ответов Дина в твиттере.

Year of the Gryphon

  • Alliance stuff will happen too.
  • They didn’t share much about Mercenaries because they just wanted to let people know what was being worked on.

Classic Mode

  • It wouldn’t be hard to adjust the era they are using for the mode.
  • They want to see how things go over the first few weeks/months before doing anything with it.


  • Dean could see the team doing a hero where you got two hero powers.
  • The current goal is to do major patches in every .2 patch - roughly a month into expansion launches.


  • Adding secrets to a new class is tough because it takes up so much space during an expansion.
    • You’d need to add at least 3 secrets so that they were actually a secret.
    • Then more cards need to be created that support those secrets.
    • In the end, you aren’t left with many other cards for that class.
    • It also makes secrets feel less special if every class has them.
  • Dean feels they haven’t really explored Rogue secrets yet.
  • One way they could change who has Secrets in Standard would be to do it with a core set change, removing other classes secrets.
  • Dean thinks that Warlock could make use of secrets thematically.


  • A replay/match history feature is “very low” on the to-do list.
  • Dean would like to do match history like how they’ve done it for Battlegrounds.
  • They continue to brainstorm ways to extend the player profile.
  • Duels is still getting live balance so if things are feeling overpowered, know that changes are coming.
  • Dean’s favourite Pirate is Ragnaros because they recorded Pirate Ragnaros voice lines.
3 лайка