Hearthstone Battlegrounds (updating)

Hi Blizzard (team Hearthstone), I’m a regular player from Russia, I’m a student who really likes your new Battlegrounds mode. I spend a lot of free time in it, and I really want this mode to develop and become better, so I thought for a long time what to change and came to a conclusion.
I didn’t know how to contact you, so I wrote to support.


  1. Pyramad give a 2 random friendly minion +2 health or the selected creature gets +3r health…
  2. ilidan stromrage-first attack + wind rage
  3. Shudderwock-hero power for 0 or 2 but before the end of the turn
  4. Lich Bazhial-deals 1 damage and gives a coin or deals 2 damage but with a 50% chance of 2 coins. Obile 1, the next thing that you buy consumes health instead of mana.
  5. A. F. Kay-excavation of 4 taverns and 3 taverns
  6. gribomant-when you buy and sell a Murloc, it adds another Murloc to the tavern .
  7. Mr. Bigglesworth-excavation of 4 creatures
  8. a new hero starts the game with 4 mana
  9. Patchwerk 40 HP, passive power of the hero when he dies revives with 10 HP, all creatures on the table get +3/3

Secret Hero (new secrets 9 pieces) :

  1. when your creature attacks, it gets a divine shield (protective matrix)
  2. applies muteness to the leftmost creature.
  3. summons Cobra 2/3 with poison(poison trap).
  4. redemption(returns with one HP)
  5. battle spirit (your creatures get +1/1 at the beginning of the next round)
  6. split when your creature dies, you put 2 copies of it in your hand or power Rafaam
  7. ice block
  8. deals 1 damage to all enemy creatures at the beginning of your round
  9. when an opponent’s creature attacks your creature, it attacks a neighboring creature instead.

New creature

  1. 6 tavern - 2/1 Murloc with loot, death rattle calls 4 murlocs in loot
  2. hypogriff 2/6 instead of infected wolf.
    Wolf and Rat are equivalent cards and finding both is impractical, and animals lack their provocation at the early stage of the game.

Changing maps

  1. 4/4 screener
  2. selfless heroine 3/1. 2/1 is weak for 2 taverns they don’t even kill 2/3 creatures.

The change of gold cards.

  1. breakwater summons 3 Golden pirates. This will give the opportunity to use it under the Baron rivendare
  2. NAT Pagle you put a random Golden creature. This makes sense to collect it gold, or use Reno Jackson’s hero power.

I hope that you will read this and we will make this mode better together. Thanks. Your dedicated Nemec player #21358

Это на реддит.
А тут все на русском разговаривают. Пиши православными буквами

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Лет ми спик фром май харт!

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О, тс iz anglii? :smirk:

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No, тс iz from coedinenie shtati americ😎

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Spasibo! jdite nashego reshenia cherez chas!

  • Bobby Kotick

Ich kann mich nicht täuschen lassen, mein Freund. Ich sehe, dass du Deutscher bist.

Лайков: 1

pomogite, ya hochu umeret’… :slightly_smiling_face:

Хэлоу близард лет ми инвайт ин зе раздел разработчиков. Ай кан ду зис гейм беттер фор ту вик.

В голос

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