Элуна это Саргерас так что все ок.
На ммочампе еще пару фейкосливов накрапали. Могу скинуть почитать на обозрение.
Элуна это Саргерас так что все ок.
На ммочампе еще пару фейкосливов накрапали. Могу скинуть почитать на обозрение.
Expansion name: Awakenings
• Faction Merge: Warmode continues to exist but when you turn it on you shout “For the Night Warrior!” or “For the Banshee!”.
• World Revamp: Gallywix’ lackeys are purged from Azshara by a new elven union. Mainly consists of Silvermoon and Nordrassil elves. New elven lore explaining their origin, how they discovered the Well of Eternity. Nordrassil elves heritage questline involving Elune also happens there. A mix of Moon Guard Stronghold and Val’sharah architecture as new capital for Nordrassil elves. All trees, rocks, buildings, etc replaced by doodads from recent expansions or entirely new sets. New skyboxes everywhere. Azuremyst Isle has same skybox as Shadowmoon Valley without the giant moon. Red star is gone? Exodar and its harbor are huge. Western Plaguelands uses textures and doodads from Bonich, completely purged from the undead. Ghostlands has Void problems. Umbric and his followers help and are welcomed back into Silvermoon.
Character progression overhaul: Level squish to 60. Level cap 70. With each levelup 1-70 you get either: a new ability, a new rank or a reforged trait. Talents are gone. Each class has baseline spells for all specs but you get class quests to upgrade your chosen spec abilities. Reforged traits give you multiple customization options for almost all abilities. They can also drop from dungeons and raids. One upgraded version per ability unlocked while leveling. Dragon Flight form trait drops for druids from the Dragon raid. Increased flight speed but with cast time. “Grief of the Lifebinder” Dragon’s Breath trait similar to Breath of Sidnragosa. Removes Disease effects from allies. Class Quest. Old Talent Pane is replaced by a new UI similar to the Transmog Wardrobe where you choose Reforged trait for each ability. Dungeon/raid/lair specific traits that make you significantly stronger only within the place they dropped from. Timewalker Tinker gets a Reforged trait that prevents some boss mechanic in the CoT dungeon.
• Tinker class: Reorigination DPS spec, Timewalker Heal spec & a [PH] tank spec.
8.3 ending cinematic and aftermath: We use the Forge of Reorigination to defeat N’zoth. But that was his plan all along. N’zoth disappears but our world is changed. Azeroth wound is healed. Old God forces are not gone. Tinkers discover a way to reprogram the Forge of Reorigination to use it against the Old God forces. 9.0: Wrathion leads us to the Dragon Isles to stop the old god forces assaulting them but we clash with the Infinite Dragonflight. Murozond is final boss of a raid tier. This is not the last we see of Ny’alotha. Shadowlands is the new Nazjatar. Argus shows up.
• Dungeons: New CoT dungeon. An outdoor Dragon Isles dungeon. Parts of it look similar to Stormheim. New max level dungeons around Azeroth. Void Dungeon where Locus-Walker shows up.
• New features: Procedurally generated 1-5 player scenarios called Lairs. Work similar to the Horrific Visions. You can do it every week and unlock new powers within the lairs. No gear rewards, only class transmog sets. Has hidden chests that can contain pets and mounts and weapon transmog. No more Mission Table but you have AI followers which you can summon in the Lairs to aid you. Flying in revamped world unlocked via reputations. Exalted with Stormwind gives you license to fly in Elwynn, Westfall, Duskwood, Redridge, Deadwind Pass, Swamp of Sorrows. Gadgetzan covers goblin zones such as STV. Nodrassil covers upper Kalimdor.
да вот кстати один из них^_^
вообще будет уматово. Элуна главная у Света но ее избранники НЭ до сих пор не могут в играбельные паладины
Можно, общее направление сливов всё равно одинаково: Тёмные Земли и Инженер.
Детали только разные)
вот другой слив:
world of warcraft 9.0 according to razorpax
new hero class: talon guard, has 4 specs, resource system similar to DK runes. intro “like demon hunter where we follow black prince and are the talon guards spoken to by the PC during questing”. no tinker
new artifact: dragonheart
guild halls are coming
dragon isles
more allied races coming, specifically mentioned jinyu
levels halved, new cap is 60 (65 in 9.0)
tier set bonuses are returning
new specs planned for monk, dk, dh, and mage
reworks planned for most specs, mentions warrior stances, paladin auras, hunter aspects, priest chakras, shaman totems as spells that could come back
black empire invasions that reuse the tech from either warfronts or islands
we dont kill nzoth after 8.3 raid, he planned his defeat and is hiding in the blade of the black empire
pristine servers won’t happen, stat called readiness got canned
это от человека достоверно слившего события 8.2, сюжета синематика 8.2.5 и иныу по рейду ниалоте в 8.3
Давай. Конечно почитаем, все равно 2 недели еще терпеть )
Последний слив от Мракоуста про Юнион Эльфов просто шикарен. Жаль зная что Близарды презирают эльфов всем сердцем это 100% Фейк, но помечтать можно!
Новые спеки только паре классов? Как то…нечестно что ли.
ну ДХ третий спек давно пора добавить. ибо явная недоделка
Надеюсь, что так и будет, хотя со стороны Близзов это странно, не убивать ДБ сразу же и дать ему больше времени.
Хотя для меня Н’Зот самый интересный из них, так что я рада
спасибо, можно, пожалуйста, чтобы не фейк
Ну,а это уже давно назревало
вот еще один:
World of Warcraft: Realm of Shadows
New Level Cap: 130
New Allied Races: Tuskarr, Taunka, Vrykul and Frost Dwarves. Some Allied Races will be restructured and act as a reskin for current races instead of being their own standalone race. For example, Dwarves can be either Dark Iron or Frost Dwarves, Humans can be either Kul Tiran Humans or Vrykul.
The Faction split between Horde and Alliance is changing lore wise. Both Horde and Alliance will work together to save Azeroth from the corruption of the Old Gods and Death. Warmode Off allows you to go to any Faction City as any race. Warmode On will continue to be the same, Horde vs. Alliance. New Allied Races will have a choice to either be Horde or Alliance other then a select couple due to current lore.
Class Prestige Skins will be available. They will be tied in with all new class quests. These are just visual updates to spells, animations, dances, emotes, jokes etc., no gameplay changes.
No new classes, but we will get major spec redesigns and additional specs for select classes. List is below.
Death Knights: Unholy redesigned to be a ranged caster wearing Plate Armor. Think Necromancers and Destruction Warlocks. They will summon or reanimate the dead around them while also being able to cast hard hitting spells.
Shamans: Class redesign and fourth spec. Elemental will focus Fire/Lightning ranged abilities. Enhancement will focus on Air melee abilities. Restoration will focus on Water healing abilities. Earthwarden will focus on Earth tanking abilities. Totems are being redesigned and will have a heavier focus on the element that your spec is based on. No more air totems on Elemental Shamans for example.
Hunter: Fourth spec called Shadow, which is still a WIP name. Basically, making Shadow Hunters bringing back spells like Black Arrow and some cool spells that you have seen Sylvanas use previously.
Monk: Monk is being redesigned. Four specs in total to fix the quick turn out that they failed with Mists of Pandaria. Brewmaster will be based on Niuzao, the Black Ox. Windwalker will be based on Xuen, the White Tiger. Mistweaver will be based on Yu’lon, the Jade Serpent and stay as a full-blown healing spec. There will also be a fourth new spec that is also a healing and DPS spec, kind of like Discipline but also like a Fistweaver. The name for this spec is undecided as of this post, there are a couple options. It will be based on Chi-Ji, the Red Crane.
The rest of the classes are getting major redesigns and rebalances. You will see a lot less pruning and more class fantasy and spec identity. Paladins will be all about the light, with brighter more holy abilities and animations. Priests are going to be interesting as they serve both Holy and Shadow. Warriors are going to be all about spec identity. Fury will be faster and crazier, while Arms will be more of a brute force that strikes slow but hits very hard with big weapons. Protection Warrior is going to be able to DPS as well with a redesigned Sword and Board playstyle, kind of like Gladiator but it’s not called that since it’s not its own spec. Rest of the classes are also getting major changes but nothing worth talking about.
We will be getting a full Guild UI redesign with multiple new social features, achievements, pets, mounts, toys and transmogs. Cross faction guilds will be a thing with both Warmode on and off as well as grouping in general will be possible with only Warmode on as this would break World PVP if it was disabled. No workaround to this solution yet.
Guild Halls will be a thing. You can design them how you want to look and there will be multiple layouts or locations that your hall can be located. This is more of a hangout spot for guild mates instead of a hub for the expansion. You won’t see banks, auction houses or anything you would normally see in a city.
PvP will be seeing a full redesign. Currencies will be brought back, the current Honor system is staying but being upgrarded. Think of Diablo 3s Paragon system. Conquest will be used as Arena currency where you will be allowed to purchase gear on a weekly basis.
PvP specific stats are being reintroduced. Resistances, Stun Duration Reduction, Movement Speed Increased, etc.
There will be no new AP grind for this expansion. The essence system is staying but becoming a talent/essence system instead. You will have multiple Major and Minor slots that both have passive and active abilities. These will evolve throughout the expansion. The essences will be purchasable from a vendor with a special currency to avoid having to do content that you would prefer not to do as well as to avoid major grinds and allow for alts to catch up easier. Currency will be earned through all content.
World Quests are staying, rewards are being changed and will scale with your item level and on a weekly basis to make World Quests relevant throughout and entire patch instead of for a few weeks of a new patch. Kind of like how the item level currently scales but the currencies will scale as well. Gold will most likely stay the same but WQs that award gear currencies will be increased over time.
Titanforginig/Warforging is being removed. No more will an item level 400 scale to a 455.
Talent trees are being redesigned for each spec and will be more involved and rewarding while leveling. They will mostly include more class fantasy talents instead of spec/gameplay changing talents. Think more 3 charges of Divine Steed and increased movement speed by an additional 100% instead of a Wake of Ashes talent for Paladins. They won’t allow you to alter the way your spell rotation is determined.
We attempt to imprison N’zoth once again with the assistance of MOTHER, Magni, Wrathion and several other major characters. In the final battle N’zoth manages to kill Sylvanas and a couple other major characters. With no victory in sight, Mother, Magni and Wrathion manage to open a portal to allow us to escape back into the real world which fails miserably and allows N’zoth to escape as well. The premise of 9.0 is that N’zoth has escaped and is wreaking havoc on the real world. We will be searching Azeroth for a solution on how to stop him from corrupting the entire planet. Eventually we will find a portal to the shadowlands that is located in Icercrown Citadel. The fight to the Shadowlands isn’t easy as Bolvar has gained control of a new Scourge army that has taken control of a new and redesigned Northrend. We seek assistance ins topping the Scourge and Bolvar through the help of the Bronze Dragonflight as well as others.
N’zoth is corrupting everything on Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. His goal is to release the imprisoned Old Gods and destroy Azeroth.
Some old-world locations will be redesigned and used as locations that your character will use to level. All new stories and leveling experiences.
Dragon Isles will be a location we visit. Think Broken Shore, Argus, Timeless Isles.
We will be going to the Shadowlands or Shadow Realms sometimes in the expansion to stop N’zoth and the Old Gods. This is where we will meet Death and where new lore will be introduced.
Major playes. Sylvanas, Bolvar, Murozond, Zul’jin, Azshara, Tyrande, Anduin, Magni, Wrathion, both Infinte and Bronze dragonflights. New allies and new enemies as well.
Beta invites will be given out like hot cakes. The goal is to have as many testers as possible to allow bug fixes to be handles before release instead of finding them after. Beta release is schedule for early Q1 2020, shortly after 8.3 release and 8.3.5 announcement. Full release Q4 2020, possibly Q1 2021. Blizzcon is going to be big this year. Multiple changes to all games, Heroes of the Storm, Overwatch and Diablo seeing the biggest changes. All games will get something. Possible new IP announcement at Blizzcon. Blizzcon schedule will be released Tuesday or Wednesday of next week, 22nd or 23rd of October.
Notes: Level cap is being increased to 130. Once we save Azeroth from the corruption of the Old Gods we will return to a new redesigned Azeroth with a level squish and other changes in 10.0, with new lore and story arch. At least that’s the plan for now.
и омглол с таким же названием следом: (хотя это больше смахивает на отбалдышный фейк)
World of Warcraft: Realm of Shadows
The next wow expension will include the following:
-New class: Tinker
-Have all three specializations.
-Creates a gateway to Shadowlands for players.
-Heavily needed in our campaign in Shadowlands.
-New Zone: Dragon Isles
-Players will go to the Dragon Isles first .We get to know that Sylvanas has gone there. We head there to chase her down.
-Sylvanas find what she needs to open the gateway to Shadowlands.
-We discover new Dragon allies.
-New Realm: Shadowlands. Shadowlands includes 4 zones.
-The Gateway Sylvanas uses is atop of Icecrown Citadel.
-Tinkers will have a major role in Shadowlands.
-Ghosts from the past will also have a major role in Shadowlands. Heroes of the Horde and the Alliance.
-The introduction of the expension will include Icecrown and Dragon Isles scenarios.
-New capital city shared between Horde and Alliance. It is located in Shadowlands. Each faction will have their own area in the city.
-Partly Old World revamp.
-Level Squish: Max level will be level 60.
-Cross Faction Interaction: Factions can now interact with eachoter. Grouping, Dungeons, trading. They can also enter eachother’s cities. When Warmode is on, everything return back to how it used to be.
-New Artifact (unknown). We will get rid of the “Heart of Azeroth” necklace.
-New Race: Lightbound Undead
-New Race: Unknown
-New race/class combinations.
-Allied Races and Pandaren can now be Death Knights. The player will go through multiple scenarios. Starting at higher level than current Death Knights.
-Class Skins. Three currently in work at the moment.
-Guild Housing
-Player Housing in a later patch, near end of the expension.
-Nine New dungeons.
-New raids.
-New type of scaling dungeons. Inspired of “Visions of Orgrimmar” and “Visions of Stormwind”. Also inspired of Island Expeditions and the Arcway dungeon from Legion. These dungeons are everchanging and will include a lot of puzzlesolving. Tinker vendors will sell items that helps you progress further.
-New battlegrounds and arenas.
-PvP and honor systems reworked.
-Blizzard still have some unknown news for 8.3 which will be presented at Blizzcon 2019.
Key Characters: Lich King (Bolvar Fordragon), Arthas (Ghost), Taelia Fordragon, Calia Menethil, Anduin Wrynn, Tyrande Whisperwind, Shandris Feathermoon, The Dragon Aspects, Wrathion, Sylvanas Windrunner, Nathanos Blightcaller, Old Gods, Vol’Jin, Thrall, Lor’themar Theron, Zekhan, Lilian Voss.
Ну вот про ханта с 4 спеками не верится. Близы то 3 не могут сбалансировать.
А вот про эльфов прям ммммм. Помните моё обещание, что если Тиранду сольют я брошу ВоВ? Так вот если это объединение с восстановлением столицы сбудется, то обещаю остаться даже при смерти Тиранды!
Настолько мне хочется этого спойлера =)
Может быть, они сожгли Дарнас чтобы его улучшить по графике и другим деталям и вернуть обратно, звучит неплохо
Эххх скорей бы уже Близзкон.
Представляю, все будут сидеть ждать, что сейчас либо откроется ролик про Сильвану открывающую портал в мир смерти, и там нежить ползёт. Либо там все плывём на остров с Драконами. Либо там Тьма на нас нападает.
А тут бац, Медив из параллельного Азерота открывает портал, а там Пылающий Легион победил.
Там не совсем про Дарнасс. Там говорится, что Ночные Эльфы стали называть себя Нордрассильскими Эльфами. Они объединились с Сильвермунскими эльфами в единый союз. Вместе они изгнали гоблинов из Азшары. Ночные Эльфы построили новую столицу используя модельки строений из Вальшары и из крепости Лунной Стражи.
То есть эльфы типо стали смесью магов и друидов.
Ну и их земли восстановлены.
Звучит очень странно, слишком большое и кардинальное изменение, а нэ Близзы не настолько любят
Нет. Это закончилось тем, что Альянс выиграл ничего, Сильвана сама же это говорит в оригинале. Но, если подумать, то в итоге-то, это все равно развязывает руки Альянсу в Восточных королевствах. Ну да, Лордерон и Тирисфаль в чуме, а остальное - забирай-не хочу. Никто не помешает, Луносвет защищать все это не будет, нет резона.
Звучит неплохо, но нелогично. Скорее, наоборот. Лень переделывать текстуры и прочее - сольем два города.
Вообще, все эти “сливы” только ради забавы стоит читать, в основном. Особенно те, которые чисто основаны на полном фансервисе.
Прекрасно помню все подобные сливы про будущую бфа, где косвенно сбылись единицы и то, скорее, случайно.
Ну эльфов крови оставалось 5 %. Ночных Эльфов после БфА тоже не много. Ночные Эльфы вернули высокорожденных. А тут ещё Азшара оказалась не злодейкой. У Азшары ведь был некий план после убийства НЗота как то захватить и править миром.
По отдельности каждая из рас эльфов больше не представляют из себя особой силы. Вместе же они довольно сильная структура.
Возможно даже увидим нечто вроде Эльфийского Доминиона желающего захватить мир. Но это уже через аддона 3-4.
А ещё появились связи меж эльфские. К примеру Талисра и Лортемар. Может будет ещё Шандриса с Ромматом или ещё что-то в этом духе.
Отличная не злодейка. Сделай одно нормальное дело и все забудут про сотни проблем, которые ты принесла. Потом Сильвану также на руках будем носить.
Ночные Эльфы в соло держались против армии Орды, а потом практически в одиночку отбивали ТБ обратно. Даже чисто игромеханически невозможно это объединение. И куда денут лорные причины, по которым эльфы расходились? Да, вернули высокорожденных, но маловато этого.