Now that we’re close to Shadowlands Launch day, I decided to write down what I personally want to see added as new customization options in future patches since they said they would like to know what else does the community want - if it makes sense of course. Feel free to comment below if you think there’s something I didn’t mention.
I don’t really care if this thread doesn’t get any attention, but I hope that at least one Dev reads this and takes some stuff into consideration.
EDIT: I wanted to add a comment about the general customization I want for ALL races (both core and allied races) including the background screen and gender select.
- 1. Please give us an option to change the background screen while customizing the character. Let us choose between Stormwind/Orgrimmar and the original background of specific race.
- 2. After you select your race and class, when you move to page 2, an option to switch between Male and Female should be added as it’s a bit frustrating to just go “back” and reselect. It would be easy to compare.
- 3. Remove the restriction of a need to have a scar on specific part of the face to use the Blind eye option. Some races require this, some don’t. Just remove the restriction and let us use blind options on all races regardless if we have scars or not.
- 4. Basicly, all races should have some kind of scars, necklaces, earrings and other similar stuff.
- 5. Priest class only features light spells. Should also feature Shadow magic like Mage features other specs (Don’t think there’s arcane stuff so add that, too.) I just think that new players won’t know that there’s another Priest spec that offers cool Shadowy & Voidy magic and is a DPS.
- 6. Add an option to choose between 3 armor examples. I’m really not a fan of the Priest armor choice and would be nice to see some different armor.
I’ll start with Allied Races. They said that they wanted to focus on Core races for launch so they’ll do Allied races customization in the future patches and as well add some more to the core races.
Most people want High Elf stuff, I’m more of a Void stuff fan. But, I still think they should add all Blood Elf hair colors so that the outrage stops (please don’t argue with me about this, it’s just personal opinion).
I don’t want Blood Elf hairstyles, but I want A LOT of new ones. Void Elves only have 11-13 compared to the Blood Elves who have 21-25.
About the Void stuff, please check out these fan-made customizations
(credits to @silverleaf2520 on Twitter)
Tattoos in Gold, Purple, Dark Purple, Blue & Dark Blue colors.
Runes & scars like on this fan-made photo (or check TBC box)
More colorful (voidy) hair colors such as pink, brownish purple…
An option to toggle Tentacles on & off. I think most of the hairstyles could work without them. I’m sure this feauture would be more than welcome to High Elf fans.
Make the Void Form skin and Hair color available as normal skintones.
Ear length like Blood Elves (I’m sure this is coming).
Eyebrow length.
More earrings and additional jewelry like Blood Elves’ armbands, bracelets and necklaces in Silver, Gold & Bronze (original Void Elf earrings color). Put the crystals in Blue & Dark Voidish purple colors.
Make-Up. Humans don’t need to the only race with this option.
Fix the black hair color that has been in the data since 7.3.5, but never made available to players since the tentacles textures are bugged when using that black color texture.
Male Void Elves should also have jewelry and more beard styles such as long beard and other new styles the Blood Elves got.
Yes, I’m obviously the biggest Void Elf fan.
More tattoo styles.
More beard & Hair styles.
More Hair colors. Especially dark blonde and golden.
Jewelry color (different shades of gold).
Tail length like normal Draenei option.
More runes.
More eye colors in different shades. There could be different variations of Yellow, Orange and White eyes.
More skin tones. They currently have only 3. Check out these fan made skin tones made by the same person I posted above
I can think of a super dark - obsidian like skin tone (not listed on the screenshot above). Just imagine a Black Draenei with glowy yellow eyes & tattoos.
Additional jewelry like circlets.
More new horn styles.
What about earrings and necklaces?
More skin tones. They currently have 4 and I’m sure that more shades of the current ones could be added. Fan made below
More hair styles & colors.
More eye colors such as these
More beard styles.
More jewelry. Separate the earrings and piercings.
More tattoos and tattoo colors. I don’t think the black color should be the only one. I can think of red, fiery orange, silver, etc.
More skin tones. They currently have 6 (even humans had 10 before Shadowlands and now they have 16). Fan made below
More Hairstyles & Hair colors. I’d just copy the regular human colors.
More earrings and necklaces.
Tattoos that represent Kul Tiran symbols.
More customization that resembles one of the three Kul Tiras houses.
More skin tones. Fan made below
More Hair styles & colors.
More modifications, arm and leg upgrade customization.
More paint colors.
Additional eyes modification colors. Currently, they’re only blue. Fan made below
They could use earrings (including changeable color) when they’re not using any modification on their ears. Piercings on the nose, etc.
Currently probably the most hated model in the community.
Skin tones. They only have 3… If Draenei can have 15 skin tones and all of them are different shades of Blue, Grey, Purple and Pink, I really don’t see why Nightborne can’t have the same thing. It’s possible and doable.
More face options - they only have 6.
An option to toggle narrow eyes on & off. Most people want original Suramar NPC narrow eyes, but I’m sure some people like the current ones.
Eye colors - can be different shades of Blue, Pink, White and Purple.
More hair styles.
More hair colors. I’d literally copy all the draenei hair colors because they could fit the Nightborne so well. Except the brown ones.
More earrings. Add necklaces and piercings. Including an option to change the jewelry color because many Suramar NPCs have golden and bronze jewelry, not just the silver. I can think of that unused heritage armor recolors that wouldn’t fit the silver color. See photo below
Male Nightborne don’t have beard styles so please add them (mustache, sideburns…).
Eyebrow styles.
Ear length
I’d say separate face & body tattoos and add more.
More fur colors, they only have 4 for now. The normal Tauren have 22.
More face options.
More horn styles and markings.
More facial hair.
More body paint styles and colors.
Foremane option and styles.
Headress, necklaces, earrings, flowers.
Face & Body paint styles and colors.
I mostly added stuff that the Tauren have, but not HM Tauren. They really aren’t that much different than the normal ones except the huge antlers.
More skin tones. See fan made photo below
More hair & beard styles, sideburns…
More eye colors, see photo below
More earrings and piercings.
More tusk styles.
Scars, grime…
Tattoos, war paint & colors.
More skin tones. See fan made photo below
More eye colors
More face options.
More hair styles & colors.
More tusk styles.
More piercings and jewelry for both genders.
More tattoo styles and add colors because they can only be golden.
Face & body paint including colors.
Beards for male Zandalari Trolls.
More fur color options. See fan made photo below
More face options.
More ear styles.
More snouts.
More earrings.
More fur patterns, they currently have 3.
Core races received a lot of customization and I’m very happy, but I’ll still comment on each race and say what they miss (if they do).
I feel like they are the only core races that got the least customization.
So I heard/saw that the tail ring and sandals colors were in the files since forever ago and I wonder what happened to that. Did they forget about them or? Check out this photo
Male Pandaren should have an option to change their tails like Females.
More beard styles.
New hairstyles, less Karen styles.
New earrings - they’re stuck with the same ones they got in 5.0. And there should be an option to change colors - like Gnomes.
Full 1 colored fur color - such as white. That would look dope.
Necklaces, armbands, bracelets…
I feel like they also didn’t get much compared to other races. The new fur colors are amazing and the amount of eye colors are incredible, BUT… Where are the other options?
Starting with simple stuff: They need new beard, ear and hair styles. They’re the only core race that didn’t get any new hairstyle except the Females who got only 1 because it was in the data since forever.
Personally, I’d like to see them adding all Cataclysm Alpha hairstyles that I still didn’t get over after the Beta models were announced. I am tired of endless Mane, but as I said, this is just a personal request.
Add earrings - both noble Gilnean and savage Worgen styles, necklaces, etc.
Please give Male Worgen an option to stand upright - making them the Alliance race with this option like Horde’s Orc. That would look sick!
And finally - Tail option… I’m not interested in that much as the other people and I’ve came across this request a lot. It’s not lore-breaking. It should be purely cosmetic and I don’t agree with “Lycan” theories and other stuff from irl fantasy movies and books. This is World of Warcraft and I’m sure a Worgen Tail wouldn’t make anyone mad.
I am actually very happy about the new customization they get. There is still something I hope to see.
I don’t see why they should be stuck with blue eyes when they could have different shades of Blue, Purple, Pink and White. Velen has purple eyes.
Earrings and decorations on their horns.
Necklaces and armbands, bracelets.
Make-up. Can’t really say much because I think they got enough. Even more than I expected. Could only add necklaces in Gnomeregan styles - similar to the new earrings they got.
Another race that I’m actually happy about. They got a lot of new stuff and I didn’t expect vines for sure.
I’d add a blonde hair and ultra Blue skin color to complete the Highborne look.
Add new markings and properly attach them to Male Night Elves.
An option to change jewelry color. That diamond necklace shouldn’t be stuck with purple diamond.
Can’t say much except Necklaces - to fit all Dwarf houses.
Dark eye color - almost black.
Light blonde and light ginger orange hair colors.
More scars.
Please add long beard styles. I thought that would be added.
Female Orcs could use more than 2 necklaces.
Orange eye color
Earrings, piercings & necklaces.
Most requested beard styles. I don’t see any complications that prevent these.
Very similar to what I want for Void Elves and that is not yet added to Blood Elves.
Eyebrow length.
Tattoos in Gold, Green, Red and Blue colors.
Runes & scars like on this fan-made photo (or check TBC box)
Male Blood Elves should also have jewelry and more beard styles such as long beard.
Changing jewelry color should also apply to that new Female hairstyle with tiara. If you choose Silver color, the tiara should also change it’s Gold color to silver.
I’ve heard people want that deleted body jewelry back.
Update their background screen. Check out this fan made photo
Separate Hair, beard and sideburns.
End of thread. Thanks for reading if you read all of this!
Edit: I feel like this kind of detailed thread was necessary and I really really hope that one of the Devs find this. I’ve wanted to write this for a few weeks now, but didn’t find time.
Most of the screenshot credit goes to @silverleaf2520 on Twitter. He has a lot of fan made concept art and it’s amazing.