diese dämliche Antwort vom Support ist einfach nur noch zum K O T Z E N da ist noch nicht mal im Ansatz eine Bereitschaft zu erkennen die Probleme die durch den Patch jetzt verursacht werden in irgend einer Form anzugehen , geschweige denn diese zu besetigen
Hallo zusammen,
ich gehöre auch zu den Unglücklichen bei denen Diablo 4 nicht richtig funktioniert!
Daher habe ich allerlei Lösungsansätze versucht die mir alle nicht geholfen haben! Jedoch … long story short … habe ich gerade rausgefunden das wenn ich nach dem Start von Diablo 4 direkt in den Taskmanager wechsle und unter Details die Zugehörigkeit unter der Prozessoraffinität auf die letzten 10 CPU stelle, Diablo 4 bei mir dann nicht mehr sofort abstürzt. Ich konnte sogar von einer Stadt in die nächste teleportieren.
ABER! Als ich Diablo 4 beendet habe und Diablo 4 wieder starten wollte standen auf einmal bei mir 4 x Diablo IV.exe im Taskmanager, und keiner dieser Prozesse konnte ich abschießen. Es half mir nur ein Neustart meines PCs.
Mein PC (Windows 11 23H2) ist mit einem i9, 32 GB Ram und einer RTX 4090 ausgestattet.
Vielleicht hilft das dem ein oder anderen bis Blizzard das Problem endlich identifiziert und gefixt hat!
Ich vermute MS hat irgendwas am Powermanagement in Windows geändert. Ich habe erst seit dem ich die letzten Windows Updates gemacht habe massiv Probleme mit D4. Allerdings sind mir auch immer häufiger meine Opera-Tabs abgestürzt!
Habe gerade einen Artikel im Intel-Forum entdeckt: ***s://community.intel.com/t5/Processors/i9-13900K-very-frequent-crashes-Windows-11-with-apps-games-and/td-p/1527297/page/7 ----> Letzte Seite, Post von
Ich habe auch ein Z790 Board!
Kurzum: Ich habe soeben im Bios die Einstellung „Turbo Mode“ auf „Disabled“ in der CPU – Power Management Control gestellt.
BOOM - Keine Abstürze mehr bisher!
VIELEN DANK, das scheint auch meine Lösung gewesen zu sein, bisher kein Absturz, falls es das war, DANKE
ich hoffe ich poste das richtige davon
Hey guys, I posted in here a couple months ago about having the same issue. Thought I would give a quick note on something that has helped me tremendously. Purchased a 13900K for my Z790 Hero MoBo in Nov 2022 when I was building my first attempt at a "future proof" PC, something I've always wanted to do. Upon build completion I immediately got a BSOD, however everything was running fine after that so I thought it was just working out a kink. Fast-forward a few months and I start getting BSOD's around once or twice a month...and that's around the same time that I started get "Status Access Violations" from games, web browsers, etc etc.
Finally becoming tired with games and browser tabs crashing I decided to do some research to see what was going on. Luckily I stumbled upon this thread somewhat quickly and instantly followed the advice of changing to "Intel Fail Safe". I did not adjust voltages or turn off multi-core enhancement. What followed was very strange, as in the first few days it was running like a dream, no crashes, no access violations, no issues at all. Then...the proverbial sh!t hit the proverbial fan. Crashes left and right, would come back to my PC after work and my chrome browser would be CLOSED now, not even a crashed page, closing the entire program! Every game I attempted to play would instantly crash to desktop, and upon reboot I was just cycling BSOD's. Numerous. And every error was different, from SYSTEM SERVICE EXCEPTION to PAGE_FAULT_IN_NONPAGED_AREA (What failed: NTFS.SYS) to DPC_WATCHDOG_VIOLATION, and would require a system restore (that would fail every time and just reboot to a new BSOD error).
That night I purchased a 14900KF as a replacement, and submitted a RMA for my 13900K. The RMA process is...strange as they give you X amount of time to respond to their questions, and they don't respond till that time is up, so for every step they would ask me questions a week would go by before anything moved forward. I requested to be refunded current price (not the price I paid a year ago which is a bit higher) for the 13900K and was kinda sorta completely ignored as the next message I got was asking for my address to send the replacement. I suppose it's alright if that's SOP, but that coupled with the fact that it took 3 weeks to get the new part would've been really annoying if I didn't preemptively purchase the 14900.
Next day, my 14900KF arrives, pop out the 13900K, pop in the 14900KF, boot and it posts with no issues, straight to desktop. Feeling vindicated that I was correct in my assumptions along with all the fine people in this thread, I went to boot some games.
(Quick sidebar, I built a near-identical PC for my friend, same mobo, gfx, psu, cpu, etc etc. This is important to note for what comes next). Upon booting games they would run fine for a while, depending on how intensive they were. For example I could play Outlast Trials forever with no issue, Helldivers 2 would crash from as early as boot to being 45m into a mission, and Red Dead Redemption 2 would crash anywhere between 10-30 minutes of use. My friend whom I built an identical PC for had the exact same issues, so he decided to take it up to a local computer shop and ask them to diagnose. The computer shop told him "Your air cooler isn't strong enough, you're running into temp issues", I want you all to know I built his PC and mine using a Noctua NH-D15, a very premiere and effective air cooler (one that's rated on their own website to EASILY handle 13900K/14900K with or without heavy OC'ing) We were out-of-boxing on top of it all! Neither of us engaged in any form of Overclock. They recommended him to buy an AIO water cooler for his CPU. Fair enough I told him, if it doesn't fix it then they owe you, and if it does, then hey, its fixed! He got home and tested, no crashes in Helldivers 2, however Red Dead would still crash occasionally. He noticed that his fans would ramp up to insane decibel levels whenever he would hit a point that his game was about to crash, and when he mentioned that it was like something clicked in my head because I noticed the same thing on my PC I just never put 2 and 2 together.
Well this is frustrating now because between the two of us we have 10k worth of unstable machinery, so I decide to go on a hunt for more research. FINALLY I stumbled upon a Tom's Hardware post that talked about the Z690's and 790's (and other high end MoBo's) that come with overclocking built in and that they are actually quite aggressive/contributing to instability issues. I changed one setting in the BIOS and have been experiencing what I can only dub as full ELATION, as it has stopped all crashing that I experience, and my friend changed his and no longer has any issues either. One setting. TURBO MODE. (NOT TURBO BOOST!!!!) This little rat bast*** was causing my temps to skyrocket whenever the application I was running was demanding more and more power, which is also why our fans would ramp up to godlike speeds right as our games would crash. Noctua couldn't keep it cooled, an Asus AIO couldn't keep it cooled... the spikes in temp were just too much to handle.
Here we are! Current day. My PC runs as smooth as butter, as does my friends. No more spiking temps and no more fans ramping up for lift off! (No, he never got his money back from that computer store, however Noctua did agree to take back his NH-D15! After giving him crap about how it couldn't be their cooler that's the problem lol) Which to be fair to Noctua, they are correct. When they give their listings for compatibility they aren't taking into account these higher end motherboards that come default overclocked to the moon, and for us end users that aren't super tech savvy to either bother with overclocking or to even know where to look to see if its already enabled, that can cause some frustration.
Ja, genau dieser Post!
DANKE <3Vielen Dank, das scheint die Lösung gewesen zu sein <3
gern geschehen, hab ich doch gerne getan
Weekend und Urlaub ist gerettet, ich könnte dich knuddeln Aber darauf muss man auch erstmal kommen, zum Glück habe ich den Boost im Bios gefunden, der war allerdings voreingestellt und nicht von mir eingeschaltet gewesen.
@Guts: Hast du sowas wirklich nötig?
warum? ich bin doch gerne hilfsbreit
Bei mir läufts nur mit dem alten Nvidea Treiber von Anfang Mai im Debug modus mit dem neuen nicht!!!,Support kontaktiert-Problem reproduziert.Es friert immer im Ladebildschirm ein,aber die gucken nich bei sich oder Nvidea gefühlt.ev bei die ists ev auch der Radeontr,guck doch ma.
muss ich mal ausprobieren, bei mir wird es nach jedem Update immer schlimmer mit dem Log in
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