Seasonal deranking?

Hello Overwatch Community!

With the beginning of Season2 all my Ranks got changed (Tank: Plat3 - Gold4; Dps: Plat2 -Gold3; Support: Plat5 - Gold5) and id really like to know why?
I play a lot of ranked but whenever i was/am in Gold, I feel like I expierence Elohell.

(For example: When I play Support I hardly heal less then 1000heal/min (maybe in 1 out of 20 games I have less healing/minute), but when I play DPS, almost every second game, my team has at least one support with less then 600heal/min. I really dont understand how I have to play with these players, cause the stats show that i am clearly better. And this not only happens with the healing stat, but also with the dmgstat, the deathstat, … I somehow managed to grind myself out of that Elo but i really dont have the motivation to do it again…)

Through many many hours of Ranked i somehow managed to grind myself out of these Gold ranks, and in Plat the games where much more entertaining, cause it didnt feel like it didnt matter how good or bad i played.
Well now, since the start of season 2, i got placed in Gold again and i expierence the same Elo hell as always in Overwatch1&2.

I am really just not motivated to play Overwatch and grind again, cause i feel like i made it up the mountain and Blizzard just kicked me off again.

Maybe someone can explain to me why this happened and if there is a good reason for it ill maybe play again. But one thing is clear: Deranking players at a season start does really not motivate me …

  1. Willkommen im deutschen Overwatch Forum - hier müssen Beiträge und Themen auf Deutsch verfasst werden ansonsten werden sie gelöscht. Also vielleicht nochmal editieren.
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  2. Ansonsten gibt es hier zu diesem Thema auch bereits zwei Threads - vielleicht dort mal reinschauen und mit diskutieren. :slight_smile:

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He, she, it - das S muss mit.

Basierend auf Stats zu behaupten man sei offensichtlich besser als jemand anderes ist ja mal ein ganz ganz heikles Thema xd

Aber war ja klar, dass solche Leute aus der Versenkung auftauchen wenn man ein öffentliches Scoreboard macht.

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