All character wiped (Login Issues)

same here… all characters gone


Same here. All Online-Charcters are gone (and i didn´t deleate them! I closed the Game with the Button on the left side!)


CHar. Server is down… Fix it…

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i did not know this. but i see it now. i am at ease now. thank you

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Soo, now is it the 4th day, would love to hear what u hae to say :stuck_out_tongue: Sorry, but yeah this is really anoying!


Hey everyone,

I can confirm there are new authentication issues today and our technical team is hard at work to fix it as soon as possible.

We know it’s infuriating and we thank you for your patience.


The characters are not gone. Because the server is down, you can’t see them on the character select screen. When the servers are back up and running, then the characters will appear again because the servers will be talking to your account again.

The characters are stored on the server and not on the PC being used.

Yes. I understand that. But if you can explain me how many hours i lost because of server’s down i will be really grateful…

new issues?rly?4th day and you are not able to say exactly what is happening, I do not think you can say for understanding when you do not know what that word means!!

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Help I spent money with blizzard! WHAT DO I DOOOOOO?

And i dont delete them! EU server

Yep, servers down again…

+1, lost my on-line character and all progress, besides 1-2 days later lost my quest reward for Mefisto soul stone break quest in act 4.

I stopped playing my lvl71 Necromancer, hoping he wont be wiped if i stop playing him :smiley:

I made a quest to kill diablo, clicked “recognize objects”, I was thrown out of the game. When I entered the game, all the characters online disappeared. I tried to restore files, restart the game, nothing helps. there were a lot of characters, on different difficulty of the game, it’s a lot of hours of play! Please return my characters!


Same here!
Hope they fix this…

Indeed , the same happened to me ! I was doing that snake temple in act 2 on my lvl 21 druid . And the game kept crashing. Certain point i go back to town to identify items at Deckard cain . And the screen gets stuck and kicks me out of the game . I had to ctrl+alt+del my way out . Then when i logged back on all my diablo 2 characters are gone!!! pls help !!! Also i cannot reach blizzard support. Blizzard support is like an impossible maze , like a virtual fort knox… impenetrable

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I have the same problem as aPXuMEg.
After the server problem yesterday i hade all my charecters in Online mode and to day nothing.
I cant belive that Blizzard still have “BIG” problems today with there games.
Hopefolly thay can restor the characters for us all!!! but i dubt that.

the online server are down meaning you wont be able to see your character either. your character in online play is not saved in your pc meaning it needs to be online to recieve the list.

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Выбил гранд чарм из охранника мефисто жму на нее распознать , не распознается. вышел в город подошёл к Декарту распознать и игра зависла. Alt+F4 захожу в игру персонажей нет((( Как Надоело это кривое обеспечение .