Connectivity issues / rubberbanding / desync

we dont even ask for improvements, JUST LET US PLAY THE GAME, but no you manage to mess up maintenance so bad that its unplayable lags on EU

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try logging on now, its unplayable, characters cant move without teleporting back ever 3 seconds. how pathetic, have to go play single player games in 2024

so, yo uahve been investigating for 3 days? have you tried turing server of and on again? like how incompetent are you guys there?

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The fact that they’re “investigating” the problem for nearly a week without a fix, shows how much they care about us and the game.


Please tell me, precisely because of your lagging servers which you are not even able to solve after the recent so-called technical maintenance did you simply decide to give a 67% discount? Just answer honestly. Or has the problem reached such a scale that it is easier for you to continue making money on new players rather than solving problems with the servers?

indeed… nevermind, i just got lucky on 1 game… still super laggy

Can i get the refund please!! I paid 40eur and EU servers are crap for 2days!!

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“We are investigating”

Translation: we have absolutely no clue what we are doing after 30+ years of game development on a 25 year old game that takes absolutely bottom of the barrel infrastructure and competence in order to properly maintain.

Yeah… that sounds more like the truth. Try not lying to the community so much Blizzard. Just be honest about your dog water intentions.

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Still Rubberbanding as hell… died 5 times…

Fix the goddamn EU server! jumpy as hell

Third time posting this weekend.

It’s another weekend evening and the game is unplayable. No Games show up at all during prime time. Lagg is unbearable. Want to teleport to Mephisto? Well good luck with this rubberbanding…

Can we please get an update? Who is taking actions?

Can anyone advise if we can take any legal measurements against this? The online service is basically unavailable and there is absolutely no communication in regards to a potential fix. This is just ridiculous.

If can not maintain a game like d2r then how the hall can they do d4. IT is not a good thing to alow players to think you dont care. UNLESS LIKE BLIZ YOU DONT GIVE A DAM.

It’s been like this for weeks but this week was incredibly bad. Even with high end gear, you teleport slower than without faster cast, the rubber band effect is incredibly annyoing. And it jumps between taking twice the time for your farming routes and being entirely unplayable. In all cases it is no fun, so please try and get it fixed for EU and keep us posted about the progress. Thank you.

whats going on, the EU server have been lagging for over 4 days ?!

when can we expect a fix for this?


Yes something lagging,today especially…nearly imposibile to play…you moove and like teleport backside lol…
I mean wtf?

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Whats more annoying is the response from blizz…or should i say the lack of one…one statement…thats it,is this how top tier gaming companies operate recently? give no responses or any updates to whats bieng done to thier cash paying customers is scandalous.

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Joining the others to inform this issue. Servers have been unplayble for last 5 days or so. Rubberbanding goes away on some ip. But its still feels laggy.


still no reply from anyone from blizz huh?

blizzard please stop this moonwalk-michael-jackson-thing you have made with the server. stop the lagspikes please. and let us see the games to join. you used to be able to fix these stuff quite fast before diablo 4. Or do you somehow want 20k players to move on to private servers like PD2 ?

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2 Days? Funny you, its almost a week this terrible and unplayable. With no Games appearing and teleporting basically unusable. :confused:


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