My character is gone

wtf…! where is my 34 lvl sorce?!?

Same here, Paladin gone -,-

43 necro is gone… RIP

sorc 24 lvl, gl & hf ;(

Same. All online chars gone. Crashed during maintenance.

ok, got mines back, change region to asia > log in > exit game> change back to america> log in

Create New - Once it pops up the rest of my guys came back. Give it a try?

Sorc lv 79 :D, but be calm brothers, its a Maintenance. So give it a chance.

my is back but i cant play

Same here, my 22 lvl necromancer is gone, I was just doing Duriel and he was half way to go down then crash and now all gone…


Thank you a lot, worked!

Try this guys, ur char/s will be back but for me i cant create game right now. so lets wait :smiley:

now another problem came up, cant create or join game due to character already "in-game

I have the same problem

that means the charakter server are back online but game servers dont easy peasy waiting the sqeezy

依然是显示角色在线 和昨天一样

Lvl 49 sorceress, was getting ready to finish Nightmare…no issues…logged in and the sorc is gone with all my other lvl 1s still there. Not gonna lie, it felt like a sucker punch.

At least you will be able to get you char one day when servers are fixed. My 52 lvl sorc is dead on Hardcore mode due to the fact that I was randomly disconnected from game

dind’t work for me. Is there any chance the Blizz support can handle this?
Pala is “only” lvl 29 but i do not feel risky enough to create a new one wich is also gonna lost in the void.