My character is gone

Yesterday online char 13lvl, then disconnect and deleted, at morning I’ve got back at lvl5, today’s improvment was lvl5-lvl24, reload now and deleted second time… fckthssht.

lvl 58 amazon, now my character is gone, and yesterday at lvl 22 server restarted and i went back to level 12 or 13.
Simply amazing, will require a refund is this is not solved promptly.

same here, all chars gone… bye bye

Yep all gone. I even managed to get a grey skull cap :frowning:

Jepp, the Problem still persists. Managed to get to 66 today. Let’s see where we’re at, once my Sorc reappears - IF she reappears at all -.-
This needs to be fixed ASAP!

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Nekro lost at level 10. Shame Blizzard.

Refund now.

Lost both my characters, druid and necro…

I cant believe that 20 years later Diablo 2 still got issues at launch. How embarassing! Im asking for a refund !

All my characters are gone, and game is now saying i dont have an internet connection while i have it. I cant create new chars. Sadly i always am picky about naming my chars so made one of each class and played a while… now everything is gone… Cant play game… and no server issue message from blizzard ehhhh… wtf

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Had to log off last night after my lvl 36 hardcore paladin got dropped from the server randomly, then I couldn’t log into him because he was “already in a game”, and then this morning he was gone entirely until I toggled regions, relaunched the blizzard launcher and made a new character(after that also getting an error several times). Now that he’s back, he’s still stuck at being “already in a game”, 8 hours later. Pretty disappointed, thank god ladder isn’t on but I just want to play the game man.

Они украли мой Варкрафт 3! Потом они украли название ачивок в ВоВ! А сейчас они воруют моих персонажей из Диаблы! ОНИ КАК ПУТИН!

Swapping regions and relog in between worked for me they are back now for me. So you could try that if not yet have done so.

chars now there-
But cant create a game…

too many people people playing? :{}

No, its just potato servers, blizzard will wait till half of players leave and then they will have enough capacity

I also cant create games with normal names… However if i name a game like gvkhgrgr (keyboard smash name) it works xD Jusdt not normal game names.

Same thing just happened to me, lost my lvl 20 Sorc… just got the runes for leaf as well, was so pumped … hopefully they can fix this glitch and we get the characters back

Began a Sorc this morning got her to lvl 18, 4th bookmark in act 2. Logged out for some food, now char is gone…

Lost a Level 60 Sorc, they have until tomorrow or im calling my CC for a refund

Same for me Sin lvl 69 deleted :frowning:

my char is gone, blizzard come on !!! this sucks i can´t play in 3 days.

eu server is in maintanance till 22:30 now while write this the banner is gone on the launcher