ТОЖЕ ПРОПАЛ ПЕРСОНАЖ помер в 5 акте вышел из игры а зайти уже не смог
Oy Cmon!!! D2 refunded!!!
All my characters were gone after restatring the game right know
Last played: 11.10.2021
Online Characters: Yes
Double checked the Online and Offline tab: Yes
Amazon lvl 86, Soreceress lvl 26
My characters gone too… what should i do…
- The character was lost: on the 11 October;
- Last normal play: October 11, 2:45 AM;
- Online character;
- Double checked the Online and Offline tab;
- Character class: Paladin
- Level: 73-75 I can not remember
- The platform: PC
- Character name: Titan
- Server: EU
- The game was accidentally acquired;
- The game was accidentally installed;
- The character was accidentally created;
- The game was accidentally completed;
- The character was accidentally deleted;
- The game was accidentally terminated …
I don’t know, maybe 5 and 6 should be swapped …
All my online toons are gone, I really hope its a server issue, if not I will have my money back.
- The character was lost: 10th or 11th of October;
- Last normal play: October 9,
- Online character; Yes
- Double checked the Online and Offline tab; Yes
- Character class: Necromancer
- Level: 84
- The platform: PC
- Character name: Danecro
- Server: EU
11.10.2021 15:10
Проверял онлайн и оффлайн вкладку: Да
Паладин 52 или 53 лвл. Имя: ReaperOfSorrow
Платформа: ПК
October 3 GMT+3 PM 12:00
Online character: Yes
Double checked the Online and Offline tab:YES
Character class: Sorceress
Level: 75-77
The platform: PC
Character name: Farm
- The character was lost: on the 10-11 October
- Last normal play: October 9,
- Online character; Yes
- Double checked the Online and Offline tab; Yes
- Character class: Amazon
- Level: 55
- The platform: PC
- Character name: Kaplan
- Server: EU
again, all my online characters are gone, there were 5!
ranging level 1 to 7x
I just played them yesterday. what the F is going on???
Missing character here also.
Server: Europe
lvl 69 Amazon name:Milkobot
Platform: PC
Online character: Yes
And i did not delete my character by mistake by accidentally clicking the “X” button.
yep, this shit company getting worse and worse. i stoped playing blizzard games then D2R came out and i thought “lets give it a try” AND NOW THIS!!! Login problems all the time, disconnects and downtimes and now characters are deleted. what is this? what is wrong with this company… i dont get it…
October 3 GMT+3 PM 12:00
Online character: Yes
Double checked the Online and Offline tab:YES
Character classes: Paladin 60 / Assassin 18 / Necro 18 etc.
Level: 60+
The platform: PC
Character name: Loaldin
I spent a couple of hours in game and if you are not able fix this bug I ask for refund …
My level 15 or 16 Paladin is gone.
Lost connection and when I got back in my character has been deleted.
That is a few hours put in already and now I don’t want to make a new character in case it is deleted too
I got a message saying ( your connection has been interrupted ) when I log in to the game again I found that my character is not there and I can only create a new character
Last played: Evening of Oct. 11th, 2021
Online Characters: Yes
Character classes: Amazon(Lvl 25)
The platform: PC
Character Name: Sambo
Server: EU
Defenitely not self-deleted.
Idem pour moi, j’ai joué au matin une heure et la plus rien tout les perso son effacé.
me 2 char lvl 79 now 27