My character is gone

Same here, charater gone, and I didnt deleted it, how im sure? because i didnt even logged off, my pc go in stand by while in game and when i restarted it i logged in again and was gone.

I DONT WANT TO MAKE A NEW CHAR. I want the one i spent hours and the 2 characters that had all the items that i have managed to find so far. Saying to your customers that “we deleted your chars, no worries make a new one and IF we manage to fix it we will inform you” is simply pathetic (there are better words for it but im being calm atm). Bring back our chars exactly as they were or refund us our money. 50 euros for this is definetely not worth it. I’d rather play the old D2.

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If my Char is going to stay deleted I want a refund. I spent too many hours for the stuff I found. There is no other option to me and I guess to many others so far.

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I can only imagine what you are feeling

and that makes me wonder again whether it makes sense to have an “online constraint” when you’re not even in a position to guarantee the security of your customers’ data. If all the crap was stored locally on the disk on your own hardware, all this stress wouldn’t be there. It’s a mystery to me why you can’t play “offline” on your own network with friends and family without all this “online coercion”!
Oh just as an aside - there are still people in this world who do not have access to a permanent and fast Internet connection. For these people, an “online compulsion”, as it is unfortunately common today, means an exclusion from the gaming experience.

Here Blizzard should ask themselves whether it is in their sense, if people may be excluded because of missing Internet or not.

To all the others who have “lost” their char…
it could be that the chars after reconnecting to Battle.Net are suddenly available again. Whether the level then fits, I can not say. I was lucky yesterday and it was all there again.

Small hint : if identify with the scroll takes a long time / does not work, with Deckard Cain everything also takes a long time or is quit with an error message, you leave any channels, then save the game and do something useful without online compulsion. Because then the servers of Blizzard once again have a quirk and you’re just annoyed around anyway. Like Saturday, Sunday and now also today.

My guess is that the servers are simply overloaded - just like back then with Diablo 3 - and you just sit out the situation again and the problem solves itself. Fewer players = less load on the servers = no problems = no need for action.
When Diablo 4 comes out at some point, we will 100% have to deal with the identical problems as with D3 and now D2-Res.

but unfortunately true.

For me, what is delivered is once again disappointing. First of all, I posted so many things during the beta and almost none of them were fixed.

But maybe they are no longer bugs but features :roll_eyes:

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This is the third time that this has happened to me, I started over and lost my witch 3 times (including a 90 full talrasha)

then it´s maybe better to play only solo offline :nauseated_face: :face_vomiting:

Positive Update in my case:
My lvl16 Paladin is back after about 45 minutes.

I did not do much besides posting here and sending a message to technical support, not sure what the issue is on the EU server side.

I would be really embarrassed to be a Blizzard employee. Its getting worse and worse. This company …
I really don’t know what to say anymore. Simply incomprehensible.

Lost char night 9 oct at 21:00
Sorcerer lvl 87
Name Siddhartha
Online PC
Server EU
Lost after blackscreen error.

created yesterday and played last around 0:30
i refere to an online char, all offline chars are still uneffected
i doublecheckt all tabs
i created a paladin yesterday evening
i played with a friedn on a laptop (PC)

Today there is no Charakter anymore on the onlinetab.

Lost all char last game 9 oct
Sorcerer lvl 60+ Paladin 70+ and 8 char 3+
Name Sorcerer Frio
Name Paladin MC_Hammer
I don’t remember everyone’s names
Online PC
Server EU
11 oct everyone is gone

Yeah I haven’t been able to play for 3 days. Tried refunding but no, “you have too many hours”. Dude, I cant play, wtf does it matter if I could play before when for 3 days straight I cant do that. God only knows how many more days my chars will still be gone

So you are telling us that when we log in everyday and find our character page empty it’s because we “accidentally” deleted our characters???!! Come on now. Stop the disrespect and fix your game. For 40 it is the least you can do !


could we have proof that we have deleted our characters, its seems a little easy to me as an answer to automatically blame everyone.
in addition I still have not received an answer for my character

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they actually said that we "may have accidently deleted them? Are you f***ing kidding me. YEAH SURE I deleted 6 chars “by accident”. If this isn’t fixed soon, I’ll be gone forever and this aint no damn empy threat. I already quit wow cus of how it’s being run and now this?

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Hahahahahahaaaaahaaaaa now they blame us? Really? That is hard to beat when it comes to cheek.
Whats wrong with this company???
Wow… just wow!!!


Online is empty.
I checked them twice.
That was an Online character on Europe server.
Class: Druid
Platform: PC

docela by mě zajímalo kam mi zmizela moje POSTAVA !!!

Same here, if its not fixed quickly and goes stable, im out of all blizz game, including wow.