Queue - Never Ending Story

Similarly, I cannot connect with this error to open games all the time
screen postimg.cc/FdDQ6SV6

same problem

cant join games, game crashes some times, the queue is about 2h long

wtf is this s***show, this is not some free china game
 we all payed 40€
and blizzard doesnt fix anything, not even says something to this

this will be the last game i buy from them

Think of any game you know.
You will never be able to play the game when you want it. You will need to plan it at least 3 hours in advance and then try the login and join the login queue

If you don’t understand this: Just try any random other game in 2021
 We are not living in 1970 anymore lol

I should whait 2 hours to play d2r? it s insane and more bad that i paid the game 
 if it was a free game i understand but paying and can t play the game only after 2 hours and the chanse if crash is very big. Thank you Blizzard


This is sick. I’ve paid for what? I’ve bought a PC and a Xbox version and I can’t play in the middle of a regular weekend day? It’s a month after launch and still you can’t adjust number of servers for the game!


These queues are absolute crazy.


Same here, waited 1,5 hours to play, after 40 minutes crash and pos 474 on queue
wtf Bli$$ard!!!


Blizzard its s h i t company greedy bastards. We buy a game and we cant play im waiting now more then 30 min and im still i queue .

After hour i am still in queue Realy!!! Come on blizzard u waste my time !


I saw 600 in line today.
In general, I get in line before going to bed and in the morning I can already play. Very comfortably.


second time 527. quick play not possible. do something blizzard. i am so frustrated i think about to play the free fallout 76 week.

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I’m in line 276. I’ve been waiting for 50 minutes

got 517. waited 15 min and went to 510. haha nice joke.


Just ctd’ed when trying to join a friend’s game (had been online for a bit) - restarted immediately. Queue position 492.

WHEN oh when will you introduce that say 5 min grace period after a ctd during which one can skip the queue? You people are such horrible amateurs. I am repeating myself when stating that I will NEVER EVER buy anything from you again.

Same problem
why they dont merge offline and online play, if they dont capacity to fix this? You can play offline and when you want to play with friends you go online
simple fix

What we can do for fix it? 163
and not changed for 10 min

I’m trying to play Diablo 2 resurrected, I have to wait for the server all the time. I want my money back, I didn’t buy it just to wait to play. I don’t have time for this

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they will not return the money

Thousands of players should get their money back at the same time. Then maybe something would happen :confused:

Good morning,

Our developers are aware that many players have to wait in queue before being able to play the game, and they’re still working on improvements so that everyone can play as fast and as smoothly as possible.

They’ve recently released an explanation on the situation, and what they’re doing to address the server issues :

While customer support doesn’t have any more information than you do, please be sure to keep an eye out on future announcements.

Thank you all for your patience. :pray:


Message adressé à Blizzard:

Faites quelques chose avec cette file d’attente
 C’est juste insensé  495Ăšme position et ce depuis 15min
 ça n’avance pas

Vous ne pouvez pas empĂȘcher les joueurs qui ont acquis votre jeu(Ă  une somme astronomique) sous prĂ©texte que vous n’arrivez pas Ă  gĂ©rer l’affluence et les problĂšmes de flux avec les serveurs.
Car c’est pas le tout de refondre un jeu graphiquement et vendre ça 40€, il faut assumer ensuite

Mon opinion de vous avait déjà baissé aprÚs certaines extensions de World of Warcraft mais là on touche le fond

à bon entendeur. (20min et toujours pas gagné de position) Je pense que je vais me résigner à jouer à un autre jeu, qui fonctionne lui

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