Thoughts On The New Queue System?

I’m not sure the queue is a thing… If I were #300 in the queue, and according to Blizzard’s post there are “hundreds of thousands of games” - explain how it takes 45 minutes to get from #300 to #0? The game crashes once every hour which means if there are hundreds of thousands of games (hence, hundreds of thousands of players at the least) - explain how with 1 crash per hour with this many people that somehow it takes 45 or more minutes to go 300 players down??? I’m dead convinced the queue is fake and just here to piss us off further. This game is a bigger scam than D3. The whole point for you seems to be sell it and watch everyone quit until servers are dirt cheap to maintain.

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que of 400, after 25 minutes on 120 position. this is retarded, i think a mc donalds serves their customers faster even and this is digital waitline, i was a blizzard fan but this feels as u guys robbing us of money, 40 euro a game and so much sales + other games u had, cant afford good servers to hold this? we should send Gordon Ramsey as a kitchen nightmare episode. u should finally fix the bugs so not everyone keeps crash and need relogg,

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Got up early so I could play an hour before I have to go. I was 375 in queue. 20 minutes later 375 in queue. 40 minutes later 212 in queue. This thing is barely moving, so much for getting on and playing a little.

Communication on what is going on to fix their server issues would be good.

It’s utterly disgusting customer service, but completely unsurprising as this company has gone so far downhill its circling the drain.

The fact they have server issues in 2021 tell you all you need to know about this ailing marketing company.

Still at least they can milk their hearthstone playerbase for a few more years before the powers that be pull the plug.


position in queue 381 for 2 hours??? WTH are you doing Blizzard? Do you want that we go for our refunds? If you cant handle global issue make seperate servers so we can log in at least!!

Wait 30 min to start playing.
Play for a while. Crash.
Wait 30 min to start playing.
Play for a while. Crash.
Rinse and repeat.
I don’t feel comfortable doing Ubers, becuse it’s just going to crash and then I’m locked out for 30 min again.


My thoughts are as follows:

A) Why did someone in 2021 come up with the solution to put their customers in a queue?
B) Is blizzard doing this to reduce the amount of botters?

I can’t understand why a company would deny a game growth? Are you expecting that if you spend money on servers the nostalgia will ware off in 6 months and those invested servers will be a waste of money? To me it’s rather confusing. It’s like a “Might as well kill the community now” kind of approach. Is there plans to fix this queue or are you honestly expecting less people to play because of it, and that will balance out the lot?

On a fun note: This reminds me of the days of 2002 diablo when my mom was on the phone and you wanted to play so bad… Ahhh I miss that dial up sound… Maybe Blizzard should add some music? xD

Reserve a slot for 2-5 Minutes after disconnect / unsuccessful login instead of repeatedly kicking people back to the beginning over and over again. Then it is fine TEMPORARILY UNTIL YOU FIXED YOUR SERVER ISSUES.

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What we have? Instead of fixing server problems and playing Diablo at least sometimes, we were offered to look at the splash screen and an incomprehensible three-digit number that does not change for 20 minutes.
With enormous pleasure, players can now contemplate the game screensaver for $ 30-40
Blizzard, what are you crooked degenerates.

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I think that might be exactly what I’m gonna do. Go back to the old diablo, because I straight up can’t play res with this queue. Who the hell thought that this would be acceptable? There are some games that it’s acceptable for a queue, a little wait before you enter the server, like MMOs, but diablo IS NOT IT. Most of us are just trying to play ALONE, not even on BN. I’m not entering some huge multiplayer world with hundreds, thousands of players, I’m loading up diablo. A game that for 20 years has had NO PROBLEM with this shit while running on LEGACY SOFTWARE.
Its obviously apparent that activision just doesn’t want to shell out the $$$ for the required server support. I understand that shit is expensive but its not negotiable it is NEEDED for a player base of this magnitude.
Players are sick and tired of AAA devs like activision trying to break the players back to save a buck or two.
Somewhere in some meeting a Activision exec set a figure for how much ongoing funding was to go to Diablo res, and apparently they went with the, “we dont want to spend alot of money” strategy on server architecture.
They were wrong.
Your pissing on your players to save a buck or two and its REALLY pissing us off.


they always go back to the unexpected player volume, like how many failed launches do yall have to go through to understand your doing it wrong? forget the cosby room and just fix this garbage, sitting in a que so i can get spammed by bot in the lobby, what do we think of your terribly inaccurate que, its shit

this game crashes so much, and then you lose ur spot and have to que again, why are those spots not coming available on my que cuz the amount of players and amount of client crashes, this que should be no longer than 2 mins

It’s a trash non-solution.

They need to upgrade their servers and increase capacity.

My thoughts on the Queue system. Im sure that doing this has massive benefits on the server side. But from a user prepective, its hardly a mitigation. Here is why I think that.

What we had before: a global server outage that lasted a few hours (atleast that is what I saw on the EU server through the week).

What we have now: A queue system that seems to take 400 player queue an hour to get through. I have seen many comments that have stated queue lengths of 1200+ people. So it could take someone… a few hours to get through in order to play the game.

And if your game crashes, then its back of the queue for you… (my game just crashed as I was writing this…)

When I get home from work on a week day, which is the time I would want to play this, it will be peak time on the internet and everyone will be trying to log in to d2r. So im expecting a few hours worth of queuing… rather that a few hours of waiting for the servers to get fixed…

Im sorry but this is not a practical use of my time, I have a bunch of other things I want to do as well so I’ll just be doing that instead. And when it comes to my turn after waiting inline, yeah… Ill be doing that other thing still.

For now this game isnt playable, for me atleast. I cannot fit the queue wait times into my schedule. I think ill just stop playing for a month or so and wait for a proper solution to be implemented.

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I could care less, to be honest. I have yet to be in a queue longer than a minute or two. I don’t know if this is different for other regions so I can’t speak about their experiences but it WOULD APPEAR TO ME that most of the groaning is overblown.

“Doesn’t happen to me therefore it isn’t happening at all”.

I put it in capital letters the chupaza that they have done






Given the history of gamers and their inability to act like rational human beings…

Sorry but I’m always going to tilt towards assuming they’re exaggerating the impact certain things are having on them when they’re inconvenienced.

I’d say the closest to the vanilla experience would be path of diablo, then Median XL which is hardly the same game but they both their own “bnet”

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its a pointless fix and doesnt fix the problem. my game runs just as bad as it did before the queue times. so its just another added frustration on top of the crashes. enough with these cheap bullcrap fixes and just make a great game before you have another lawsuit on your hands.

Yes, shill more. Gamers are always wrong. My game time today: log in, get stuck in the queue. Waited 40 mins, instant CTD, wait another 40 minutes, failure to authenticate, back in the queue. How’s that an exaggeration?
Inconvenienced? Buying a product for 40 euro and not being able to use it on the weekend, when we have some spare time, or we can play a bit longer is inconvenience? If that’s not bootlicking than I don’t know what is.