Thoughts On The New Queue System?

doesnt matter anymore anyway. the game has become completely unplayable… the queue times are ridicoulus, when you finally manage to log in there is the constant “connectioon issue error bug” until you restart and get banned into queue again. this is a joke, and a balsy one.


So, I personally feel like we’ve been completely scammed. I’ll be honest, it’s not a good look for your company or your development team. TAKE SOME OF THE MONEY WE GAVE YOU AND INVEST IT. PLEASE.

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I really preferred it when there were no queues, but at least I could create my game and play online. I don’t see the point and I don’t even enjoy playing single player in the meantime…

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My Opinion about the new Queue System ?

This Game with all these crashes and “that” Queue System is not playable anymore.
A Queue System has nothing to do with the old experience.

Its Timeeating, annoying and isnt worth to wait extra 2 hours after a crash in a queue again and again, did i said again?!
I will not playing this game anymore, if this system will be there. It makes no sense currently to play it.

My Opinion, nothing else


15 min in que… 165 → 145 now. i have no words for this…

i tought it was the game they Resurected and not the old d2 game servers… i need to be better to read the things whth small… :-/

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you are correct on a monday 1600 its ridiculous

i know and you right and what do we do, when we can neter we play again and do nothing

i am pissed because i am forced to play online. i always played offline but used tcp/ip to play/duel with friends and now i have to deal with lag, no players command, queue, no static maps, no pause, crashes and all that bs. And it was obviously anti-piracy measure and there are already groups out there that cracked the game and have announced mp so it was all for nothing. People who play pirated game will have better experience than paying customers.

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I’ll be filing a chargeback with my bank. This is absolutely unacceptable and borderline fraudulent. I cannot believe I have to resort to threatening action via my financial institution, for a damn video game.

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Same case, it seems 158 it’s a “magic number” ¬¬’
Horrible queue system… trash service.

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The queue system should be viewed as a Band-Aid because it is NOT A FIX!


  • Game Joins

    • If I accidently type a game name too fast it will not let me join for 30 sec. This seems like its ok if its fixing the server lag, but not being able to join a baal run then getting left out or having a BO not able to make it in because he typed too quick is a problem.
  • Game Crashes

    • A game crash may require a user to get pushed back into the queue, this morning im in over a 1hr wait just to get logged in. It’s not even my fault the game crashed but now im stuck in a 1 hour queue.

Overall I think its good not having servers crashed out for 4 hours every morning. But I think we have logic for server building and recreation. Somehow D2 Project auto populates next server + adds digits, and keeps password same for rejoining. Whatever they’re doing you guys should probably look to achieve, so the server remains same, name and game instance is recreated after a few game instances are destroyed. The delay between destroying instances should still exist, but if a user creates 3 -4 instances, maybe figure out if a server is empty for ___ min, then instance clears.

There is lots of room for improvement. I see this as a temporary fix and I hope queue goes away.

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Its not a solution, it is a huge slap on players face! The game wasnt cheap, come on Blizz, solve your problems so we can try to enjoy the game in peace!

Have been in queue number 152 for 20 min. nothing have changed :confused:

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While waiting in que, why can’t I play offline without leaving it?


In my case the magic number is 172…

It’s dog shit… I’m stuck on queue at the same position on a Monday morning for over 20 minutes. No peak time… my one day off… Get your shit together please.

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It is currently not really acceptable. Waiting 30 - 45 minutes to play at all and than waiting 30-60 seconds to get a free spot, when entering a game isn’t a solution.

We paid for this game to play it and not to sit in queues.
Having these issues for 3-4 days when the people are hitting level 80 and starting to farm specific spot would have been ok but we are over this time period. I’m really disappointed by Blizzard currently.

I love the game but sitting in a queue for a remastered Diablo II is really disappointing. Especially as they’ve cancelled out the TCP/IP mode…

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I hate these queues I work 6/7 12 hours a day when I have a small 5-10 minutes just to play I don’t want to be stuck in a queue for over 30 minutes… This is what’s going to kill this game I might ask for a refund soon since I didn’t pay for this kind of ****.


Well, i hope they resolve the server/game creation issues as fast as possible, so the queue can go away. It’s a shame that they tried to make it work with the 20 years old codes, in the current year, thats just pure laziness and incompetence on their side.

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Same here. Monday morning position 61. 20 minutes later it still showed 61.

Was waiting for this game for years. Then it came and my Vega 11 was too weak for it. Did not play for 1 week. Meanwhile i bought me a graphics card. Installed it yesterday. Rushed my PC this morning to play D2 and…got a queue. Had to leave this morning. Came back some minutes ago. Position 180.

Never thought i would say that: But now i really want my money back.

Blizzard may change as many game content as they want , transmute amazons into ugly guys in women clothes etc., that will not help Blizzards reputation. The only thing this will do is make people shake their heads in disbelieve and laugh about them.

The way Blizzard deals with D2 on the other hand is another great negative factor for their reputation.