Thoughts On The New Queue System?

actually blizzard is purely american, this is what happens when people get too soft. you guys decided to let stupid brittle peopel take control. you got effd over by your feeling police. 20 years agio this would have been the downfall of a company

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Why stopping there? Why only 20 years? You’re all too soft, and too american! lets go back 900 years and give the great medival warriors a waiting queue before the fight! CHOPPED TO BITS!

121 ppl in the queue before me, waiting for something like 20 mins~

im speechless

Yeah, you better keep in mind that giving me that waiting queue is the cause of this all, and I’m spamming about this as long as you give me that waiting queue. I’m the customer, I’ve paid for this product, and you provide a bad service. If you cant, dont provide, dont sell. Simple as 1-2-3.
Keep that in mind. Maybe write it down a few hundred times if its so hard for you to understand.


Yradorne also said earlier that it’s our fault the servers are bad, because we don’t give them enough good reports on the forum.

But he forgot that when we crash “BlizzardError” application fires ( in most cases) and lets us fill a more detailed report than the forums would.

But he gave us the fault and he don’t even know how the games / reporting system works.
imo his a joke

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They haven’t fixed anything at all, they just introduced this queuing system so that the servers don’t crash, we always play on rotten servers, they really take us for idiots.

It’s a shame to sell a game that crashes and has limited server access.

The only thing they do is apologize and let them analyze the problems in the meantime they have cashed in the money by leaving us a wobbly game, at this stage the game is not even worth 10 euros, because there is only one solo in fact.

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Long term customer since D1, and this is the first post I made on this forum.

You have to provide a decent service for what we’ve paid, this is just the bare minimum when you paid 40 bucks a game.

Having to wait almost 2 hours to play is unacceptable…this whole situation since the launch is unacceptable.

Your system is a nonsense, you add queue based on the fact that people will leave the client, but you know what ? No one is leaving the game anymore now, because of this queue, this is genius.

What will be the next step ? Launching the game before going to work, to hopefully play it when I’ll get back home ?

Or if you have the audacity to join a game, realize that most of the quests you wanted to play are already done, quit and try to join a new game. Suddenly its my internet connection that is bad. And dont get me started on that game list

Hiring for a lot of companies has become less about merit and more about politically correct checklists. People should always be hired on merit.

i don’t know if someone has suggested before but it would be great to be able to play with your offline characters while we are waiting in the queue

Shame on you…honestly, just shame on you

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For me Blizzard is dead after that shitty way to manage the situation of D2Resurrected… maybe you suppose to resurrect it… but you defenitely kill Diablo and your reputation! Good job.

Family father, had 2 hours time to play. Couldn’t play one minute due to your shitty queue system. Reached 0 and got kicked to last position again. Never in 20 years was the game situation as bad as now. Unable to see games in pre-expansion, no working channels, pathetic lobby. Awful remaster.

My greatest issue, other than the queue system is the fact that the games list is often filled with the same 20 games, half of which are nearly an hour old. No one wants to join a COWSNOW10 that’s 25 minutes old.

I don’t say this lightly, but this launch is worse than the original D3 launch… I’m talking about the real money AH and all.

This is unacceptable. By any reasonable, objective standards, the state of this game is unacceptable and should have not been released.

You either can’t play the game at all (ques), can’t play the game you want to (Pindle lockouts) or quasi play the game and get pissed off (crashes/rollbacks).

The most premier gaming company on the plant took $40 from us for a 20 year old game and gave us a product that is vastly inferior. There might actually be customer consequences this time. I know I personally won’t buy D4 after this.

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Yeah and I also saw a baalrun old of more than 3 hours. If they didn’t kill baal after 3 hours I think there is a real problem

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Hmm, Position in Queue: 333
That’s good and all, but does that ever go down? Been at 333 for over 10 minutes now.

implement 5min buffer for dc and crash

I think it’s a mix of 1 and 2. People with low patience have already uninstalled the game and started the forced refund process as Blizz looks like it cant’ wait to deal with banks and lawyers after denying a refund. And many of the others physiologically learned that you just have to log in beforehand and keep the game logged, as it won’t kick you out for that. At least not after like 45 mins - 1 hour (which is the time with which I “tested” this).

This is the most crap you have ever created. The game itself is great but that you, blizzard, after how many years with online gaming are not able to make server work as they should? Your queue system is crap and should get removed asap before you lose even more players.