Good day. I’m still getting the game and the message error 1016 pops up. I’ve already tried on 2 computers and 2 different internet connections. I’ve already put Win MTR here in another post, so you can’t tell me it’s my fault somewhere. Please make a quick fix or refund for a broken game!
i did a complete re-set of my PC after trying everything else. That worked for an afternoon. Now it’s back to ground zero. Somehow i no longer think it’s a problem with my pc or my LAN. It 's become a very common, and recent spike on this technical forum.
I am not familliard with this issue, just thinking abou this:
When run game, run CMD too. There, in cmd, write: PING US(.)BATTLE(.)NET -T (or eu(.)battle(.)net - depends on your region - without “(” and “)” of course!!!). And let this cmd running during your session.
AND run another CMD and write: PING GOOGLE(.)COM -T and let it run too.
When get error 1016, look at these both CMDs running.
IF there is NO issue (request timeout or very high ping) on any of these cmds, it is blizzard server issue (not your connectivity), or some game issue (try fresh reinstall of the game for example).
IF there IS issue (request timeout, high ping…) on both of cmds in same time, there is issue with your provider and you should contact him.
IF there is issue only on CMD running ping, but no issue on Google ping, there is definitelly issue on blizzard’s side.
Don’t want to interrupt, but the information you given is questionable.
This is EU forum, why did you give a US domain ? Why not ?
Also, there are totally 6 servers worldwide, located in 6 counties. Testing one host only? Are you sure ?!
At first, i am talking abu EU too (read whole answer ) and when in eu, it is worthless to test for example NA server, US server, korean server… You are connected to EU one, best is to test this one.
The url you given is just the webserver, not the game server. Pinging them is meaningless. Doesn’t prove anything.
Do you know where is the webserver? Is it the same located in the same data center as the game server?
In US, there are more than one data centers. Do you know where the game server locate? East coast or West coast?
So, what is the meaning of pinging a webserver at a different data center? What can you tell from that?
For same reason, pinging Google doesn’t proof anything.
Error 1o16.
Try get a new Computer or Upgrade the one you have.
End of story 1o16. old man.
I have a new gaming powerful computer and it doesn’t work. I’ve tried it on an older one, and it doesn’t work that way, your advice is completely bullshit
Where? This is the only post I can find.
So you can’t look
Thats why, you posted it on US forum.
After viewing your log, I can’t find any special problem. That’s why I didn’t respond on US forum.
Also, you ran the test for less than 2 min. Try again with 10 minutes as stated in in Blizzard Support - Running WinMTR . The data may be more reliable.
- Click Start , then launch the game you’re testing. If no connection issue is found in the first 5 minutes, restart the test.
- When a connection error occurs, play for at least 5 more minutes, then click Stop in WinMTR.
Edit: if problem is not at network, then it might be some background processes causing it. Try disabling auto-update of all softwares. I want to say including Windows Update but Microsoft may not provide such option. And, temporarily disabling antivirus software, for comparison.
You understand that I can’t even log in to the game anymore, so it’s hard for me to play 10 minutes of OMG
Just keep WinMTR running for 5 more minutes.
And what will it find out when the games come back to my windows?
WinMTR is a network diagnostic tool. It pings all the nodes between your end and the server. We want the report to try to find out where the problem is.
There is no interaction between D3 and WinMTR. You can close WinMTR after getting the report.
I haven’t read that this would help anyone. Are you from Blizzard?
No, I’m just an oridinary player.
So I’m asking for the help of someone from Blizzard and not someone who can’t help me anyway. What would you read from that? That I have a bad connection? I’ve tried it on two different internet connections and it does it all the time.
Supports aren’t 24x7 on the forum. If you want support’s help, you better enter a ticket.
PS: support writes in BLUE text.
As I said, I don’t find any issue from WinMTR log. So, the problem might be in your computer.