Why would the price increase? Has anyone at Blizzard gotten a 15% pay increase? Because I haven’t. That would make a higher price logical.
There isn’t a general inflation. And Blizzard isn’t a company that produces goods that suddenly got expensive.
Yes, there is always general inflation. It happens constantly and gradually. Inflation affects everything. A game that cost ~50€ roughly 20 years ago would be 85-90€ when inflation corrected. That’s why ~70€ base price now is very reasonable as it is less than it should be according to inflation.
With digital download you don’t have the expense of shipping and distribution so it should be cheaper.
I’m contemplating whether to wait for it to be on sale.
You clearly do not understand inflation and costs. The cost of making D4 was SIGNIFICANTLY higher than previous games. If they based the cost on the extra expense they incurred during its production it would cost a LOT more. Also you need to take into consideration the future ongoing cost for the company to maintain servers and, as they have promised, future content and multiple seasons every year. that all has to be paid for. 70euro is a very good price for years of gameplay. So yes, yes you should be glad is only 70 and not 100
No it isn’t. That’s not how inflation works. Inflation isn’t a fixed value. So pc games don’t get 2% more expensive every year. It’s exactly the opposite. It’s way easier to make a game today than it was 20+ years ago and you don’t have to press them on cd/dvd roms anymore.
A pc development team even earns way more money than 20+ years ago. So as long as they don’t get a 25% increase in their salary it’s not justified to rise the price any further.
The inflation rate for pc games is btw 1.7% in 2022
It is because they have bigger teams. Still they earn way more money with D3 than they ever did with D1 or D2.
And they will have a battle pass that won’t be cheap either.
I’m ok with a 100€ game, if my salary goes up by 25% because of “inflation”. So, why doesn’t it happen?
To play Diablo IV with early access you need to buy is scam. Why they dont let us try out first before buy?
They do… you can join the open beta the weekend of March 24-26…
Your desire to combat Lilith’s legions in Diablo IV can be played out during our Open Beta and Early Access weekends —available on Windows PC, Xbox Series X|S, Xbox One, PlayStation 5 , and PlayStation 4 . Those who have pre-purchased Diablo IV will receive Early Access to the Open Beta from March 17–19 . On the following weekend, the Open Beta will be available to everyone from March 24–26 .
Your Guide to the Diablo IV Open Beta — Diablo IV — Blizzard News
It’s only cosmetics. Check before you post non sense like this.
Open beta comes on march 24th.
I’ll play the beta just to see how it performs on my aging computer and also if it’s worth preordering…
When i saw the “premium battle pass” mentioned i immediately zoned out, what a garbage tactic once again to try and peel money away from players.
I don’t care “it’s only cosmetic” we’re paying for a full game.
Make the game “free to play” like OW2 then, and see if it makes more money like that or not.
Maybe i’ll pick it up on a sale or something later down the road, these kind of money extortion tactics leave a sour taste on something that should be a good product.
But it seems the shareholders are money hungry and there’s always people willing to defend these low end garbage tactics.
Well you did pay for Diablo 3 (and RoS and Necromancer dlc) so you support these “money hungry capitalists”. But if OverWatch 2 is free then they must suddenly be good guys… but if they make money on it then they gotta be bad guys. The confusion is big…
You could stop buying anything more than is absolutely necessary to keep you alive and functioning.
Either you don’t want to understand or simply just want to refute what i’m saying, either way.
I never said i didn’t mind paying for an “expansion” or “downloadable content”, what i said was that i do mind paying for a full price game and then being presented with a “cosmetic only shop”.
And if you think it’s fine to keep squeezing money from people like the way they are trying now is just pathetic, and i do sincerely hope it backfires on them like real money auction house did in Diablo 3.
And sure Blizzard isn’t the only one practicing this deplorable kind of sales strategy
I never said i had issues with any company earning money from their products, but stuffing your already full priced products with virtual vanity items (or worse, p2w mechanics) is just the sad state of the gaming industry nowadays.
Besides that it doesn’t do a game any justice implementing these systems, it’s only there for the wrong kind of people involved in the gaming industry.
Don’t act like they’re your friends, they will turn on a dime if they can earn more money from the other side.
Funny thing: if the price was 50 euro you probably wouldn’t hesitate a second buying it.
true enough, if it was € 50,- all in, then it would’ve been a no brainer.
so what’s the point in that?
let’s say for good measure, i’d even pay € 60,- all in but come on let’s be real here, € 100,- for a game that’s not even complete because come next season they’ll be shoving another “premium battle pass” right in your face for what € 20,- ~ € 30,- ?
you really wanting to keep paying through the nose for nothing of real value beside the game itself?
You get the full game and years worth of entertainment for 9.99 euro more. That’s not “paying through the nose”.
you’re still neglecting the recurring cost of the “premium battle pass”.
and let’s be fair, there are more games besides Diablo or other Blizzard games for that matter.
but fair enough, if you like to keep paying for something that should just be in the game then that’s on you.
there should be enough willing victims like you to pay for something so ludicrous as this.
and i’m also quite sure of the fact there’s enough people like me that will abstain, it’s not like Path of Exile 2 should be released this year as well.
you know that similar game that’s “free to play”.
so no idea why you want to pay for a full game and multiple times after that because of a battle pass that shouldn’t be in there in the first place.
You’re neglecting that the battle pass isn’t needed at all. You get acces to everything gameplay-wise without it. It’s not like you can’t play season without it.
Maybe it’s not needed, but you’re not getting a complete game for the price of one that should be.
I do love it though that you’re willing to defend these scum practices, you must either have a stake in it or just be a willing victim.
If the latter is the case, can i interest you in a € 50,- per month subscription?
i will send you four nice images that i personally selected from the internet or maybe i will use an AI generated image, prompted personally by good old me!