You are getting the complete game for 69.99.
I won’t comment on the rest of your post. It shows a lot about your character.
You are getting the complete game for 69.99.
I won’t comment on the rest of your post. It shows a lot about your character.
The way you’re responding to my comments says a lot about you as well.
And no, paying € 70,- and we’re still not getting the complete game if there are things hidden behind a paywall.
I don’t mind you not responding to my comments anymore, because it shows you know it’s true, keeping huffing that copium, it’ll eventually all work out for you in the end.
Funny coming from a “smart” guy who posted this:
Indeed. What the battle pass provides are some extra new cosmetics added after the game releases.
hahaha is that the best you could do really?
i’m guessing you’re not interested in my special subscription then hmmm?
I don’t subscribe to stupidity… like some.
Now now, don’t be like that, you’re showing your weak side way too much.
Now how much copium do you take in on a daily basis, you should be aware that huffing too much of that stuff can make you delusional and start uttering random nonsensical things.
In Apex Legends if u complete the battle pass, u actually get all ur coins back with about 10% surplus. So u r only paying for the very first battle pass, after that its free unless u didnt complete the previous season. Not sure how it wld work in D4.
Hungarian player here. 70 Euros, at the current exchange rate, are more than one-tenth of my monthly salary.
I don’t even count as “the poors” here. Many earn considerably less.
Do YOU think a sequel of a sequel of a sequel, which is pretty much just the previous game with a slight re-skin and a grey colour palette, and with paid battle passes and micro-transactions is worth that much?
Is the very game type worth that much? In any one Diablo or Diablo-Style game there is only a few hours worth of actual content, the overwhelming majority of your game time is spent repeating that content.
D4 should be either free to play, OR sell for a lower price and not have microtransactions nor battle passes. Be oldschool and sell an expansion or two a few years later.
This is clearly a case of the investors wanting ALL the money. It has nothing to do with cost of production, server maintenance ( By the stars, what servers? Seen D3 S28 launch? Que timers for half a week, and they count upwards! ), nor with being profitable, thus cannot be defended.
I do believe that the battle passes are cosmetic, or at least this is what we have been promised (although something similar was promised with immortal and they lied so …).
Anyway, I suppose my point is, that as this is a service game, sadly, it needs some form of revenue to maintain servers and keep content flowing, one of the reasons why d3 received so little support was that after the AH shut down there was no ongoing revenue. I will likely not be buying d4 myself, after the mess of both d3 and immortal, but that said I am not against £$70 as the price point as this is now the standard ps5/xbox boxed price too, and I am not against cosmetic only battle passes so long as they keep their word this time and there is no paid power.
They used to do that, back when Blizzard still was a respectable company and the money hungry investors barged in.
Blizzard even scrapped the second expansion, probably in favor of Diablo Immoral and Diablo IV.
What has anything you said have to do with inflation which is the big thing affecting pricing?
Average price for games, in the UK, from 2008 to 2022…
In that 14 year period, the highest average price was in 2022, at £36.47 and, remember, this is for physical copies, i.e. boxed product, needing to be shipped to stores / customers. Digitally supplied games should be cheaper due to none of the manufacturing / shipping / storage requirements.
Compare that against Diablo IV’s UK pricing of £59.99, £79.99 and £89.99, i.e. even the base game is almost double the average cost of games at a 14 year peak.
You’ll also notice that for the last eight years, the price of games has hovered around £35.
Does inflation explain why Blizzard’s game cost 2-3 times the average price of games?
Are those average prices for all games or brand new games?
New games, sold at retail.
The price point of around £35 for PC games in the UK has been stable for almost a decade.
Well, here in the euro zone the nominal price for more than a decade for a new game has been 59.99€. So the price adjustment to 69.99€ is reasonable.
To put things in perspective, D3 on release did cost nearly everywhere here 59.99€ and that was for the physical copy. That’s almost 11 years ago. The same thing applied to other games as well, in physical form.
The digital copies remained the same price as the physical ones or more expensive. In my opinion digital should always be cheaper than physical but some cantankerous shop chains across the pond would get angry if digital was cheaper because they don’t move on with the times. And that reflect over here too.
They also “gave it away” back then if you subscribed to WoW for a 6 or 12 month period, can’t remember exactly anymore it’s been a long time.
And the people who’ve played the first rendition of Diablo 3 also know that the game wasn’t nearly as good as it is now, let alone the “real money auction house” debacle that went along with it.
Blizzard should stop being greedy, sell (complete) games at a fair price point and stop trying to loot people’s wallets through MTX / Battle Passes / Loot Boxes / any other gambling mechanic(s).
You want to make more money Blizzard?
Make more decent content in the form of expansions instead of trying to turn things into a virtual fashion show or casino.
While making traditional expansions would definitely be more preferable option for us players, from a business perspective it is not. As much as we all loathe MTXs / battle passes / etc., they will generate way more profit in the long run and that’s why they make them. Blizzard is not a charity, it’s a corporation with a primary objective of making money.
Game companies always made a lot of money, even before these scum practices were put in place by people who should have no business in this industry.
But these kind of practices is what turns me off from their product(s), but it seems not enough people turn their backs on this because they’re entertainment starved and will swallow everything just so they can play a little longer.
The original D3 price is equivalent to 52 Euro and the RoS is 35.
So all in all 77 Euro.