Error code 317002

This issue is still ongoing. The second we have information passed to us to share we’ll let you know. We’re very sorry for the issues some of you are experiencing. Thank you all again for posting.


small typo, more like SLAck :slight_smile:

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When they fix it, they will apologize for taking so long and show you the middle finger like always. I play too long in Blizzard games i know how they work and how respect players and this is sad.

you mean THE primal finger :slight_smile:


For me since this early morning the same error 317002, after the character selection for the season.
I deleted the battlenet cache, nothing helps.
I started the game with 32bit client, nothing helps.
I logged on to America and then back to Europe, nothing helps …
I hope it will work again soon or who has a tip?

I’d be Very Very VERY Surprised if they did. O_O Like a pretty Dream.

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There is nothing we can do they need to fix it on their end.
Seems server related as there is only a problem when you want to start a game on season, standard is working fine.

Feeling very Picked on then!

Oh come on! It’s been 7h since maintenance and you still have no info?

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Blizzard say: “We’re very sorry for the issues some of you are experiencing.”
That interesting, guys do You know ANY person who can play in now Diablo 3 season in Europe?
I think this is not issue of “some” ppl i think EVERYONE got this issue.

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I am not a PC expert, but can’t Blizzard just copy the functioning US Season Server settings? The US Season is up and running.

I really don’t, but I sure would like to see some. We did Pay for this after all, and it’s definitely not right to crash something and not give something back to the players. It shows how little they actually care in the end. So long as they get their cash they be happy. Free cash is better. :zipper_mouth_face: :pleading_face: :tired_face:

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Exacly i remember when almost one whole day WoW servers not working and my friend got only 1 day left game time… and don’t get back this one day… and he stop play WoW :slight_smile:
Blizzard never respect players from i remember and this is a BIG problem.
I work in big company and like Blizzard we got maintenance but how this is possible they tell clients everything is OK servers up and don’t check this… close ticket when ppl report there is still problem and many many more… sorry in my company someone get a kick for incompetence.

Then you know where that person ends up… BLIZZARD!!! and Rockstar…

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It’s not really that straight forward. It might be the case that the Diablo engineers are US timezone. Investigating an issue like this takes time, especially for a smaller game/smaller team. (Active player base wise)

Just a friendly reminder that Diablo 3 just has a standard Liveops update pattern where they tweak existing assets in preparation for the transition to Diablo 4; we haven’t gotten “hard to implement” content since patch 2.6. So even though its a “Blizzard” game, they are slowly sunsetting it.

the non seasonal game is working,but not saving Gr advancement,so not working correctly there either unfortunately.

what do you mean by Transition to Diablo 4?

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A game as old as Diablo 3 is going to receive less and less content and actual resources invested into it.
They have a set of key performance indicators, daily active users being one of them, once it drops low enough or we get close enough to the Diablo 4 launch, the engineers involved with Diablo 3 will either transition to Diablo 4 or to another Blizzard title.

That transition is already happening, the “content” that we are getting is easy to implement, just tweaking already existing game assets (With the exception of new sets where you do require some 3D artwork). But everything else, like Seasonal themes its just down to picking already existing effects and coding it to work in a different way, job that is doable by one or two engineers.

Honestly for me, I feel like I got my moneys worth and more out of this game, but thats just personal opinion.

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I have the same error code 317002 and am in South Africa (same time zone as Europe).

Oh. I see. Facinating. o.o But Does it mean that Diablo3 will still exist after the 4th shows up? With Seasons and all, you think? It’s not like I don’t want to try out 4th, but I have fallen for the 3rd as I do the 2nd. :slight_smile: