Is Diablo 3 pay2win game?

you loot it because it came with the 2.6.0 patch. its like talking to a chimp


Dont call me names again :wink:

You don’t get the meaning of: Blizzard has the right to change anything they want?

This doesn’t mean you’ll be forced to buy anything but it can mean that the piece of gear you worked countless hours to finally obtain could be rendered useless by the next patch.

Correct. But do i need to pay to get that “next patch”? No! I will get it for free. Because i pay for it, and for some reason, Blizzard need to change something! Its correct!

In this case, its not a bug… its not about license… In this case is only: I pay for something i cant use it and only Blizzard know that. No one tell me when i but the game, and there’s anything in Diablo shop.

Blizzard need to avoid necro loot in non necro accounts! Or, they need to do something… If i pay for it, i wanna use it! Simple.

You can’t say “correct” and then continue to say that Blizzard is doing you wrong. If it’s correct then Blizzard has the right to add content to the game that you can’t use unless you buy something - like in the Necromancer case. With the Necro dlc they have added something that doesn’t mean that you can’t play the game anymore even if you can’t use it. But they have the right to do it.
In the past Blizzard has actually taken something away from the game which means that there are some things that you can’t do or get anymore… and there is nothing you, or we can do about it.

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Lemme put this in Ughachaca terms

Items are made for specific classes / monk usses monk gear / barb usses barb gear etc.Necromancer pack is a DLC added later when the game was allready finished (call it a expantion)but his items drop to you to becouse if your in a party with a necro lets say theres a chance to get necro items/ same for solo play / The items are free for all you cant use that gear becouse you dont have the necro witch is a payable addon.its pay to play not pay to win .

Pay to win whould be if you go on a third party site lets say, pay them for full character gearing / leveling etc…

Games that let you buy better gear or allow you to make better items then everyone else at a faster rate and then makes the game largely unbalanced even for people who have skill in the game without paying.

there’s your definition of pay2win. nothing to do with d3’s dlc

Diablo III now uses Smart Loot v2. This means that 85% of the gear that drops is for the class of hero you’re playing at the time the gear drops. This means that 15% of the gear that drops will be for the other six classes, or non-class-locked items. So, if you don’t have the Necromancer DLC this means a maximum of a sixth of the 15% of loot is stuff you cannot equip. Even if we assumed that all 2.5% was Necromancer specific loot (as opposed to just INT-based items that aren’t class locked) that means, at most, 1 in 40 drops won’t be equippable.


Consider this: You and your friend have been playing D3 for a while and sharing loot. Your friend buys the Necromancer pack but you don’t. Now your friend is playing a Necromancer in the new Season and while once in a while he gets loot for your class he can share with you, you never will. So to make sure you can share your loot with your friend who does have the Necromancer pack they also drop Necromancer loot for you. That’s fair in my eyes. I wouldn’t like getting gear from a friend all the time without being able to give something back.

So why do you also get Necromancer loot in solo then? Because otherwise you get a higher chance of getting the correct loot for your class then people who do have the Necromancer pack. If 1 in 10 items would be for a different class then after 70 drops everybody with the Necromancer pack (which has 7 classes) would have 60 items for their class, while you would have 61 (and a bit).

Futhermore, I also get a lot of loot for classes I don’t use. Should they make it so that I can “uncheck” for which classes loot could drop? No, of course not.

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Does this matter? I pay for something i cant use. Is scammer… They give me loot and they know for 100% i will not use it because i dont have Necro. This necro loot can be something for other races i can play with.

i dont care if there’s a change of 0.25% or 0.000005%. All i care is only: “I wanna use the loot i pay for”

Blizzard please have a age restriction and a IQ test when making a forum account


Why? Because im not blind like most of many in here?
If i pay for it, i wanna use it!

Why they give me items if i cant use it? Just remove necro from loot in accounts without necro. And all will be fine!

whe all tryed to explain to you how loot works in this game , you wont/cant underestand im wheingh twords the second. The loot is free as in all LOOT the game client as a whole becouse its on the INTERNET supports all drops the Necromancer pack its a DLC for just the character not its loot , no DLC no necromancer if your to cheap to pay 15 bucks for it dont complain about its loot droping becouse its how the game is designed. Make materials out of it put it on a frame i dont care it drops indiferent of classes .

To put it evan more simple if this is to complex for you



wtf!!! If i buy the game, i pay for loot. Right?!?! Then explain to me in one way i understand why i cant use my loot!?!?!? Why i pay for one game and now i cant use the loot?!?!
Help me understand, what is the point in pay for something i cant use!

When’s the last time you’ve used a Sledge of Athskeleng, a Blackthorne’s Duncraig Cross, a Gift of Silaria and dozens of other legendary and set drops?

Besides that, what you’ve paid for is not the game itself but the right to use it under Blizzard’s conditions.

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Becouse the f$X&^<g necromancer is not in the base game its a ADDON you payed for the base game thats it …Jesus… That why you can drop its loot due to game design thats why you cant use its loot You payed for 1 game as you sed you payed for Reaper of souls that it.Think that Necromancer is a whole different game. its part 2 of the game .expantion.addon. call it what you will

Well you can use it. It can be salvaged, given away or sold.
And another mistake: you didn’t pay for the necromancer stuff… it’s given to you for absolutely free!

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I dont use that because i dont wanna use it. If i wanna, but i can use it! i can use it!!!

1- I Buy Diablo 3. I have pay for it!!! And D3 now it’s all about RNG loot system v2 XPTO smart system.

2- If i wanna better items i have to loot for them.
3- I can loot for all races. I dont play with monk, but i got many items for monk. But i dont use it, because i dont like it. But i can use it if i like…

4- I buy Diablo 3, i pay for it… but i cant use Necro gear??? If i pay sor something i wanna use it. Is this hard!!! Most of you are blind now because D4??

What if in D4 they only give u loot for World Of warcraft!!! That will make sence?! U buy D4, and 10% of all you loot if for WoW. U real wanna say to me its correct?!?!

Then why is correct i loot for something i dont pay and i will not buy it.

You haven’t paid for the necro loot.

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i have pay for the game. And why i loot items i cant use?