Is Diablo 3 pay2win game?

It’s how the loot system works. How many frigging times must this be explained?


I dont care about Smart (money scammer) system works.
I only wanna know why i pay for one game, and now i cant use my loot because its 100% impossible to use.

Guiz stop it , hes either a troll either brain dead let it be…dead cause . He cant or dosent want to understand how the game and loot works and refuses to belive that the items are absolutley free in the game you only pay for EXTRA content so let it be its a waste of time :laughing:


Buying the Necro dlc is a good investment. You get extra character slots and extra stash tabs… and you don’t even have to play the character!

Could someone else try to explain?

Aerin owes me ~0.40€ for ibuprofen pills I had to take yesterday and today for the headache he caused me. He should pay at least that.

So i have to spend more money to use the items i loot in the game i pay for?!?! That make sence?!?!
I need to pay 2x to use my loot?!?! oO?

I think he’s TLGamer’s cousin!

As said several times. The loot in D3 is free.

u serius? is free? can u help me, please, create one free account to get any legendary item and use for exemple at level 34. Is it free? help me in here!

Please get in touch with doctor HOUSE he’l have a puzzle on you to solve…

u need Ophthalmologists?

Sure I can help. Once you’ve bought the game it’s free to play for as long as the servers are up. I bought the game, the expansion, the deluxe edition and the dlc. But even if I had just bought Diablo and ROS I’ve enjoyed a steady stream of updates and lots of new content over the years. So I’ve actually gotten much more than I paid for. So I’ve gotten lots of free extra content. And I’ve never been scammed.

The only “scam” I can think of is that probably a lot people who bought access to last year’s Blizzcon feel that they were scammed! :roll_eyes:

oO??? Did u get any bug?!!?

So i need to pay for Diablo 3. ok! So why i can’t use something i pay for?!?!

I’m still trying to wrap my brains around the “issue” at hand here. I really don’t understand why getting necro loot without owning the necro DLC is a problem. Only the necro character can equip those items anyway so to use them one has to buy the DLC. Even if one owns the DLC, no other class can equip them, only the necro can.

Those not owning the DLC essentially get free crafting mats.

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it’s hard to understand?!?!

You can’t use Necro gear because you haven’t paid for the the DLC. But that doesn’t mean that you have paid for something that you can’t use. You can only use what you’ve paid for, which is gear for the six classes you paid for… and also playing the six classess. The necro stuff is just free, redundant extras for you… but you still have the benefit of being able to play with necromancers… for free.

yes it does! I pay for one game, and now i can’t use my loot.

Again, there’s always the 85%/15% division. On average 85% of the loot is always for the class you are playing, 15% for other classes. The larger, more complex loot pool doesn’t change that. Just because there’s more overall variance, 85% of the loot will be for the class you play at the moment.


No it doesn’t. You can only use the loot you’ve paid for. “Use” in the meaning equip because you have the benefit of being able to salvage or sell it.

correct. So why they give me necro loot?

Do i pay for that system? Yes. But, can i 100% use it? No.

right! But i can do the same in all loot!!! I can equip 85% of my loot, because i pay for the game. Why i can’t equip the other 15% if i PAY the game 100% like they ask me?