Is Diablo 3 pay2win game?

There is an immense difference. In fact there is no comparison at all. I forgot an important thing; the patch that made way for bringing the necromancer into the game also brought in a lot of stuff for everybody else, namely new maps, a new boss and challenge rifts all for free.
See more here (remove the space after “h”)
h ttps://

and don’t talk bad about Meteorblade.

Can u say “please” ?

In the last 27 hours, you’ve made 42 posts = 37.33 posts per day.
In the last 121 days, I’ve made 407 posts = 3.36 posts per day.


it is pay to win game

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Please go back to school :slight_smile:


yes it is!

Nah. This way i can pay my bills. Other’s have to ask money :wink:

Nope, just pointing out that if you keep this up for a couple of weeks you’ll overtake me. Not that I’ll be bothered. Maybe I’ll play my Necromancer tonight. Would you like to team up so you can give me your Necromancer drops?

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My loot to you? :open_mouth: you will starve men…
But u can ofer me Necro pack!? What u say?

He’s asking whether you’d like to join his game while he is playing a necro character.

You could give any necro items you recieve as drops to him and in return he’d give you something you could use.

but it sure as hell can drop which means your loot table is polluted…

oh… nah!
I will play alone. Maybe i drop Primal KRYSBIN’S SENTENCE!!! Then i destroy it, because it give 15 Souls. If i wanna use it, i have to pay again… I pay to loot it, and i pay to use it…
heheheheheheheheh. Dream on Blizzard!

the necro gear came with 2.6.0 patch not from buying the necro dlc. so nothing is poluted. just easier programming

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we have been discussing this crap for days now. op could have taken up a paper route already and
have earned the 15 euro’s for the necro dlc

it’s free?
Create one starter account and loot one [Wisdom of Kalan], [Trag’Oul’s Corroded Fang] etc… Them tell me it’s “free”!

Why do i need 15€ to use Wisdom of Kalan after i pay 39.99€ to loot it?!?!

i will spend 15€ in one BIG Pizza!!!

you didnt pay 39,99 for necro gear . you paid 39,99 for barb ,demon hunter ,crusader, witch doctor, monk and wizard and all of their gear. the 2.6.0 patch came way after that wich gave you the free necro gear. so again you didnt pay for the necro gear

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How i get Legendary\ancient\primal necro gear without spend money?

cause of the 2.6.0 patch. are you really that retarded?
im done arguing with you. its useless

Show me how mutch retard i’m. Show me how u loot necro gear for free. Without spend money.
If u cant show me… them you’re the retard in here! and blind!!

and stop call me names. Meterosword may come here, show you code of conduct and maybe u get one ban.
I dont wanna that!

Pay to win is when there are items etc that can be brought to give you an advantage over another player who cannot or chooses not to buy the item. Somebody buying a necromancer does not get an advantage over a player who does not pay for the necromancer. Yes the game code puts all random lootable items in the RoG generator. For the amount of items you loot over your time playing D3 the amount of necro items you will loot will make absolutely no difference to your experience. Making a mountain out of a molehill in my opinion.


ok. I know (now) Diablo 3 is NOT a pay2win. It’s Pay2play!
But all i wanna understand is only:

1- If necro loot is free, then i wanna know how to create one free acount to loot necro free gear.

2- My loot (necro included) was not free… cuz i pay for the game!

3- If i pay for my game, why i can’t use my loot?! Because i dont have necro DLC, it’s ok. I understand that!!!

4- If i dont have Necro DLC, why i loot necro gear instead of something i pay to use.

It’s hard to explain this?!?!

Until i understand that points, i have the right to feel scammed by blizzard! Because there’s no INFO in shop battle chest about "u may loot items and u will NOT use it, unless u pay more xx.xx€ "