My game also freezing and lagging

PC: GTX 1080Ti AMD R7.

I get these 8+ sec freeze. The game freezes, not my computer.
I can still alt+tab out of the game. My mouse still moves.

This pretty much every 2-3 minutes. less often for solo game.

I am always freezing for 8+ seconds in the middle of a GR, couple times per rift
there is no rift where i don’t get a death because of it.

I have reinstalled, run diagnostics, set to lowest gpu settings.
turn on my GPU fan to max.

no luck.

Hello Minimag20,

You are posting a PC issue on a console forum… it would be more appropriate to post it on Technical Support.

But… before you do, are you on windows 10 Version 2004 Build 19041 by any chance? If so, refer to this topic :

and see if this is what you are encountering (check your D3Debug.txt file)

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