My inventory lags

Every time I open my inventory, I have to wait a few seconds before it shows any items. This is only in the season, not in “normal” play outside of season.

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Same issue. Lag time varies from a few seconds to several, approaching a minute.

Sometimes a few items appear right away, then the others fill in. Sometimes all items appear, but any socketed gems take some seconds to fill in.

Mouseover still displays (in good time) whatever is there, as yet unseen regardless of the ‘inventory’ window viewed (character, stash, follower, vendor).

The lag also affects all three crafters’ modality tabs.

As the normal play mode game does NOT exhibit this lag, I can’t reasonably suppose the issue is related to my hardware (late 2013 iMac) or the OS version (still on Mojave here).


Thank you for reply, and a much better description of the problem. I am on a Windows 10 PC btw, and in out of season play the game runs nice and smooth.

Switch to the 64-bit client, for some reason the inventory lag is a problem with the 32-bit client.
In the Blizzard launcher, go to Options > Game Settings and uncheck “Launch 32-bit client”


Thank you, I’ll try that.

edit: And it worked!

I have the same problem but can’t find the checkbox in options. How do I find out which client I am running ?

@ jawstoad

Just do what “Atomsk” said, that fixed it for me at least.

The problem is that I can’t find the checkbox in options unless I’m looking in the wrong place of course.

Are you sure you’re using “Options”, and not “Settings”? Slightly confusing I know… Options is near to the small window where there is news about D3 and other Blizzard games. I am sorry, my english isn’t 100 %. You find Options in the launcher (NOT inside the game).

Edit: I am on a Windows 10 PC.

I have followed what 'Atomsk" said but I still can’t find anything about a “32-bit client”. I don’t know if using a Mac makes any difference.

Certain versions of the O/S on a Mac will only allow 64-bit applications and therefore there’s no option to run the 32-bit client version of Diablo III.

If the option was available, it’d be here…

When you open the launcher, do you see the small windows with various news/commercials? “Options” should be right on the top of those, to the top left. There are also links to “Redeem a code” and “Shop Diablo” to the right of Options. Hope it goes ok for you, I have to go to bed now :slight_smile: Good night!

Thanks for the info Meteorblade. It appears that I have same symptoms but a different problem.

Despite the “SOLUTIONS” offered in the forum, none works. Going from 32-bit to 64-bit (or vice versa) doesn’t change anything. Reinstalling the game completely, (including Bnet) does not correct the problem. I have even read the European forums before. Is Blizzard support down?

Technical Support Dead ?

Hello all !
I’ve found a solution that fixes the issue of delayed display of inventory items, chest, ability icons … It also works with a buddy I gave the trick to. So there you have it, I suggest you try it too.
Create an icon on your desktop to launch Diablo WITHOUT going through Bnet using the Diablo III64.exe program; you must have in the target of the shortcut a line similar to this: “D: \ Diablo III \ x64 \ Diablo III64.exe” -launch
(D: \ at my place, it may be different at your place) with a space before the -launch.
Launch Diablo with this shortcut. If it works, then you can launch the game with the icon that starts Bnet.
Hope this works for you too!

Mac OS 10.14.6

Same problem with Inventory not populating in the towns without a 20-30 sec lag time. Is making the game un-playable. If anyone has found a workable resolution for Mac please let me know. Unfortunately the 32 bit vs 64 bit suggestion is not available on my end. I tried updating computer / re-installing the application and still having the problem. Never experienced this with any other season of Diablo, really frustrating.

Same Problem

checked wit Mac OS 10.14.6 and
MacOSX 10.11.6 (new clean install)
tried to start from Terminal with
open “/Applications/Diablo III/Diablo” --args -launch
installed Diablo II on own SSD-Volume

Sound: Musik off
Video: All Setting to OFF or low
Texture: low and high

Had to skip already Season 22

Same issue here running on macOS 11.0.1. This wasn’t an issue for me until now (v2.7.0.x) and I agree, it renders the game unplayable. It sometimes takes 45-60 seconds just to display my inventory. The same is happening with Followers’ inventory and with the map of the world. The background for some graphics doesn’t load alongside everything else, it just shows outlines and wireframes.

The 32 vs 64-bit suggestions are absolutely irrelevant and absurd (if you know what it actually means) so please stop suggesting it over and over again.

I have the same issue using Mac 11.3.1
Any known fixes for this?
Is someone working on the issue?
