Why are leaderboards not updating ???
Game takes 4 ever to load chars …play in party is horible due to servers…now leaderboards are broken …manage to make 127 gr solo and leaderboards not updating…
Seriosly…if this sh ee t is going to D4 aswell its gona suck big time.
Why is it so damn hard to get some serios servers BLIZZ , and i do whant a damn blue post this time. Is this ur way of p i ss ing on us BLIZZ ???
Did you miss the thread with 175 replies, some of which are from Blizzard, right near the top of the thread listing…
Nicely done, aldo in this point i say that this is bulsheet on its face…whats next ?? , blizz asking players to write the damn game code line in order to play ???
And with this i do fermly say that they can stuff D4 u know where…prefer to go with Path Of Exile 2 al the way…
I feel your payne, Blizzard servers need some serious rework.
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The issue with the leaderboards was fixed last night…
Topic closed, please use the main thread here in the event of new occurrences.