Diablo 4's Camera is Too Zoomed In

It’s artificial difficulty, an enemy comes in and whacks you before you see them or have time to react, so you get better by being faster to dodge or attack back. I would understand if the camera looked ‘forward’ more in the direction your character was facing, but it’s like 10 feet view distance only, which is quite bad.

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I don’t find it difficult, I find it annoying, and when I find a game annoying I stop playing it. This is coming from someone that plays and loves Elden Ring and Dark Souls, those games are difficult, Diablo is not difficult, I would rate it maybe slightly challenging at best, I do enjoy the boss fights, but the camera just frustrates me.

Don’t get me wrong, I am enjoying the game overall as a whole, but they really need to fix the camera, I can’t see any reason why I can’t zoom it out more!

That’s why we call it artificial difficulty, because it’s not exactly hard, but it can make it hard when an enemy that can easily be killed comes from nowhere and wrecks your day, or you try to dodge one big attack from a boss only to dodge into a second attack you did not see.

That is not artificial difficulty, thats not being fast enough, noticing sound cues, noticing the always present “outlines of incoming damage”.

Artificial difficulty is things like, the boss is immune during an animation in which your burst damage would destroy it before the animation concludes, or the cheapest version, is sustain drain, i.e. the boss refills his HP for “some reason”.

That’s 100% artificial difficulty down to a T. If you cannot see the enemy it makes it harder, plain and simple.

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I simply just want to zoom out more since i come from games like Grim dawn and Last epoch. Its just annoying seeing the game so zoomed in. I feel i miss some of the atmosphere and presence.

Fix the ultra wide 32:9 joke it don’t work right with black bars

I see you post all over these forums, always in a derogatory tone. I can see from your arguments that you must be somewhere between 12 and 15 years old, at least as mental development goes. Any person who has to preface an argument with his “vast experience” has lost the argument before it even began. You learn this in 3rd grade. Most of the people disagree with you, yet you keep standing your ground. I kind of admire that. This nonchalance of yours :slight_smile: Like a child screaming at adults, trying to get his point across. We all look at you, laugh at your cuteness and innocence and move on with our lives. Anyway, i hope to see more posts from you, you are my favorite shill on these forums :*

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I see you have terrible critical thinking skills and have made zero correct deductions.

Otherwise, great post.

That’s not artificially harder, that’s actually harder.

Oh man, I love that you don’t get the meme “actually with my x hours I can genuinely say…”

The other one is “this is just my personal opinion” you know as opposed to posting another person’s opinion. Then they just babble insults at the dev…

Love these forums. Thank you for getting fished-In SO HARD. :laughing: :blush:

@OP Yup, it’s really is a pain that we don’t have the option to adjust the zoom ourselves. Game zooms out for mount, bosses etc, so it’s not like it can’t be a thing.

There should be a option for this in settings.

I can only guess it has something to do with the online mmo element of the game, a attempt to reduce lag and stutter.

The zoom scales relevant to the content.

It also balances melee Vs range for builds.

So it would make absolutely no sense to give players this option, as we would see zero melee builds and the whole game becomes a diagonal shooter like Robotron…

Destroy the humanoid!

I 100% agree. On top of that, enemies can target you from outside your range of vision (yes I’m talking about those undead crossbows which almos OS in NM).

Sorry guys, you are all wrong.

Bias {owning that type of crazy wide screen} must be the only viable reason you are asking for this.

It would completely change balance for everything, diminish the aesthetic, might as well play on minimap only. :laughing:

Just work on awareness, sound cues etc. and enjoy the heightened challenge, instead of crying out for an easy mode.


Bro you are on the forums spewing this on every other post. So for you to now try and turn it around as you making a meme is, modestly put, plain cringe. Everyone on these forums laughs at you, and tries to tell you that you are wrong, but I guess living in imagination land takes its toll on a person. Anyway have fun fisherman , you go show us how to meme :slight_smile:

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Nobody is telling me I am wrong, because this is simply not the case.

It’s impossible, to be honest.

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It would seem so, right? :slight_smile:

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Finally, man you were stubborn at 1st, but now you see the light and are set free…

I have come not to always be right, but to empower others to not always be wrong.

Praise mother.

i havent played in three days, the zoom is making me sea sick and i want to puke on my cats head again