Freeze, freeze, freeze crash

I’m not getting any freezes but straight up crashes. On random occasion, like opening inventory, teleporting to town or another player, opening any other menu, and most often right when i try to start the game right after a crash, sometimes i get 3-4 one after another from the menu. It simply freezes the game for 2 seconds and rashes to desktop. No explanation, no error message, not even an option to send error report. Event monitor claims some windows system file which cannot be the issue.
The problem started appearing beginning season 2, but got incredibly common after last patch. we are talking average of 10-30 min of gameplay until a crash, it’s frustrating and didn’t happen before. I tried fiddling with various graphic and gameplay settings but there isn’t much change. I thought DLSS to be the culprit but changing to normal doesn’t prevent crashing either.
My config is I9 13900K, RTX4070, 32Gb DDR5, X790 chipset. I have a 1440p 144hz monitor and capped the FPS to 120 in desperation. In pre-season i had 4 hours play sessions with no issue whatsoever. it must be a recently introduced bug. Please do something, it’s not really playable if there is 1/3 chance of game crashing every nightmare dungeon or longer event.

Same here! Did everything but the bug is still there and the game is just unplayable. On some occasions I get the Network disconnect message and I see the game running in the backround, hear the music etc etc. In my humble opinion the first thing devs should do is acknowledge the problem and then FIX IT!

This game is nothing but a freeze fest right now, and it’s so random it’s not even funny anymore.

One minute i can do everything without any issues, the next, the game just locks up when opening the inventory or the map or anything that requires a button input.

They need to hire competent engineers and programmers, fast…

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Doesn’t help you friend but it is a smooth a butter for me and has been all this season 2. Issue is not always at the server end… easy to blame them though.

Im reading you now for the same reason you are complaining. Tonight is dreadful and all days can be dreadful and some days are heaven. I continue to play as it makes me stay continually depressed when the name Blizzard is seen.

It is easy to blame them, when they are at fault.

From day One of Early Access, I had no issues with lag, freezing, or crashing. In 5 months of playing I had about 3 or 4 crashes, 0 total freezes, & minimal lag.

Since the most recent patch, I get random complete crashes to Desktop, frequent lag spikes, & the game freezes when I open my inventory, when I teleport to town, & when I mount up. It doesn’t happen every time, but it is happening frequently, & the only way to resolve it is to force close & relaunch.

Nothing on my end has changed, same P.C, same internet connection, same everything.

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And I’ve played daily and not had one of those things you mention. Not once… We are using the same client on the same servers…but yet you rush to blame Blizzard (I am NOT saying it isn’t a change they have made I am mealy saying that there are more variables than the ones Blizzard control.

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I am blaming Blizzard, & with good reason.
Nothing on my end has changed. I am using the same P.C. The same Router, the same internet provider, & yet since the last patch I am getting Freezing, crashes & lag spikes, everything was fine until the most recent patch.
So if I have changed nothing, then it must be on Blizzards end.
I just had another freeze when opening a Blood harvest Chest & had to force close the game.


This little trick “solved” my freeze problems go to documents → Diablo IV → edit LocalPrefs
change this DisableChromaEffects “0” to DisableChromaEffects “1”
Save the file

Tried it, does not wok.

The fact that they ignore this is my main problem. I have the same issue, tried fix on the internet but nothing works.

Mee too Bro( i have this problem

I am posting this here because the Support team told me to:
In the game Diablo 4 summoned Duriel in the dungeon Gaping Creacasse. Thee boss spawned, killed me and when I went back into the fight the boss did not spawn. I could not leave the fight either and was stuck. I had to quit the game.
Could you please refund me the summoning materials? They are tedious to aquire and I would be most greatful.

Stupid doesn’t even begin to explain your comment.

Just because you don’t have issues, doesn’t mean everyone else is in the same boat as you, having no issues.

The majority are in fact having major issues with the server.

Don’t come here talking trash and blaming the players for the issues they’re having. That makes you arrogant and ignorant.

I’m on an Intel(R) Core™ i7-12700F clocked at 5GHz. RTX 4060ti, 32gb RAM with top of the shelf custom liquid cooling and a 150mb connection. Please do tell me how it’s my hardware or internet causing these issues with the game crashing, rubberbanding and more, which has been a thing since the so-called ‘early access’.

I play WoW with no issues whatsoever, and i play all other online games without any issues, old and new games mind you.

While an issue is not always on the server’s end, it is very much so in this case.

Go educate yourself a bit before you start blaming the players in your attempt at white knighting.

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You got data to back that up?

I’m on a 5800X wsith a 4080ti and 64Gb RAM and a 500MB conncetion and not having issues. Next

I didn’t blame anyone. I just said there are other variables at play into why there maybe issues for some people. It is not always Blizzards fault (I never said is wasn’t their fault. )

I won’t tell you what I do for a job, but I can assure you I am very, very educated on the subject.

If nothing changes on a players side & they suddenly start getting issues, then it IS Blizzards fault.

Then you should be able to understand that server issues can affect some people & not others.
Like I said before I had practically ZERO issues before patch 1.2.2 & after the patch I had numerous issues on a daily basis.
Fortunately those issues appear to have settled down now & I am not getting Freezing or Crashing.

Once again NOTHING changed on my end, so it is 100% a Blizzard issue.

It could be your hardware. Probably not your cpu (Intel has very high quality control compared to AMD) but if you have a cheap motherboard, power supply, gpu or ram, that component might not be operating at specification meaning it might work normally unless stressed by demanding software. You might have a software conflict or driver issue. As for education I’m a Director of IT at a SE corporation and I (rarely) do sidework as a hardware/network consultant @ $200.00 an hour.

If Blizzard’s software was as bugged as you suggest it would “have to effect every system” running that software but it is not. That means the only variables left are your internet connection and your computer.

(I just had a thought) If I was trying to fix somebodies computer with this problem I would check the network card. Data flows back and forth through your computer and the Blizzard server through your network card. In the last couple months I have had to replace nic’s on several of our workstations to address performance issues.

check this review, first game is Diablo 4 and there are some tips:

Same. Yesterday same, same same.

Hi yes It happens to me its so random though you can be in a dungeon or just looking at your paragon board and then? i play lots of other games including GTa and red dead redemption and never have any other issue’s its so frustrating. But ask yourself why so many updates???. Perhaps its just because we have like pc and they are more effective with play stations :frowning: ??