Have expansion can't play Spirtborn or go into new map

Same thing man. I look on the game shop and it says unlocked yet I still can’t play it.

Just want a refund for the game and to be on my way if possible.

I fixed my issue.
Although I bought the expansion through the game I had to go into the Xbox game store (search vessel of hatred) and it showed it needed to be installed from there (took like 3 seconds) and boom!! Game was ready to go

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literally this, every 30mins. so if i log to menu, play another (vanilla) alt and come back to char screen its ok. or i can completely quit game and come back and for 30mins the game will let me continue with my expansion until it forgets i have it and boots me out.


did this, same issue. it’ll kick you out after 30mins

Hello everyone,

So there are several distinct issues currently being discussed in this thread, I’ll try to address them all:

Expansion required on multiple platforms

  • This was covered in a few different places, including the FAQ on the website. While I can understand people wanting it to be different, the technical support forum isn’t the best place for that feedback.

Able to start, but losing expansion access during play

Able to buy edition upgrade, without owning the base expansion

  • This has also been fixed, but anyone who was already able to do this, will need to purchase the base level expansion in order to get access
  • Once you’ve made sure you actually own the expansion, make sure you’ve downloaded the relevant DLC, steps for xbox here. (thanks, Zet!)

Unable to access expansion after Steam in-game purchase

  • There is a separate topic for this here.

Thanks to everyone who's helped raise and troubleshoot these issues so far and hopefully we'll be able to get even more people up and running in Vessel of Hatred!
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This is too narrow. In my case I am Unable to access expansion after Xbox Seriex X in-game purchase. Please advise.

Thank you DSHLoki for trying, but unfortunately there is nothing on my system on the Manage page to either select or install.

And finally, (RANT) what is this THREE POST LIMIT for newbies? I’m logged in with an account I’ve had for years and I can’t post any more in a SUPPORT FORUM? HELP!!! (/RANT)

See this thread. I had the same issue. Being a dev myself, this as poor architecture and development… Especially since I had the pet cat since July making you think your all set…

Same here. Bought expansion on XBox and it says I have it but then states I cannot create spirit born or go to new area as I need to buy it. Not happy.

Now all fixed thanks for the info.


While looking in-depth at game options etc., I kept seeing the MS assertion that uninstalling a game does not mean it’s gone and you can re-download it. Since I knew I had the checkmark from my purchase, I did just that.

I uninstalled then re-installed from the store. It had both D4 and the Expansion Pack checked as owned. A few hours and 150GB of internet traffic later, it’s now working with all my old characters present and my new character Spiritborn enabled.

On XBOX I entered billing options, looked for purchases, Vessel of Hatred was there, chose “manage” and then the option to install appeared

This whole thing is ridiculous. Obviously, from all the confused people, the advertising was disingenuous, if not outright fraudulent. All a lot of us have asked for is a refund. We haven’t played the game, it hasn’t been out long enough to play. There should be a blanket approval for refunds. Or at the least I hope a class action suit.

I’m happy to go away when you give me back the money you stole for a game I haven’t and won’t play that you conned me into pre-ordering.

I am in the same situation, I bought the expansion and it does not allow me to enter the new area or create the new character.

Meanwhile Blizz is laughing all the way to the bank. Pathetic

You are a genius. Been unable to access SpiritBorn since launch day. This fixed it instantly. Very grateful.

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