Instead of making other builds viable for sorc, they destroyed them all

Or are you gonna tell me I made the wrong build? And didnt follow someone?

I was only doing a Nightmare dungeon 2 levels above me, so the increase in ice spike damage killed the aoe packs as fast as before, and the bosses die before stagger so didn’t see the difference there.
I use devour but only 3 points, I have 6 point in Hoarfrost which gives x36% damage to all damage to frozen enemies (because I have never got more that +1 to devour with good other stats) so the devour change didn’t hit me as hard.
The larger numbers will be more noticable on +10 levels above me, will need to test this tomorrow

Well vs like tier 50 it’s still easy, but before i could hit tier 65-69’s for like 3mil…
And now i do like 500k…
I also seem to take more hits, not necessarily more damage, but my potions are gone extremely quick and it just takes too long to kill anything

Welcome to the Barb World

So far it seems the same as before, need more testing.

Ahh, but you’ll get the SUPER malignant heart for Sorcerers.

Omnipower Super World Tier IV
“Core Skills that launch a projectile consume all of your Mana. For every 45-35 extra Mana consumed, you launch an additional projectile, and the damage is increased by 3.0-5.0%.”

This is a joke…


This part does suck, ~20% from Close or Distant enemies really hurts.

Depends on build, I’ve got access to 3 on my mainly frost sorc, if I wanted to trade off some other things like mana generation (I don’t), or more damage (I don’t).

I think the main thing to take away from balance passes like this is one thing, it makes it extremely hard to commit to the game and try to make a specific build that suits a player style within a class (any class) when the developers come along and take away that time spent in doing so.

Absolutely fine with making more builds viable, and toning down the overpowered builds, but doing so while also damaging the “lesser” builds that players may find fun and rewarding? Not okay with that.


Lol, they lost me at;

“We noticed some attributes being crucial to higher level play, so we decided to nerf those to make more builds viable.”


Of course Frost Sorcs have access to potentially more. They are Frost sorcs.
If I want to play Lightning or Fire, the best bet is Frost Nova all the time.

Thanks for the emotional support. :slight_smile: I had the same hopes. Now I think the only way for me to play will be the Ice Spikes, which I avoided as many Ice Sorceres had them. I used the same synergies as you did. Blizzard Microsoft was just SILENT about all this change till the patch itself. I have listened to their chat and they did not mention anything about destroying fun weaker easy builds which gain from vulnerable and critical. They just let it as a bad surprise. I think it is really time to end the play time and start life again. May be they did it on purpose, people were just having too much fun grinding monster every evening.


Planned to play sorc in season, and yesterday was thinking that it doesn’t matter if patch nerfs its dmg or defence. It can be anyway fun to play if can get enough cdr that can spam skills. Especially teleport and teleport enchantment.

Then saw patch notes:

cdr nerfed 30%…
Maybe season give something to lower cdr…nope.
New unique item Oculus what give teleport enchantment…WOW…Then read more… it make sorc port to RANDOM location. wtf!!! it make it completely useless.
I guess i don’t play sorc. =/


ME: Yay new big patch!
PATCH: we nerfed crit dmg everywhere
PATCH: we nerfed blaze
PATCH: we nerfed vuln
PATCH: we nerfed cdr
PATCH: we nerfed intelligence
PATCH: resists still not work
ME: DAYUM while uninstalling the game.

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My iceshard damage went from 15,5M (without fist of fate) down to 1,5M. Now I am not able to kill elites in T90+ nm.
Aspect of control fixed.
Aspect of retribution nerfed.
Devouring Blaze nerfed.
Crit dmg nerfed.
Vul dmg nerfed.

I am curious about conjurer build if also was effected so hard.
We will see if hearts can boost the damage back to normal. :smiley:

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You just tickle mobs with that around tier 40
CDR is also completely useless, no damage and even if you’re using crackling energy for CDR on top, it’s gonna take a while to get your ult up again… which also just tickles mobs btw.

i think you started panic too early. IMO i repeat IMO there will be something insane in that hearts since there is 3 types DEF OFF and unique or whatever dont remember. i think this 3 hearts will overcompensate that nerfs, thats why they did such a huge nerfs.

4 types of cores → defense, offence, utility , unique

Well, this patch is trash, i won’t play this game anymore till they fix it back.

so we can put 3 of that f.e. Tal Rasha + Revenge + Picana here we go insane lightning build combo

Totally makes up for all the nerfs yes, but not really.

if you will read properly that powers you will understand that its only lvl 20 ones with low ipower on it so imagine having a 810ipower this will grow insanely high. so thats why im saying that its early to panic