Algorithm behind game to force you to lose

Actually, I do not understand the purpose of this thread?
I think Blizzard has already stated that they try to keep players at approx 50% winrate. So it means they manipulate things, right? And they do it via MMR I guess. So yes, Blizzard has an alogithm in place which manipulates things, you are correct :slight_smile: End of discussion :slight_smile:

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Think you should have come in early lol, could of saved a lot of time.

It’s actually really disappointing though if that’s what they do. It should be random.

They shouldn’t manipulate they outcome of games, why can’t we just be matched randomly? If we aren’t matched with same rank, same mmr but they shouldn’t match us with deck counters to keep win rate down, that really sucks.

I suppose the way to climb then is to win two, concede one, win two concede one etc.

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Talaniel, I know this, but they also stated this is done by MMR nothing else. The thing, this topic is about , is card draws which is a deeper touch on a game-flow rather then just face with a harder opponent. I don’t care if I lose because other guy has higher MMR, because higher MMR doesn’t equals better skill especially in a card game. A card game is mainly about luck and skill. Unfortunately the “luck” factor is rigged, that’s what I am telling in this topic.

How can you possibly know how lucky your opponents draw was i.e. what was in the remainder of their decks? For all you know the rest of their deck was full of counters to your deck which they didn’t draw.

It’s hypocrisy like this that really nails on that tin hat. You win because of skill, you lose because of luck. Either it’s rigged and you only won because of luck or it’s not rigged and you won because of skill. You can’t claim both and have any shred of legitimacy.


As I see you still cannot think other way just black and white.
I try to describe:
Game = 60% luck + 40% skill approx. (before u ask, it’s not from a study)

For example: when I have mage with kabal lackey (2), I have it like 5% of the time (max 10%) on first or after muligan so cannot play it on first round. When I am facing against a mage (no matter which deck I have) enemy mage has 70-80% of the time on first round play. Nice random. Yeah you can say it (and I bet you will) I am f…kin unlucky person. But this is not only with this card. This is through the game, when I need to win to advance to the next stage the opponent has everything in hand like chained from 1 round to X round. I can literally count on my hands in one game how frequent it happens. Not just missing for example the 2nd rounds card but almost till the end. I have 7 secrets from 30 and 4 secret draw cards in this mage deck for example, and you know what? For me it’s not rare, it’s frequent that I don’t get these cards for 6-7 mana (rounds). Nice random again. Ofc this mostly happens when I have a chance to advance. And this is nothing about MMR or skill. And all of these counts for random events (like destroy random minion, put a random minion to the board, burn a card after max reached etc.) So blizzards random is absolutely manipulated.
No wonder why every new expansion have more and more random cards. Vanilla Hearthstone didn’t have that many and the games were much more better then nowadays coz of blizzards “random” action cards.

For what reason would they do this?

  • balance player base - help low skilled, low playtime players to advance and not lose interest in game - so they more likely spend money on game
  • balance player base - prevent to form 2 group of players from rank perspective (low and high skilled and/or pay and not payer players)
  • gambling addiction - see wiki/google etc. how it works (short term if you win to easy you lose interest and vice versa)

that’s why blizzard forces players around 50% winrate, because of the above reasons
all of the above reasons connected to each other

So, nobody can climb ladder?

I think they have 1.5 Billions - 2 billions (USD) reasons per year to manipulate the RNG. (Which is not an RNG anymore if they manipulate it).

Please read the comments what I wrote in 3 points above your question. Didn’t say at once that you can’t climb ladder.

Would you say then, that every game is predetermined as soon as your matched?

Is hearthstone not run like online poker?

Each card is assigned a number. At the start of the game, the numbers/cards are jumbled up using a random number generator and this is set once the game starts.

I hope to hell this is how the game is run, if it isn’t that sucks big time/

Maybe not all, but if only one is from 5 or 10 games (or no matter from how many, which I am sure there are manipulation) then it’s cheating from blizzard side. And this kind of manipulation is against “customers”

This should be the case but not in this game. But of course you cannot prove nor deny it.

Kind of, but it’s once all the shuffling effects take place, as they reorder your deck e.g. the mulligan, adding pieces of C’Thun etc. Also any time you shuffle something into your deck it reorders the deck. We know that from it undoing LoreKeepers effect.

If you really want to you can scroll through HSReplay and do a bunch of math to show that each card is drawn approximately the same amount. It would be so easy to prove the draw is rigged, that I refuse to believe that it is.

Brother,i dont know what to say,your post covered me.I thought if i start writing smt like this here,Blizzard fans and supporters,will roast me till the end of times.
I’m a 6 year player of the game,joined around 6 months after uits release.I never had a problem with the game,nor i had to even register to forum for problems.
But man…
The last 1 year im so sure the game is rigged badly,scripted/botted accounts to force you lose…
My ranked games always put me facing the worst counters and my rng is nowhere to find(for decks that in statistics are hella high on win rates -no,im not crying cause i aint legend,i care to do my games without the feel that my account is scripted to lose- battlegrounds is even worse…
Just now i had 4 back2back games.
Elemental play?No minions given
Murloc play with Funglemancer?Passive usage on 4-5 rank gave me 3 times Rockpool -even that i had rockpool already onboard golden-,no murloc 4 rank,no murloc of 5 rank(when im at that rank).Im not saying passive SHOULD give only their rank equal minions,but at least not give only 1-rank sh!t!

In general,what ive noticed lately in my games in battlegrounds,the game DOESNT let me do goldens,And we talking about long plays,i wasnt gonna complain for a game less than 10mana/10 rounds or more.
I’m really disappointed of what a game i liked for 6 years,became so badly for the money.
I reached to a point i wanted to just giveway my account to see how the poor next owner will feel from the suffer.

Last but not least,why the gold from exp changed after 50?it used to be 150 gold from 51 to 350 and now its 50g.Pathetic…

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lol it took 3 times the XP to earn 150g and people complained that it felt like you weren’t ever earning anything. So they changed the XP needed from 4500 to 1500 and changed the gold from 150 to 50.

Yes, if you read through the topic, I got roasted couple times, i mean they tried but ofc they were blizzard fans and blizzard-payed-employees and I ignore such a user (just laughing on them, how obvious it is). I already searched through forums etc. just to prove it myself if they are or not. Ofc 1 off the commenters here is 100% a customer “care” account. I won’t say which, but if you do ur research you will easily find out. :slight_smile:
Sadly after HS got hyped they saw how much money is in it and baam this is what we see now.

Well, you my friend understood the topic trhough and trough. Blizz should be ashamed that they turned this fun game into a money maker. “thing”.

Figured out how to beat the algorithm-Zoo Warlock. Finally hit legend. What a deck that is.

It’s been demolishing me so many times and I resisted the urge but finally gave in.

I’m converted, it’s actually quite fun and not brainless like I always thought. There is so much to think about.

It’s actually amazes me a bit as I thought I knew Hearthstone really well, like a Jedi. In actual fact, I’m still a padawan with loads to learn.

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Yeah pretty much know anybody who puts “brainless aggro deck” has never tried playing one before. Aggro vs aggro is arguably the highest skill match-up in the game. So the person playing their slow “high IQ” deck is contributing equally to the brainlessness of that particular match-up if they built their deck in such a way that if they draw their answers they win, if they don’t they lose.

Also helps you recognise the good aggro players you come up against. It obviously helps me as I’m playing some kind of jank, so it makes it even easy for me to see “I only won because they are bad” as they either over or under trade in a nonsensicle way that gives me the game. Against a good aggro player, my non-refined decks need a much better draw than them or they just roll me over.

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