Algorithm behind game to force you to lose

Yes, my toughest games were the mirror matches.

At rank D1, I faced a mirror match, face Hunter and warrior of some kind.

The mirror match, not sure how I won, I was behind, and there was one key turn which swung it. I think I even made an error. I have rewatched the recording and i think I should have played it differently for more value. I still won though.

Face Hunter was okish to beat and the warrior I had the game won by turn 4.

Having fully experienced the zoolock vs zoolock, it is a tough matchup, really tense but enjoyable.

I don’t know if aggro vs aggro is the most skill full, feels the most tense.

Won of my favourite match ups is highlander mage vs control priest. The game lasts an eternity, I had one last 26 minutes, but what a game.

I suppose the difference is that aggro v aggro, a mistake costs you the game whereas HL Mage v Priest you can afford to play a bit looser as the game will usually go the distance.

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Yeah pretty much. If you think about it makes sense as the longer a game goes, the more time your opponent has to make a mistake and let you back in (or luck swings over come the mistake).

lol. it’s called MMR, has nothing to do with the game trying to rip you off, i just came back after a break of 3 years + i havnt spent any money since 2014 on hs, i’ve played 2 seasons since i came back, and got to legend both times, learn how MMR works. after that’s said, i wanna confirm it’s to hard for new players to get into the game without paying a half house for the cards, but hopefully Blizzard will come up with a fair solution on that very soon.

What do you mean “learn mmr” ?

i never said learn mmr lol, i said, learn how it works.

Yeah I didn’t word it exactly the same.

I was curious as to what that sentence meant as I am always trying to understand MMR better.

MMR can take a while to wrap your head around, but it’s really not that important, i never heard a good player whine about the MMR, because you need to play against the best to become the best, and you honestly should be happy bout the system, imagine if you played against players like me 250+ THAT would not be fair, and thats why we have the MMR, so that people of equal skill level will face each other. imo. a good system

“play against the best to become the best” - I like that.
Also, reviewing the games could help - have a tracker and “replay” the games to spot mistakes.

I wonder if having ranks would be enough - not using MMR at all. The problem with the current system is that the rankings reset, so there has to be a way to match players somehow -> MMR.

The current system is a bit odd as you can play players who are in a completely different league and sometimes a lot higher up.

In some ways it seems pointless to have the leagues/divisions as we play people outside the league/division that we are in.

I would like to see that we are matched by mmr against players in our current league/division.

An example was that I was d3 and played against a legend rank player as we friended after the game so I could see the rank. I say friended, but he/she hurled a load of abuse at me and then unfriended.

To be fair, it’s difficult to get the balance right but a lot of people complain about the current system because they feel they are being matched unfairly. I think this could be addressed by changing the system slightly to what I suggested above. It would seem fairer, people would still fly through the leagues/divisions until they were matched against their own ability levels.

the rank you play does not define your MMR, and the MMR does not define the rank you play, it helps the system to find a player with equal skill level, so if you meet someone from a higher rank, that just tells you, that you are in that skill level. you just need to learn how to avoid the small miss plays that is preventing you from climbing, deck tracker can help you alot, you can replay your games and find your mistakes, the system aint broken, i just dont think you understand the system.

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I’m not saying the system is broken, I just don’t agree with playing players at a different rank. I am not the only one either.

In my opinion the old ranking systems better, we were matched against players in our same rank, maybe 1 higher or lower but always the same rank. Plus we could see the rank of our opponents, this is always good to know.

Blizzard won’t change it I know this, we are stuck with it for now and I accept it, personally think it could be done better.

the difference between the old and new system is that you cant exploid the new system like you could with the old, you could still end up playing against higher ranked players, like i said, MMR has nothing to to with your rank nor the rank you play against. how can you even say the old system was better when you dont understand neither the old nor the new?

What do you mean I don’t understand the old and the new?

Old system- we were matched against someone who was the same rank or one rank below or one level higher. Never more then that.

New system- we are matched against players with a similar win loss ratio, rank doesn’t matter.

It’s not hard to understand. Please correct me if I am wrong.

My point is I don’t agree with the new system. I prefer playing against players at the same rank. Using MMR means we can play anyone at any rank.

well thats not how the system worked before, it worked simular to what we have now, the difference is that you can’t exploid it by conceding games to lower your MMR to then rush to 200+ cause of a bug. You have always been fighting against players with a simular win / loss ratio as your own, i remember this vid of a guy playing against a rank 25 chicken when he was legend, so theres nothing new under the sun, MMR makes you battle against players at YOUR level, no matter what rank they are.

Yes when you get to Legend it goes on mmr, old and new. I have also seen the video in which a legend player played against a rank 25 noob player.

I am referring to the ladder climbing. The old system you would never be matched against some more then 1 rank higher or lower, if my memory serves me.

thats just not true bud, i remember a climb i did, i was rank 16 and was matched with a rank 100+ legend, and like i said i just came back after a 3 years+ break, so that was during the old system. i used to be frustrated aswell, but i quickly learned how and why it happend, then i stopped letting it get to me, and i started to hit legend every season. play every game as if it will be your last.

Yeah I’m probably not remembering correctly.

Anyway, it is what it is until Hearthstone Devs decide otherwise.

I usually hit legend but don’t try to push high legend as I like to make crazy decks and experiment.

When climbing only certain decks seem to do well. This month it was zoolock that broke me through.

and thats exactly how people should play the game imo, it’s a game, we play them for fun, so make the most of it and make people go wtf while doing so, best advice is build your decks yourself, then you know why you got that card in your deck and what you want to use it for, ofc meta decks help climbing, but if you dont really know why the cards are in the deck it wont really get you far anyway, so just have fun with the game, at some point you can push for high legend due to the knowledge you’ve gained having fun

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I dunno, I mean it was definitely easier for me to crush the newer players at the end of each month on the old system where I was artificially lower than I should be, but I never really thought of it as “fair”.

Which do you prefer, old or new?

I like elements of both so would like to see a hybrid of the two, probably too complicated.

I’d like to see the return of being able to see ranks, and only be matched against players in the same league using mmr to match.

I suppose it doesn’t matter much as like someone said earlier, to be the best play the best or something like that. I jus wish the best would stop playing aggro against my mage builds lol