Algorithm behind game to force you to lose

might be Ixnay, i usally hit legend the first day or second, so dont know how the climb looks at the end of the season tbh

can’t you see your oppossitions rank Jaguarpaw? that must be a bug cause i see them.
i’m with you on the hybrid part, but i think it’s about time they give a good shake and fresh things up, but they said this will be a big year for hearthstone with big changes comming, so lets hope for the best :slight_smile:

Only when I get to legend can I see rank.

They took out the feature to see opponents rank when they implemented new system.

Edit - really looking forward to seeing the changes. Just hope they are good lol

i didnt even notice that, i will keep an eye out for that next seasons climb

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You must climb really fast the lol

What decks do you use?

I used to meme to 15 :laughing:
Start of each month the decent players were still low down the ranks so I used to play in casual and then switch to ranked maybe halfway through the month and easily make it to 15 (usually a brick wall for getting above 14 with such bad decks).

I guess I prefer the new system but to be honest my take has always been that I don’t care who my opponent is, let alone their rank.

I do still rock my legend card back to get a few intimidation concedes here and there :laughing:

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atm i play alot of hunter, when i get bored i play some pala or some other control kinda deck, but hunter has done me good so far :slight_smile:

i remember i did a session where i climbed on the US svr using only the cards i got for free, i dont think that would be possible today though lol

Definitely not, although some of the best decks are quite cheap which is frustrating.

My Higjlander mage is about 18000 dust and a face Hunter will demolish it for a fraction of the cost. That’s why is switch decks at D5 to help the climb to legend.

yea, i know how you feel, i’ve taken my parts of mages so far lol, i dont play face hunter though, im the HL type of guy, i like to play decks that makes you think about the plays you do.

I do not know, I just find no joy in playing ranked. I guess I will never hit legend :slight_smile: I feel it to be too “grindy”. Maybe, I am just not skilled enough to get up the ranks… The highest I got was like Diamond 3 or so in Wild, but what a bore! And Standard becomes tedious in Platinum ranks already…

I love going for legend, that’s my goal each month in the game. I like the challenge.

This month was the hardest I’ve had for a long time. Got to D1 about 9 times and then would have massive losing streak.

Eventually got through though, kept plugging away.

yea, if you don’t enjoy it i feel you, i like the competition so for me it’s not that bad, i hit legend in around 6-7 hours, and often the climb is more fun than actually hitting legend, imo. when hitting legend you will pretty much only face hardcore meta decks, but on the climb you meet all kinds of decks.

I enjoy all Highlander decks. I dusted Bran though as he is rotating so don’t play HL Hunter now.

yea, i just came back, i didnt look into the meta or nothing i just build the deck i thought looked the most fun, and then i was told my deck will rotate out in early april. lol but well, i still have it for a few month so im good with it :slight_smile:

Well, that is one of the reasons I like Wild more - I do not have to care about rotations :slight_smile: I just finetune the decks I have when a new expansion arrives :slight_smile:
I enjoy playing custom decks more than netdecks, but the problem is that in addition to sucking at playing, I suck at deck building too :slight_smile:

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i was never really into the wild ladder, i’ve tried it once, but i got bored pretty fast, everyone was playing the same decks, so i just went back to the meta lol

Oh, and on the deck building, my advice is, learn the meta, theres a site that tracks the decks that are played the most right now, then build a deck that counter top 3 on that list, then you will soon be crushing on the deck building

Thanks for the advice. What I do is trying to tweak the deck according to the results I get at my position: I check my replays in HSReplay, see which classes I face the most and what is the winrate against them, but somehow, that usually leads to crafting a deck I do not like playing :slight_smile: I’m a lost cause :slight_smile:

i feel you, the meta is kinda stuck atm, that what i mean when i say it needs a good shake, its very hard to build those wtf decks like we used to in the new days of hs, thats why i most play these midrange decks, these reminds me the most of the old days lol