Battlegrounds is unplayable, keeps disconnecting And please don’t tell me to check my internet connection, it’s not the issue… I really hope bugfix is coming in soon, because this just sucks!
Can confirm its not your internet. I keep DC’ing every 3min
That’s actually not bad, for me it’s every 20secs… Sometimes not even that, I can’t make a single move most of the time!
I think I was hasty, now it DC’s everytime a fight starts and during purchase phase
same here to unplayable after todayes patch
first game went OK, then I lost 2 because of disconnection, it resumed a few times and then disconnected totally…rip my wonderfull score…
edit: gonna read a book, play again tomorrow, good luck there IT team
Europe, can confirm. Seems better now. Lost 1 match, at least got into the first four I believe.
Edit: no, still unplayable. 3-5s lag per action atm and disconnections. But it’s fine you know, given Hearthstone comes from an Indie studio just starting and do not monetise much stuff. We can always blame Unity.
same here to unplayable, europe, keep DC’ing every 10secs, the funny fact is that I wasn’t eighth, there were three more unlucky guys disconnect, and they were out earlier than me
Same DCing every 30 secs or so and it is not my internet, then the game just goes to not responding.
Edit: gone from 30 secs to every 10,
Geting disconectd at d start of evry round in battlegrounds.Microsoft and blizard keeping d trend of releasing late apha bilds its not surprising at all
Completely unplayable. Selling/buying minions is extremely laggy, sometimes disconnects. On battles - every time i disconnect, i haven’t witnessed a single battle so far. Placed 8th and 1st … for 2 games i was able to play.
How can you still have a job at Blizzard for doing such a sh—y job. Another update, the game is unplayable again! For the money you charge for this cluster----k, it should not crash every 30 seconds!
I could possibly understand it if there was a new mechanic, but they’ve done buddies before. This is not a new system so there should be no excuses for the game being such a mess.
It disconnects at the end of the tavern timer, and recconects back after the combat phase. The combat is absolutely and completely broken. The game is now a lottary, as you have no idea what minions your opponents have.
@blizzard your game is unplayable, fix your servers. How is this possible for company with this much resources to release product in this state
Same issue - keeps disconnecting and the game is lagging so much it’s unplayable
D3 is lagging , HS keeps disconnecting, lagging and skipping turns then client crashes … Great quality of services
Good job blizzard again! Game totaly unplayable
And radio silence from Blizzard. Imagine the lag when D4 launches when they can’t even make the servers for a card game to work.
Seems to be fixed now. played 2 rounds with 0 DC’s