Dalaran Heist Still not working

Hey there,
I can’t play the new solo adventure since yesterday.
There is always the same Error: “There was an error starting your game. Please wait a few minutes and try again” Yeah, 15 hours later it still doesn’t work. I paid 20€ for that.

same problem here…in any game mode :sob:

i keep getting the same problem with the single player content and i have tried uninstalling and reinstalling and that doesn’t work so don’t waste your time with trying it.
can we please get a fix soon otherwise i want a refund on my £20 purchase

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Hi guys,

Our Hearthstone team is investigating the cause of this error but I’m afraid we don’t have a workaround just yet. We’ll update the thread should we have more information to share.

Thanks for your patience!

Feedback? https://www.surveymonkey.com/s/Vyraneer


Well thanks for the anwser but im not rly happy with that, but i guess it happens.
Thanks, atleast i know that your doing something :slight_smile:

i have the same problem but in heroic mode all my friends started it and i cant play it it says please wait a few minutes and try again

Having the same Problem here. Beautiful 1/0 Boss and black background.

Same here also. 1/0 Challenge.

Not very good considering it seems most of us with the problem seem to have paid money for it…


Well I rly hope that we get some kind of refund… after all its been 27 hours (for me atleast) and 20€. I know that something like this can happen, but this isn’t the first solo adventure. I’m really pissed.


same here, the normal mode works fine but the heroic mode is completely bugged, i can’t start a new run and i can’t finish the current one even if concede it just restarts to the first boss, also i can’t select cards or treasures thus i can’t kill the last boss, and when i loose it restarts… i don’t get it…

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Did you force developers to work during weekends :persevere::frowning_face: ?
This is what is happening when someone decide to deploy on Thursday night. Next time try Friday, it is even better time for deploy ;).

I don’t get it what kind of refunds do you expect guys. If you want refunds, go and ask it at support page to return your money. If you want a compensation it is something else, but to be honest I am not pretty sure that it is that big deal if it is delayed with few days.

Nothing is delayed. Its literally out. BUT not EVERYONE can play it because its bugged BUT we also paid money for it so IT SHOULD WORK. AND it never happend before so why should it now ? And its literally their job to fix bugs… who cares what day it is ?

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its mostly the fact that the dev team were so vague about whats being done and its was only acknowledged after people said they wanted refunds

Blizzard fix your damn solo adventure , i payed 20 euro for the heist of dalaran and i m not able to play it because of the stupid bug , where i m stack at the first boss on normal and cant press the start button also i cant see my hero only his passive so pls fix your game or refound the money back . I find it stupid to pay 20 euro and not be able to play the game.

Same problem here. Was able to complete the first adventure round. On the second Im stuck on boss number one with a black screen behind it. Got the same message as you guys.

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Exact same situation here…

£18 for nothing.

Same problem here, I payed 20€ for the whole adventure and heroic doesn’t work.

Same for me, waiting for fix

I wonder if we are going to receive some sort of compensation for this. The weekend is almost over and still no news on when this is going to be fixed.

Same here. I hope Blizzard is going to fix it soon.