Title… I’ve been trying to login for 45 minutes and got this error every single time…
I tried running the repair tool,refreshed my IP,cleaned my DNS cache,restarted the app,tried to login into a different server and cleaned Battle.net cache but nothing worked…
My internet connection is working fine and I logged in Americas region without issues…
Edit: It’s been almost a month since I wrote this post and I’m still having issues… At some point I even opened a support ticket and they told me to update my GPU drivers (I already had the latest ones installed and it didn’t help),told me to disable my AV which didn’t help either and also to get a cabled connection because apparently Wi-fi (which,by the way, has been working flawlessly for the last 5 years or so) is not supported…
The latest patch seems to have alleviated the issues a bit (at least now I sometimes manage to get past the loading screen) but even when I manage to get in I keep getting “Disconnected etc…” after almost every game and also “You’re offline etc…”,also the Play button is sometimes greyed out…
It’s incredibly frustrating,especially with the new expansion releasing in a couple of weeks,and I would really love to have some kind of answer,especially because I’m not the only one who’s having problems and the issues seem to be just on EU…
Edit2: I read the Blue post and changed my password it didn’t help… I also checked the proxy server thing and that didn’t help either… I even contacted my ISP to make sure there weren’t problems with my connection and they said everything was fine expect for some speed issues due to Quarantine but nothing bad to the point of making the game unplayable (and also it’s not like I have problems with other platforms,Steam for example,works just fine)…
It’s been over a month and I think what I want the most now it’s just that someone tells me that this is an actual problem and that there’s people working to resolve it…
For the time being I’m using a VPN and that seems to make things a bit more bearable but I’d love to have updates on the situation…
Edit3: I uninstalled some runtimes (Visual C++ 2012/2013/2008) and that seems to have helped with logging in (now I don’t get “Closed you were disconnected” as often as before though it still happens from time to time) but I keep getting “Game completed and recorded” after almost every game,also Battle.net goes offline randomly…
This thread has been up for almost 2 months and all we’ve got as Blizzard response was some links to support articles I suppose everyone who has posted here had gone through already…
I’m not expecting this to get fixed straight away but at least having some updates on the issue would be nice…
Edit 4: Thanks to @Skimmer and @Helix for their suggestions but unfortunately neither of those worked for me,while I can log in most of the times I still get disconnected after almost every game…
As I said before I hope that any Blizzard staff reading this can give me (and all the other people in this thread) any kind of information on the issue…